i see stars in your eyes | skyclan patrol

Howlfire had never expected to lead a patrol so soon but here she was doing just that. It was a slightly nervous experience - made slightly worse by it being the patrol to ThunderClan and thus having the potential to run into her estranged family - but she was also relishing the experience. She had already told herself she would try to remain cool and civil if she did wind up seeing any of her family and would not rise to any of their potential jabs - or she'd try to at least.

As the patrol made it to the border, a light breeze filtered through the air, breaking up the heat from earlier in the day. "That feels nice," Howlfire mewed, closing her eyes a moment to savour the breeze as it ruffle her torbie pelt. Once the moment had passed, she opened her eyes and looked around at Bobbie and Chalk. "Okay, let's make sure the border is all marked up and we can head home," She instructed with a smile. "If we see any ThunderClan cats be nice, okay? I know...I'm a fine one to talk but I'd like this patrol to go off without a fuss so we can report back to Blazestar and Orangeblossom that there was no trouble."

@bobbie @CHALK
feel free to post before them just don't overwhelm the thread! <3
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✿—— she trails after howlfire towards the border, alongside chalk; it felt slightly odd to be led forward by the much younger cat, but she supposes it's something she'll have to get used to, becoming a warrior at her age. with the unfortunately numerous incidents on this border in the past few moons, she'd be lying if she said it didn't ruffle her fur a little to be patrolling it—again, though, she'll just have to adjust. this is the wild, she reminds herself wryly, where we fight cats and then smile across the borders the next day. she twitches an ear as they arrive at the actual border, a gentle breeze ruffling the heavy mane laying across her back pleasantly enough—she doesn't blame howlfire for pausing to enjoy it in the greenleaf heat they'd all been drenched in as of late.

"sounds good," she murmurs in reply to howlfire's words, a small smile creeping onto her face at the young she-cat's self-awareness. the tabby is inclined to agree with the patrol leader, though; news of the siblings' spat on this very border had reached her, and when she'd tried to touch on the topic with blazestar, it had seemed to pain him so much she'd left it alone immediately. she cannot imagine her own kits rejecting her so thoroughly, pushing the thought aside and trying to focus on the actual duties of the patrol. the lilac she-cat nods and mews, "stars know w-we need that,"

it's an amusement that's a little bitter in her mouth, recalling recent incidents, but she smiles back at howlfire nonetheless and sets about marking the border, hoping her words will ring true. they really don't need any trouble today.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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( ) Thankfully for the Skyclanners they would encounter the snowy puffball that's Hailstorm and he's the one who runs across them first, both of his ears perking forward. His whiskers would twitch momentarily before calling out a greeting to their neighbors "Hello Skyclan," He brushes up against one the bark of a tree and offers a smile over to the cats across the border. Sure, there's been quite a bit of trouble with Skyclan as of late but Hailstorm decides to be civil and friendly despite it all. It was a usual patrol and he knew that some of his other clanmates would soon arrive him, the question is would they be as friendly as him while greeting the Skyclan patrol that he's uncertain of.
Fate is a mistress instigating his downfall. He wants to think that destiny would be kind to him, however being @HOWLINGSTAR 's apprentice and having a border so constantly disrespected means that, more often than he would like, he must help enforce its existence. Maybe he would be more kindly, like Hailstorm, if he didn't have to see the mottled form of Howlfire just beyond the undergrowth's limits. He instead grits his teeth, folds his ears against his head, and stands like a dejected child simply waiting for the rest of the patrol to move along. He tenses his jaw as the fluffy pale furred tom makes small talk, forcing them to slow down.

"Really?" he huffs, his voice only an octave above a whisper. Howlingstar is only so understanding, he knows. His tail lashes as he looks towards the SkyClanners, offering Bobbie and Chalk each a cursory glance. One looks like little more than a bush's twig, and the other one looks as if they could be pushed over with the breeze. Howlfire looks to be the only warrior there worth her weight in anything, but Skypaw decides internally that that is because she's part ThunderClanner - and that she's the disgrace.

