I SAID GET BACK UP // thunderclan dawn patrol

// @BURNSTORM ! @EVERGREENBLOOM. @skypaw Feel free to post before them!

A light rain has begun to fall by the time they're halfway through with the border with the pine forest. It mists the tabby's fur, until she feels weighed down by the dampness and gives her pelt an uncomfortable shake. With ears folded back, she casts a glance back at her kin and Evergreenbloom, making sure they're doing alright. "We'll be fast, I promise," She assures them, knowing that no cat, except for maybe RiverClan, wants to be out in this. The ground is already soaking, causing each step to gain more and more mud on furry paws. She'll have to spend a good chunk of time grooming once she's back in her den, that's for sure. "Skypaw," She chirps, deciding to go ahead and test her apprentice. "What kind of warrior does SkyClan have that no other clan has?" She eyes him, stifling an exhausted yawn.
Blazestar is irritable this morning. The light, weak morning sun is enough to send claws through both of his eyes; his head pounds with every pawstep he takes. What’s worse, the gentle dawn fog that mists the forest clings to his thick cream-colored pelt. He winces as a step takes him into a particularly slippery patch of muddied pine needles. “This is the worst kind of weather for a patrol,” he grumbles to whoever is behind him, his tail flicking with frustration. He can scent ThunderClan, which dampens his mood further.

Howlingstar herself leads a procession of cats—one young warrior he does not recognize, and two of his sons. Blazestar looks warily at Burnstorm, then Skypaw. “Hello, ThunderClan.” Despite his foul mood, he opts for a polite smile. “I see you’re enjoying the weather as much as we are this morning.” His older son is hulking now, his thick pelt and shape a mimicry of his father’s. Had he been cream instead of jet-black, they’d likely be mirror images. Skypaw, on the other hand, resembles his sister Howlfire, all patched with an assortment of stripes and fur colors.

  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

It is lucky he thinks that his pelt is so thick. The light rain that pelts all of them takes longer to soak through his fur than the others. He does not mind it, really, so when Howlingstar turns back to look at him and Evergreenbloom to inform them that she would try and make this patrol fast he just grunts in reply. It was understandable why they would want to get out of the rain, and if they returned to camp sooner than expected he would just turn around and head right back out to hunt. With so many cats ill someone needed to go and put prey in the pile. Most of the creatures of the forest would more than likely be in their dens sleeping but he’s sure to find something and something is much better than nothing.

When they get to the border, he pushes his way through the undergrowth in order to come and rub against a tree, listening to Howlingstar instruct Skypaw while one cheek passes along rough bark. It is a familiar voice that commands his attention, drawing his gaze to the pines and onto a familiar golden colored figure. His father. Yellow eyes narrow and he does not return the smile in greeting, instead his features stay impassive, neutral. "The weathers alright" he says with a small shrug of his shoulders. Honestly he couldn’t care. The feeling of mud between his toes did bother him but when he thinks back to green-leaf and how miserable he had been in the heat and the dust he doesn’t mind so much.

Sparrowsong had never been much for a chill. Between the light rain and the misty morning they felt too damp to properly bush out their fur, and the small tabby opted for a shiver. Somewhat shamelessly they stuck close to Blazestar on this patrol, if only to try and keep warm. He seemed to be in a poor mood, themself opting to keep quiet out of respect for it. Not every morning could be a good one, they knew.

A yawn turned to a hum of agreement at their leader's grumbling complaint, nodding once their jaws clicked shut. While the chill soaking into them was hardly pleasant, the mud wasn't any better. They would be nibbling on their claws afterward for quite a while, of that they were sure.

Despite the heavy air, Sparrowsong can scent the edge of a ThunderClan patrol, their ears pricking and head raising just a bit higher. Sure enough, ahead of them a patrol trudged by, headed by Howlingstar herself. Blazestar beat them to the greeting, but they raised their tail high all the same, smile small but present.


Today's weather was certainly dreary and wet, the only way he could describe it. Clinging to his haphazard pelt and weighing him down every step. It wasn't the best kind of weather but it reminded him a lot of the alleys. However, the major difference was the quality of air and fresh scents.

Sighing inwardly, they glanced off to the edge of the pines, where they met Thunderclan's forest, and the ex-loner caught heavy wafts of their leafy scent. Unsurprisingly, a patrol awaited their arrival along the border, and they appeared equally as miserable.

Trotting after the pale form of Blazestar, their own white and cinnamon pelt stood out against the evergreens. One blue eye stared intently as he gave a half-hearted greeting with a nod. Much like Sparrowsong the bedraggled feline stayed near the leader but on the opposite side.

Talking wasn't their strong point, but for the sake of maintaining temperaments, he would give it a try. Once the Thunderclanner finished his retort, Dog softly cleared their throat and drawled out a low meow. "Greetings. Aside from the nasty weather, how are you all?" He knew it was a general question, but he hoped the neutral tone could spur a good conversation.

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    ✧ 27 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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So much for a good day. Skypaw wasn't one for continued optimism - though he had his healthy helpings now and again, his personality and life as of late hasn't provided him much positivity. Just this morning he had tried to tell himself all would be fine - and then the air became muggy and it started to rain. In due time, too, would SkyClanners find them and greet them casually.

The mottled tom tilts his gaze up towards his grandmother, ears pricked as she pitches him a question. "Their kittypet warriors?" He asks firstly, just to clarify what she means to ask. After a beat, however, he tries to recover by adding, "I think they're called... Sunlight Warriors -" Scaleclaw was never great with teaching him terminology, though surely Howlingstar would fix that for him, "- because they are only out when the sun is?" Regardless, his reasoning feels sound to him.

