pafp i saw you standing there // staring

siltpaw | 08 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold color
It is rare that Siltpaw raises her gaze from its focus upon the ground. There is rarely any need to, even less any want to. Things others do so naturally such as eye contact leaves her overwhelmed and uncomfortable, so unless she is seeking out he prey or taking a quick glance to check another's emotions, they rarely leave the dirt beneath her paws. Today however, her gaze is not only turned upwards but settled upon another's, dull green meeting glittering blue-pink. For a moment, she simply sits there in the center of camp, unblinking - there is something almost mesmerizing about them after all, her fascination overwhelming any sense of shame or anxiety that would normally writhe and wriggle uncomfortably within her belly.

'I think they're nice,' an echo of a memory enters her mind. She's older now - so is he, in fact - and yet the sentiment remains the same. There are so few things in life that Silt has felt an appreciation for, a fascination with - Poppypaws vibrancy, Loampaws oddly comfortable presence, Granitepaws unerring ability to express the emotions Siltpaw could never admit to. The taste of of the air after it's rained, the sounds of the birds fluttering through the trees, the light of the moon against untouched snow. And ghostpaws eyes. She's still never seen anything like them, even now - and they continue to catch her attention. Perhaps, she thinks absently, she likes shiny things.

// please wait for @GHOSTPAW - just two weirdos staring at eachother

Siltpaw's looking at him.

And he wonders, had he done something? Messed something up? Done something good? He doesn't think he's done anything out of the ordinary lately. He's full-grown. Has been for awhile. Same amount of toes... Same shade of fur. Did his eyes bulge more than usual? He should see. He should look back...

He'll need something to do... something to say. Like... well, your eyes are just as funny, but Siltpaw's eyes or only pretty and green. There was nothing bad he could say about them... He should be flattered to look at them, and for so long... She didn't like to lift her eyes skyward, he doesn't think. This is special, then.

What will he say... when it's time to say something?

If someone had paid attention to the long awkward stare competition between the two it was Beetlepaw who not was lurking around far away from both of them. At first he hadn't paid attention just noticing the two staring at one another but then contunie with his own business which was just to be sad and miserable. Nothing all too exciting happening in his life. Not really. All he ever did was wish for silverpelt to appear on the sky because then he knew the day was over and he could finally sleep. A new day would arrive in a couple hours and the cycle would contunie there he just longed for the day to come to an end.

It was the second time he looked up though that Beetlepaw noticed the two still was staring at each other without one word spoken. It was now that the thought crossed his mind. Was this normal? for cats to stare at each other like this?. Was this some sort of hidden social clue he didn't understand about?. Wouldn't be the first if so...he never seemed to get it and he was convinced he never would. Beetlepaw would never belong in that world full of colors and sunny days. He was stuck to feel this way forever, or so he thought.

Before knowing it....Beetlepaw ended up doing the exact same thing. Not realising that he too was staring at both of them with jaded unblinking eyes trying to desperately understand what they where doing. Two had become three....and the cycle contunied without even one word being spoken.


they didn't like to stare, though they often were stared at. who could blame anyone? the deputy was notorious for being a bit of a puzzle. a mystery. like a rubics cube with misplaced colors, and just about impossible to solve. they were used to it. they ignored it. but they never stared at anything or anyone. not... on purpose at least. sometimes they spaced out and couldn't help but stare. licking the inside of their front limb, their ears twitched before they stood, raising a brow at the two creepy apprentices who stared at each other neither saying anything.

"y'all just gonna keep staring or will you talk to each other? maybe spare, or even weave nests together? something at least."

chilledgaze blinked slowly, awaiting some sort of response. they sat down, curling their tail over their paws. apprentices were so damned weird.
siltpaw | 09 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold color
She is startled from her musings not by ghostpaw himself but by chilledgaze instead, head turning to look at the deputy with a sharp snap that she can feel down to her bones. Dull green eyes blink once, slowly, drawn out as though not quite believing her eyes, before abruptly turning away in avoidance. She's not sure why they've chosen now of all times to interrupt, a frown twitching and tugging at their lips. Perhaps they have a point though - she risks a glance back at Ghostpaw. "You're eyes. They're still... pretty," is all she says, words simple as she draws them out in her usual stilted manner.

He's made a new friend. Connection between the eyes, maybe. Another pair looking at him. And Ghostpaw felt bad he couldn't look bad, because he was already looking at Siltpaw. It's be rude to stop now, he thinks.

Chilledgaze thinks he should stop, though. So maybe it was the right thing to do. He spares Beetlepaw a glance, before looking to the deputy. Staring isn't enough, they say. Ghostpaw blinks. At the suggestion that they spar, slowly, he shakes his head. "I'm no good..." Again– weaving nests. Ghostpaw shakes his head. "I'm no good..." Now that he thinks about it, he's not so good at talking either.

Siltpaw is better at it than him. He hadn't known they were, to begin with. "...Thank you." Surprised, even if it doesn't show, he replies. "So are yours..." Turning to Beetlepaw, and then Chilledgaze, he'd add. "So are, um, yours...!"