"I want to leave," he states bluntly, swallowing his bubbling emotions and attempting to stride ahead of the patrol.​

She remembers that, for a long while after Morningpaw's death and Skypaw and Duskpaw's birth, she had not been placed on patrols going to SkyClan. She had noticed Flycatcher's aversion but she had said nothing on the matter. She wanted to think that Howlingstar was sparing her but without confirmation she couldn't be entirely certain. She is just glad to be on this patrol today. Her mother, her son, and her best-friend. She couldn't ask for a better group to patrol with. Every single one of them she trusted with her life and more.

When they make it to the border she trots forward to start marking their side but is stopped by a familiar voice, one that she recognizes instantly. Howlfire. Her daughter. She turns slightly as Hailstorm greets the opposing patrol and Little Wolf is about to part her jaws to speak, to offer her daughter and the other SkyClanners she is with (cats she does not recognize) a friendly greeting of her own, but Skypaw's words distract her. Her ears flick back to press against her skull when she hears her kit say 'Really?' and in his words she hears a surprising venom. It makes her knit her eyebrows together in confusion as she watches Skypaw stalk off ahead of them. She looks to her mother for an explanation, but now is not the time. Later perhaps she would ask Skypaw what was wrong of maybe even Howlingstar herself but for now...

"It's good to see you Howlfire... SkyClan. I hope everything is well." she says, a bittersweet smile lifting the corners of her mouth. She misses her SkyClan kits every single day but at least the tortoiseshell looked like she was doing good. She only lingers for a moment more, eyes reluctant to tear themselves away from her daughter. She had another kit to worry about right now though and, with a respectful dip of her head to the other cats in the patrol she turns to head after Skypaw, tail flicking in a steady rhythm behind her. "Skypaw wait up, we can walk a bit ahead together" the rest of the patrol could catch up when they were done talking, they would not go too far too fast after all.

she is free, at long last. warrior patrols were much different than they’d been as an apprentice, she is quickly finding — newly moved into her new den, snoring beast of a girl cast far too late into morning. dawn patrols had quickly gone from her favorite, to her most dreaded. would she wake with the morning? rising with the sun was what a warrior did, but the thought alone keeps her up at night enough to send her snoozing into the morning anyway. not today, though! today, the thunderclanner walks with a lazing gait, heavy pawsteps wavering just a slight.

today, she patrolled with howlingstar, with skypaw and little wolf. oversleeping was.. not an option ; and besides, sleep was for the weak, she’d heard someone say once — it sounded like a wildheart thing, mouse - brained and bull - headed as it was. freckleflame lazes her head to the side, tries to conceal the wince as sun glares directly into bottleglass eyes, crows out a blinded : ” hellooooo, skyclanners. how’re th’ trees today..? “ her voice tapers as seaglass eyes lift blearily, and at the lead was a tortoiseshell, doused in ivory and mottled like fallen leaves of oak. her face is prettily tapered, a delicate slope of muzzle and sleek fur to accentuate her looking form — she is neatly put together, and as little wolf confirms her identity, freckleflame’s ears lift curiously. her skyclan kits. the thought makes her chew the inner bit of her cheek, drawing whiskered brow together as skypaw mumbles a dry, bitter request to go home.

of course she would be on the family that shall not be discussed patrol, sleepless and blurry - headed. sticking close to the thick puffball that concealed hailstorm’s true identity, freckleflame blinks wide at the skyclan she - cat, allowing her heft to land with a thump against the base of an oak, scratches the glands along her face along cracking bark. she did look just like little wolf, like blazestar. little wolf books it alongside skypaw, belligerently stumbling ahead of the little patrol. she’d pulled an all - nighter for a tight lipped grimace hidden quick beneath a nervously, grinning maw, ” apprentices.. always so eager t’ get goin’, huh? ha.. “ her tail slumps. starclan.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_1436.png

Howlingstar takes a moment to catch up with the rest of the patrol, as she stayed behind to mark a few more bushes. The breeze is pleasant today, and though tensions have been running high along this border, she has faith the patrol will go well. SkyClan is still their friend, after all. Whether it's the truth or something she keeps telling herself, well...

