I see my demons staring at me now - pafp ; hunting patrol



wait for @RATTLESTRIDE to post, thanks! //

Ice blue eyes cast over his small form, teeth peeling open to reveal a wicked grin, and a chortled laugh escaped the throat of the tom. monster. just like me.

the echoes of screams, screams that were his own screams as a large paw slammed toward his face. he woke up in cold sweat, and thick black claws tangled in his bedding. a nightmare. Enactment of reality. Sure it happened, he had scars, but the man was long dead.

Dreams were not reality and his father only had power there over the black Tom with a saddled brown back. icey hues would glow from the darkness of the cave as he stood and stretched, bones popping and claws scraping the ground.

Teeth glimmered from the side of his face as the light through the entrance revealed. The warrior would scrape his nest back together before pushing his large muscled form through the entrance.

His clanmates were hustling, some leaving on morning patrol, and the hunting patrol was being assigned. "I'll go," he said, approaching the warrior assigning them out today. His voice sounded unused, a low rumbling strain.
જ➶ When he awakens it is like any other day for him. The soft movement of others helps him to stir and those draining eyes of his open wide. Rattle stares into the void, stares through others and be slowly pushes himself to his paws. Carefully the blind feline makes his way from the warrior's den and out into the warmth of sunlight. It burns his backside but he feels at ease with it. A soft hum lingers on ink lips as he makes his way over toward where he can hear names being called for a hunting patrol. What luck. Maybe he can go as well. Sure, he may not be able to catch much but he despises the notion of becoming a burden to his clan. Thusly he gives a pleasant head nod, as he steps around Bonefang. "I suppose I can accompany you on your hunt, Bonefang. Just don't lead me astray, hm." Amusement tinges his words as he settles beside the other, wide eyes directed towards the ground.
Thistlejump observed the congregation of cats from afar as her Clanmates were dispatched on patrols. She had been awake a bit before most of the other cats had awakened from their slumber, and had spent her fleeting precious time alone sunbathing on a flat rock. She liked to have some time for herself in the mornings, and she found the symphony of birds warbling incredibly soothing.

Given that her Clanmates had begun stirring, she determined that it was time for her to get to work. She stood slowly and extended her front paws forward, then bowed deeply in a large stretch. Thistlejump shook her coat afterwards, as if shaking out the lingering sleepiness.

She wandered over to the cats being sent off for the morning, and approached Bonefang and Rattlestride. Previously she had often been a cat of few words, but she aimed to change that. "Good morning Bonefang and Rattlestride," She said, benevolence in her voice. "Are the two of you going out to hunt soon?"
Tadpolepaw sways where they stand, blinking dew-drops of sleep from viridescent squints and rubbing away the rest with a paw. @Needledrift (or some other warrior, they can't quite remember in the fuzz of awakening) had to tug them to their feet and out of their nest for the morning patrol. It's not like their nest is particularly cozy either; the little pelt-covered, squishy dens their twolegs scattered around their larger den had been like sleeping on clouds compared to dried moss and woven reeds. They're just not used to being awake this early, or waking up at some time every time.

They wouldn't even be able to catch anything in this state, so why couldn't Needledrift just leave them to their rest? It's not a well-deserved one, but one that might make them the slightest bit more productive in the long run (or so they told themself while staggering across the backs of the other, sleeping apprentices). A long yawn parts their jaws. Thistlejump's voice faintly breaks through the blood rushing in their ears, and they deign to answer her after clumsily swiping their tongue over the corners of their grimace. "Mmm...yeah," they mumble. Unfortunately. Tadpolepaw blinks blearily at Bonefang and Rattlestride, resigned to their fate.​
Morning patrol was being called. Mothpaw had already been awake, watching some poor bug flit through camp moments before another apprentice whacked it done. A chuckle left him, and his head turned. A hunting patrol! Mothpaw watched Tadpolepaw basically get dragged out of the den, and a grin pressed to his mouth. The younger apprentice pushed to his paws, padding towards those quietly discussing going out on patrol. "Hey guys! Can I go?" Mothpaw said, looking up at the two warriors.

Sure, he was younger, and not really well-trained yet, but practice made perfect, right? He just needed to get out there and do it. No point in waiting around for himself to get older, he just needed to get out there and do it. Learning from a book never worked. ​
Her apprentice is slow to rise but that doesn't stop the gray she-cat from continuing to nudge them towards the growing patrol. It is a warrior's duty to be available at all times to serve their clan and her protege will be no different! A rrrrrrrrrmw! of attendance leaves her slightly parted jaw, the implicit meaning of we'll go! obvious in her tone. It would be a great excuse to show (and not necessarily have to tell) the newly-named Tadpolepaw how to execute some of ShadowClan's more signature hunting styles.

She is about to signal for a move out (five cats is more than enough for a single morning patrol) when Mothpaw comes scampering along, his blue eyes wide and expectant. Webstripe is nowhere to be found (Needledrift chides herself for thinking 'of course he isn't') and they're already here so...

The gray warrior looks to the others in the collected group, her head tilted to one side. What do you guys think?
i will never leave your room, tell everything that bothers you
BoneFang did not expect such a large amount of cats to gather for the hunting patrol. It would be fine, he assured himself. Rattlestride would wish to accompany, and he would gently touch his tail to the other warriors side. "I wouldn't dream of it," he said, his voice low but genuine.

Larger hunting patrols would mean prey could detect them easier, unless they were to be smart about it, but it also meant they were safer if something were to happen.

"This is more than enough, hopefully it just means we can gather more for our clanmates. You may come, mothpaw." The gnarled faced warrior would dip his head. But he felt if they lingered longer, they would gather more and that wasn't what he wanted.

"Well move out now."

The dark warrior would set pace immediately to the camp entrance, turning ice blue hues over his shoulder to glance at the others, before pushing his way through the entrance of camp and into the no longer crowded area.

An inhale, before trudging along the marshy ground. "What is the preferred hunting area?" he asked, attempting small talk. It was such a strange thing, but better than asking about the weather he supposed. He was still trying to come out of his shell, open up to his clanmates, and this, he didn't expect this at all.