camp I SEE FIRE -- patrol assignments

"C'mere for patrol assignments!"

Too much has happened. Not one, but two missing cats from their own home; the attack on RiverClan from ThunderClan, the most recent Gathering where tensions had boiled over once more. Her mind circles back around to the empty nest next to hers, jaw set firmly so that her Clan doesn't see the way her whiskers tremble. She has to do this, has to keep on like normal. Even if they're exhausted from another unsuccessful night of searching, SkyClan needs a deputy. Brown eyes search out an old friend, an old flame from the crowd; perhaps out of habit, or some other sentimentality.

"@SLATE - take @CLOVERJAW , @Grapejuice , @SNORLAXMOON and @TERMITEPAW to RiverClan." As far as she knows, none of that group have any standing grievances with their neighbours across the water; and just as well, given that SkyClan had all but abandoned their allies in the fight for Blazestar's own sentimentality towards his former mate and his kits. She tries hard not to look at Termitepaw during this assignment; while the nervous molly would be in good paws, she's loathe to send her out at all without her mentor.

"@TWITCHBOLT , you'll be leading @Johnny , @TALLULAHWING , @FIGPAW and @CARDINALSHINE to ThunderClan." Just as she'd allowed Quillstrike to take the lead on a search patrol for Howlpaw, she would allow another new warrior to take this responsibility on. Speaking of unusual choices in responsibility ...

"@WYRM - you're on the Twolegplace patrol. I'll be coming with you; as will @eveningpaw , @QUILLSTRIKE and @HEARTSONG ." This would definitely prove interesting. The least that Orangeblossom could do was send a pawful of less ... eccentric SkyClanners out with Wyrm as a patrol leader.

"@SHRIMPY BOY , @CHESTNUTSPLASH. , @sheepcurl and @GREENPAW . I want you four to ... five, actually, @Auburnflame , you go too - see what prey you can find around Rockpile." This, however, is a more reasonable patrol. Shrimpy Boy has so far proven himself a good and clever SkyClanner, though inexperienced. With the rest of this patrol, they're likely to get some proper hunting done.

"Instead of our normal second hunting patrol, since we've been lucky with our prey so far this newleaf I want to keep that going. @SILVERSMOKE ; I want you to go out with @CHRYSALISPAW , @Dandelionwish , @daisypaw ! and @Bananapaw . Keep away from the borders. Re-hash the basics." She considers, briefly, sending them to the sandy ravine to train; it's a good spot to do so, but far too close to RiverClan for her liking. A part of her mind flickers its way into noticing that she's essentially sent Silversmoke out with four apprentices. "Go nearby Tallpine."

Overall, it's not a group of patrol leaders she might have ordinarily picked. But she's scattered, fragments of thought trailing in different directions in the way that the wind picks up a fire's smoke - and just as she's about to dismiss the crowd, she remembers something that she'd needed to add.

"Coyotepaw's guards will be Auburnflame and Quillstrike." She pauses, hesitates as if she's going to say something, opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, and then seems to decide: "I want to remind everyone that we have missing cats. If you catch a fresh scent of Howlpaw or Ashenclaw then you need to report back immediately. Do not follow the scent unless you can hear or find them calling for help." I won't lose any more Clanmates. Maybe I should talk to Blazestar about a buddy system ...


  • // this thread takes place the day after ashenclaw's disappearance and any related search parties!
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
The guessing game of whether Orangeblossom liked him or not continued to swing like a pendulum as the spotted tabby heard his patrol assignment for the day. His eyes, wrecked with worry for a missing friend, fell upon the two-toned cat as she announced that he was responsible for babysitting three apprentices and a WindClan traitor. His fur bristled with unspoken incredulity, his only solace that he could shepherd the whelps towards the Tallpine as opposed to the Twolegplace. Only the stars could tell if Dandelionwish and Daisypaw were able to climb trees yet, he doubted it, but with newleaf melting the last remnants of snow from the earth, there were bound to be mice or voles they could hunt. 'Re-hash the basics', he repeated mentally, his tufted ears twitching. He was not a teacher, but protest was seldom the maine coon's style, especially with clanmates missing. Perhaps that was a reason why Orangeblossom persisted in giving him the hardest battles. He should be honoured, yet it was difficult to keep his head held high when dealing with his loudmouthed apprentice, a mentorless kittypet, and two untrustworthy cats. A sharp nod was offered, his expression flat in anticipation of what was to come. "Noted, Orangeblossom."


A clear voice cut through the air- a gathering of the patrollers, and dutifully Twitchbolt joined those who listened in. He had been expecting ever more of the same; a regular old border patrol which he was going to be a part. As of late he had gone to RiverClan quite a lot- idly he wondered whether ThunderClan or Twolegplace would be his next destination.

It hat turned out to be a correct prediction- but was accompanied by a shocking revelation, one that made Twitchbolt briefly... twitch with nervousness. He was to lead this patrol. Something he'd never done- never been trusted to do in his life, and if he messed it up he might never do it again. But- but, if he'd been picked then there must be some good in him, right? And- and he'd never been stupid. As an apprentice he'd seen it done enough times that all he really had to do was replicate, right?

An affirmative nod dipped his head, though he did a rough job of hiding his apprehension. "Uh- right, whoever's coming to ThunderClan... over here with me..." He searched for the familiar faces of Tallulahwing, Figpaw, Johnny and Cardinalshine in the crowd- none of them seemed the type to hide from him.
penned by pin ✧
TAGS — Cloverjaw approaches Orangeblossom's call without hesitance. Even with the clan being turned upside down with disappearances, rogues, and the presistently-looming threat of violence, there is a comforting monotony to fulfilling a warrior's duty. The tension still seeps in, of course; these patrols might very well be the ones that find Howlpaw and Ashenclaw. Or their bodies. Clover shoos the thought with a flick of his tail. He has better thoughts to think right now.

An amused smile curls to his lips when Slate is crowned the leader of the RiverClan patrol and Clover is assigned to him. At least he can manage this amount of humor in the face of all the dismay. "Sweet. Lead the way, Slate," the warrior purrs. Though there is a brief flash of uncertainty as he realizes- for the second time -that they're going to RiverClan. Only now does he remember the way SkyClan had withheld their aid so recently. Hopefully there won't be any hard feelings they'll have to confront; he doesn't know that anyone in their patrol would make a good diplomat, himself included. Oh well. He can worry about it when he gets there, right?​


Termitepaw's ears are pricked as she listens to the patrol assignments, worried eyes wide. She's been more distant than usual since the disappearances; first, for the worry over Howlpaw that clawed away at her, then for the loss of direction with her mentor missing. Termitepaw was not often inclined to leave camp without her mentor, and without him there they found themself unsure what to do. She is eager to go out on patrol -- there's a chance, then, that they'll find one of the missing cats, and she clings to that hope. The tensions with RiverClan, their recent request for help, are far from the young molly's mind. She has other things to worry about.

It'll be her first patrol without her mentor.

Termitepaw creeps towards Slate. He's the one she searched with before, she remembers; she wishes Ashenclaw was still here for this patrol as well. He's the only reason she felt comfortable following Slate before. She does not speak as she takes her place by his side, shooting hesitant glances at her patrolmates.


  • //
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png


Usually, there was peace for Quill in the form of aching muscles and sore paws, telltale signs of a long day spent at work patrolling borders, scaling trees, and hunting down prey. It kepts his paws and mind busy despite being used to the routine of it all. Lately, there hadn't been much peace for any of the cats. Skyclanners were missing, Sharpeye had left, Riverclan had been turned away. It left the chimera tense in all the wrong ways, constantly on edge and waiting for the other shoe to drop. They'd find Howlpaw dead, or Riverclan would become yet another clan to watch out for on the borders.

Shit. He was going to have to check on Bannapaw soon too, wasn't he? Sharpeye had been her mentor...

He wasn't far behind at Orangeblossoms call, the Deputys words drawing him forth with eager steps and a lashing tail. Wyrm would head the patrol he was assigned to, and it didn't go over his head that Orangeblossom had assigned herself to the patrol as well- the one heading to the Twolegplace border. Ashenclaw, his thoughts supplied. It was no secret that the two of them were close and that he'd recently gone missing, nor was it a secret that he was once a kittypet. He said nothing about it though as he made his way over to gather where his patrol was forming up. She could do whatever the hell she wanted, so long as it didn't put anyone else at risk.

Absently, mismatched eyes sought out the browen and cream fur of Twitchbolt. He'd been assigned to lead the Thunderclan patrol, and there was a part of the chimera that wistfully wished he could join them. They had been assigned to the patrol Quillstrike had led to the Riverclan border not long ago in search of Howlpaw, but everyone had been high strung and in full out search mode. They hadn't even gotten to talk at all, let alone enjoy it.

Before his thoughts could take him farther into regret, he turned turned back to his group, awaiting to signal to head out.

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several old scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
What a treat this was, to find himself not just on a patrol, but leading one! A treat to him, of course; and he can only imagine it to be a hindrance to most of them there. If he's honest, he can only imagine the molly must be stupid. Or was she testing the waters, considering he wasn't being left unsupervised, or anything. He'd had to a double take to begin with. The fact that she'd considered herselef tagging along with him rather than the other way around. Who knows, even his best guess likely wasn't anywhere close. Clan cats loved to feel all smart with their fancy orders, and the like. "Oho, I know that place!" he announces. "I live there!"

And, man, he doesn't even know half the people she named. More than half, actually; but he's sure they can sniff it out with their super-noses. He kinda knows one of the other guys leading, though, and that's the guy who looked like a breeze could knock him over about 80% of the time, so maybe the standards weren't so high! Not like he cared. "Twolegplace fo-lk! Gather!" Now he sounds all professional.​