Ferngill was trying so hard to keep smiling. It was what Mudpelt wanted, surely- but it was difficult not to let his mind stray back, not to hear his father's final words in his mind. There was company he sought, but... recently, he'd felt like he couldn't really talk to her properly, couldn't seek her support in the way he always had. Not until his heart stopped thumping whenever she looked at him, not until he could stop thinking about the sun that flared beneath his pelt whenever he saw her.

It was a deeply confusing mix of emotions- on one side, a sadness that had slowed him, and on the other a happiness that made him want to do everything better. But- the latter, at least, he had to choke down. No part of him wanted to rip apart the friendship that he and Sablemist had built. And- and he didn't think he could handle the idea of rejection, the very-possible-possibility of it. Seeing a gleam of distaste in her eye... even if it wasn't guaranteed... no, no, it'd break him.

Fishing it was, then. But time had stretched on and not a single fish lay at Ferngill's paws as he stared at himself in the shifting reflection. To make it even worse, whenever he lifted his gaze, sat across the riverbank were two blue flowers that he also kept staring at. Like a pair of eyes, watching him, making him think of her. And he was thinking of her a lot lately... he felt her breath on his face in the breeze, thought of her pelt in the night-painted sky, and... her eyes like two petals, so so so close to his, making him shudder with anticipation and burn with want.

Ferngill's face crumpled into one of frustration, and he squeezed his eyes tight, trying to rid himself of this neverending yearning. It only lent itself to a different sort of yearning, though... a striving want to talk to his dad about this. But he couldn't. "I can't fish here," Ferngill admitted aloud, uncharacteristically bitter as he snapped his gaze away from the twin blooms of blue across the river, ensuring the ghost of Sablemist's touch still lingered right in front of his nose.
penned by pin

Loss had made her quiet during her fishing, gazing bitterly down the river without a word to the patrol. Catches she had made but as she lifted her head she noticed Ferngill had faltered, spitting of tone that was rare to muster from him. She understood, the feline was going through a lot. Atleast, that was what she thought it was. Love interest she hadn't quite picked up yet, from what she could understand she believed it came from his loss and the closing date of his sister's kits. The spark between Sablemist and Ferngill was of unknown to the molly, as she had kept her nose in her own business unless an action of such came to blossom.

Petalnose looked to the Tom and left her spot to approach him, looking down at the river spot to see what had been wrong. Nothing. She'd have no trouble fishing here. Certainly, this was of emotional measures. "We can trade spots, Ferngill." She offered, flicking her tail in direction of her spot to her young friend. "Something on your mind?" The lead hummed in a quieter tone, a deep frown pulling at her maw of suspicion.


Call it fortune, or perhaps misfortune, that Robinheart’s yearning stage had lasted for only a breath of time - a blip in her mind before manifesting truth at the insistence of another. She knows herself to be clumsy with love, to want and to hold and to cherish, but wary to fumble her fragile beating organ. Lucky for the tortie her heart rests in the steady paws of Brookstorm, a molly hewn from stone itself; sturdy and unyielding in stature and adoration. At least in Robinheart’s eyes, though honeymoon phase blushes her world in hues of rose.

She knows not Ferngill’s plight with his heart, at least not with the love in his heart. Like Petalnose, Robinheart assumes her fiery friend’s troubles lie in grief. To lose a father… she will never know that feeling. But if she equates it to imagining losing Apricotflower then Robinheart can try to understand Ferngill’s pain. It would be debilitating. The one you’ve gone to for advice and care, the one who cleaned your scrapes from playing too rough as a kitten and shooed away the nightmares of your youth, gone in the blink of an eye. One cannot and should not recover so quickly from that.

The tortie flicks her ears in the lead warriors direction and raises bright eyes to study their interaction. Distraction lay heavy on her own mind, evident by the one meager fish she had swiped from the river, so giving herself something else to focus on briefly was a welcomed reprieve. ”If you don’t want to fish alone I could always use some tips from a professional fisher,” Robinheart adds with a soft reassuring smile. Perhaps Ferngill will take Petalnose up on the offer to trade spots, but if he simply needed a friend to take his mind off of everything (plus the pressure to supply food for the clan) then Robinheart didn’t mind offering herself as a means of company. That’s what friends are for after all.
[ penned by kerms ]