And just as he suspects, SkyClanners find and greet them, also bogged by the fog and mist. His gaze fits itself onto Blazestar for a few moments, however when the tom looks towards him, too, he looks away. He mimics his brother's nonchalance as best he can, already knowing how his hidden temper has gotten him in too warm of water before.​
Thunderclan. He's been at the gathering before, his mind flashes to a particularly mean black tom that blamed him for bumping into them when the older tom was the one who had bumped into him. He swears that when he meets that tom again he'll give him a piece of his mind for such disrespect. In any case that tom left him with one piece of information. Scent. Riverclan he learned smelt particularly odd. It was strong, or maybe it was because that had been his first time taking in so many different scents. Thunderclan was funny. Their scent was more subtle, but what was funny was the fact that their scents were similar to that of Skyclan's. The tom that so rudely bumped into his and insulted him had to have come from Windclan.

Frankly, Crowpaw knows not what to say. There's too many grown ups here, which means that this is obviously a grown up thing. Hearing Blazestar talk about the weather and how Thunderclan is enjoying it as much as them causes him to twitch his eye in annoyance. Horrible. Today bad. No one happy. A massive black tom answers, saying that the weather is alright. Crowpaw can't help but question whether or not he was still sick or everyone around him were liars. It is Dog, who finally. Finally tells the truth and Crowpaw has half a mind to whoop in the air at this admittance.

Unfortunately that is something he can not do. As much as he didn't want to interrupt the grownups talking, it was boring to just stand and listen to them talk about weather. Hazel eyes find interest in another tom who is smaller than the rest of Thunderclan cats. Apprentice? Oblivious to the tension in the air or what's acceptable he stares at Skypaw. "You." Whoa okay there, maybe don't start off trying to initiate a conversation with just a you. It could be taken the wrong way for crying out loud! "Name? Mine Crowpaw."
Howlingstar nods with a soft chuckle. "Very close. Daylight warriors. Kittypets who come to their territory when the sun is out and go back to their twoleg nests when it sets." Inwardly, she scoffs at such a concept. How can a cat that wants to live half their life as a kittypet ever be a clan warrior? She couldn't imagine allowing such a thing in ThunderClan.

When Blazestar and his patrol arrive, she regards them with a polite nod. Burnstorm's reply is short, a seemingly purposeful opposite to what his father says, and she glances to him to spot narrowed eyes and a lack of any expression. "We are making do," She opts to mew afterwards, returning a smile back to the SkyClan leader. Her gaze flicks to a cat she does not recognize, one with messy fur and tattered ears and she remains just as respectful while addressing them. "Well, we're faring the best we can right now. Missing many of our friends, as I'm sure you all are, too." Her expression morphs into something somber.

She can only prick her ears a bit when a young apprentice speaks to Skypaw, his words broken and odd. She can't help but quirk a brow, wondering why he struggles to speak, but she knows better than to say anything.

She has never seen a clan leader other than Blazestar before. It didn't take Hazelbeam quick to realize that he was big but he was mostly a giant softie, a real nice cat who just happened to be strangely massive compared to most other cats. She was almost certain she could take Blazestar in a fight really, she was fiesty enough for it and very quick - she'd dance circles around him with ease most likely. But this black tabby at the border commanded a different sort of respect than her own leader did. Blazestar was the sort of leader you followed because you wanted to, he was kind and he cared and she admired him.
But Howlingstar looked a lot different, she commanded the same respect but it was with an authority that was admirable, in every step she took and every turn of her head there was a regal majesty that the daylight warrior could not help but stare at. When she imagined the wild cats back before joining so many moons ago, Howlingstar would have been what she expected initially and not the soft features of Blazestar or the oddly friendly demeanor of Bobbie.
She was quite distinguished and the black and blue chimera felt the insides of her ears burning when she realized she was staring.

What snapped her out of it was Crowpaw who spoke like he...didn't know how words worked. An apprentice-aged cat referring to themselves in the third person and yammering about like a fool. In front of Howlingstar's patrol. How embarrassing. She makes it a point to scoot away from him and shake her head before raising her head up to address the leader with a cheerful smile, "Exactly as she said! We're called Daylight Warriors, I'm one of'em! I'm Hazelbeam, it's nice to meet you ThunderClan. I don't think I've come across one of your patrols before."
Skypaw lets out a chuff of acknowledgement towards his mentor's lesson. Daylight, a minor correction, sure, but a correction nonetheless. The tom is sure to commit that to memory, though he honestly couldn't care less about the SkyClanners before them. He pays little attention as the leaders begin discussing their journeying cats, amber eyes flitting towards Burnstorm as he thinks of their mother. Skypaw has tried to not think on her so hard, however the lack of her presence is far too noticeable to the little momma's boy.

One of the smaller cats on the other side single him out. Crowpaw, he calls himself, his cadence... odd. Skypaw withholds a grimace and makes his attempts at being cordial, "Skypaw," unfortunately, "It's... uh, nice to meet you." What else is he to do on the border? Discuss hunting techniques? Yeah, no. A monotone colored feline nearly bounces over, fortunately or otherwise distracting him from his walled conversation with Crowpaw - only to further explain the kittypet-warrior concept. The femme herself is one of them, and for a moment Skypaw wonders if he should be amazed. A live lesson, teetering on her paws just before him. Instead he lets out another chuff. If he hasn't anything good to say, then nothing at all should work just fine.​
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