No longer does she have to dip her muzzle to nudge her younger litter along, Doeblaze notes with a rueful mixture of humor and sadness. The trio of apprentices have filled out with age ( stars, it feels like just yesterday they were squirming, nameless, at her flank ) and if they don't stand at her level, they stand above it, much like her older three, who've long outpaced her. A pawful of rosy - hued wildflowers rests solidly between her white jaws, drawing out the occasional sneeze as they trek to the graveyard. It's a journey she's used to making in a repentant, almost holy silence, and it's strange to have it disrupted by three other sets of paws and mews—strange, but not unwelcome.

" Here we are, " she murmurs around her bundle as they step over the imagined threshold, her voice cracking with an emotion she can't seem to place anywhere but searingly in the center of her chest. It sits there, a restless and shifting weight, as they weave through the other quiet graves to one particular spot—though any marker it bears is long buried beneath the onslaught of curling - petaled flowers resting squarely atop it. Faith alone assures the children that their father's bones lie here, for the only distinctive quality is the one that obscures any others—the sheer number of tributes layered atop one another in a mouldering pile.

" This is where he's buried, but I assume you knew that, " she says quietly, almost prayerfully. She's startled to find that though tension spreads tightly out from her sternum, it does not break solidly down the middle—she does not immediately crumple into a useless bundle of limbs. What's done is done has been a repeated mantra for a long time, so long she's shocked by its efficacy, by the steadiness of her taut rasp.

" I— " her voice dips and bobs as a lost toy boat, and for a moment she thinks she's been betrayed—but no, she continues on with some effort, " I come here each morning, if I can. Hence the— " she gestures with one paw to the tiny mountain of flowers. " You're welcome to join me, but that seems a little early for you three, " she remarks, and is doubly surprised by the near - levity in her tone.

Splotchy limbs carry the boy forth through an unknown patch of woodland; the air here is heavy with something that Lionpaw cannot put his paw on. It is not a somberness but almost as if he were being watched from all around, like the souls of the dead were hovering above their graves perched atop small clouds and murmuring amongst themselves about what they saw. There are many buried in this grove, most of whom Lionpaw had never met, but it is awe-inspiring to know that many great warriors and names of legend rested under these grounds.

One such grave, which was highly decorated, was his father's. The chocolate torbie point had always desired to pay a proper visit to the former leader's burial place, and now that he was old enough, he knew that he was ready to mentally process the weight of what he was seeing and feeling emotionally. Well, at least he liked to think so. Death was not a new concept to the apprentice, but being able to pay respects to a physical marker of a deceased clanmate's remains made it feel much more real.

Blue eyes observe the mound, freshly dug soil long hardened and absorbed back into the earth as if it had never been disturbed in the first place; almost as if Blazestar's body had always been connected to nature itself. It had returned back into the ground and his spirit had ascended to the stars. Sometimes it's difficult to imagine that Blazestar had even lived at all; Lionpaw mourns that he couldn't even have as much as a single early memory of his father.

Lionpaw's gaze does not leave the site for a long while, as words do not embark from his tongue either. Would you be proud of me, if you were here? The apprentice cannot help but wonder gloomily. It is a question that the point has never stopped asking... and would likely never get an answer to. The tom swallows over a growing lump in his throat, an unexpected force gripping him and threatening to overtake his emotions.

Taking a deep breath, momentarily centering himself, the chocolate torbie murmurs toward Doeblaze, "I'd-" His voice quivers, if only for a moment. Lionpaw stubbornly gulps, blinking and forcing incoming tears to dam themselves behind his eyelids. If Mama could be strong, then he could be, too. There was no use in for crying tears over someone who he'd never even met, right? Blazestar was long dead and SkyClan had to move forward. Doeblaze wears her grief quietly, if even at all. Lionpaw can't exactly tell, to be truthful. "I'd... be glad to." He says with a small nod, subconsciously yearning to be closer to his mother even if the only means of doing so was visiting his father's grave every morning.

  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is seven moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt.