- Feb 11, 2024
- 239
- 31
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As she admires the downy kitten fur that Cuckookit carries she had to wonder which of his parents traits he inherited. Some of the kits are developing their own distinct personalities, yet resilient little Cuckookit surprises her at every turn. Oddgleam and the other kits are playing outside, rather she's willing to wager the kits are playing outside and the queen is taking a moment of relative silence to watch them. Snowflakes had started to fall, the cold following. She's apprehensive to have them out there but she doesn't want to rob Oddgleam of being able to spend time outside of the nursery. For a reason beyond her understanding Cuckookit didn't join them, the kitten instead followed her into the nursery. She wonders if he maybe just enjoys the routine? There is an attempt to squash her overthinking before her mind takes something as small as this and runs with it.
The orange tabby wanted to do something nice for her mate, hoping to clean up his nest and attempt to refresh it. Something small she reasoned, this way he wouldn't have to stress about anything else. She admires them, how they manage to keep an eye on five kittens even when they try to fight or escape. Fresh moss is kept at her side, nothing grand but hopefully it would provide the additional padding that her family would appreciate.
"Have you played Mossball yet, Cuckookit?" She asks curiously as she tears patches of old moss gingerly with unsheathed claws. Instead of using all of the new moss she sets a small part of it aside, trying to mix the old moss with it. The ball isn't very big, she doesn't want to waste what little resources they have after all. Gently batting it over to the kit beside her, after a moment she pauses. "If you don't like that you could… Help me clean up the old moss?" Maybe that's an aspect of Cuckookit she doesn't expect, maybe they prefer to be practical rather than playful?
The orange tabby wanted to do something nice for her mate, hoping to clean up his nest and attempt to refresh it. Something small she reasoned, this way he wouldn't have to stress about anything else. She admires them, how they manage to keep an eye on five kittens even when they try to fight or escape. Fresh moss is kept at her side, nothing grand but hopefully it would provide the additional padding that her family would appreciate.
"Have you played Mossball yet, Cuckookit?" She asks curiously as she tears patches of old moss gingerly with unsheathed claws. Instead of using all of the new moss she sets a small part of it aside, trying to mix the old moss with it. The ball isn't very big, she doesn't want to waste what little resources they have after all. Gently batting it over to the kit beside her, after a moment she pauses. "If you don't like that you could… Help me clean up the old moss?" Maybe that's an aspect of Cuckookit she doesn't expect, maybe they prefer to be practical rather than playful?
- ooc. Backwritten to be before the blizzard <33 @CUCKOOKIT
She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
❥ An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
❥ Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
❥ Mentoring Hollypaw
❥ "Speech", thoughts, attacking
❥ Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}