She pricks her ears as she notices who is at the head of the SkyClan patrol. "Howlfire, are you leading?" She trills gently, a smile forming on her maw as the leader strides forward. She stops just at the boundary-line, fighting the urge to move forward and touch her granddaughter. She's all grown up and already leading her very own border patrol. With a glance cast towards Little Wolf, she searches for the pride she knows she must feel. However, the moment is quickly trampled as Skypaw grouchily moves on. She frowns, ears twitching in displeasure. She exchanges a look with her daughter before the ebony warrior hurries after him. She'll have to speak with her apprentice later about the show of rudeness.

She is grateful that Freckleflame makes an attempt to reconcile the situation, even if it's a clumsy one. Howlingstar turns her full attention back to Howlfire, and to the other cats she does not know the names of. "It's...hard for him," She tries to explain softly, too tender for any other border patrol but this one is different. It's her kin, the girl she'd watched enter this world, who had been named after her. She cannot treat her like just any SkyClan warrior.

For what it is worth, Bobbie and Chalk are holding their own quite well on this patrol. She doesn't know them as well as she might like but she can't fault them for their good behaviour on the border. It doesn't take long for a few ThunderClan cats to appear on the opposite side, pleasantries and a funny question about the trees offered to them. "SkyClan is doing well enough thank you," Howlfire responds cordially, conveniently leaving out the signs of sickness beginning to creep up upon their members.

When Howlingstar asks if she is leading her own patrol, a sort of childlike glee forms on Howlfire's features, and she nodded her head eagerly. "I am leading this patrol!" Howlfire confirms, sounding a little too excited. She coughs briefly in an effort to settle herself. "Hopefully I've been doing a good job for Bobbie and Chalk," Howflire mews, gesturing to her clanmates. She considers saying something else, but the mood is shattered by Skypaw declaring he wants to leave before stalking off ahead of his patrol. So much for trying to make amends the next time I saw him, Howlfire thinks ruefully, reminded of Coyotecrest's recent suggestion to her. Little Wolf follows after him, and Howlfire's heart aches to see her go, wishing she could spend more time in her mother's presence. "It's hard for me too," Howflire responds when Howlingstar points out the difficulty of the situation for young Skypaw. Realising her tone sounded a bit defensive, she lowers her head. "Still, he has every right to be angry at me after what I said. I didn't mean to say those words to him...the situation simply got out of control."
He is silent behind Howlingstar, her presence having a sobering effect on him at a border he might otherwise have treated as a personal debate opportunity. He eyes the young warrior leading the patrol, the spirited, bright-eyed tortoiseshell who’d once trained in ThunderClan, under Little Wolf’s own paw. Raccoonstripe shakes his head. He could almost cry for the waste, no matter his feelings for the kits who’d chosen their father’s Clan. Howlfire would have made a passionate, dedicated ThunderClan warrior… and Blazestar had stolen that from them.

Well, congratulations on leading your first patrol,” he says, shrewdly eyeing the two soft-pawed dull-pelted cats behind her. At least these ones seem to mind their side of the border, he thinks. “Hopefully you’ve reminded them where the scent markers are.” He flicks his tail tip in a blasé goodbye, continuing on his own. Moonwhisper is a warrior now, and there will no more kits trailing after him, weighing him down, until another is plucked from the nursery and forced onto him.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

✿—— it's as though a flurry of thunderclanners appear on the border, most of them intimidating types bearing the muscled bodies, hard-earned scars, and knotted pelts of what they no doubt considered to be 'true warriors'. it makes bobbie feel more than a little self-conscious, to see how most of their eyes either glance only at her collar or soft paws or not at all, skipping over her and chalk entirely to address howlfire. thankfully, the first one to arrive seems friendly enough, smiling at them and offerng a civil enough greeting. she dips her head ever-so-slightly, wishing she had something more fascinating to offer than a simple, "hello."

after the snow-pelted first warrior, though, the next arrivals are a repeating cascade of confusion. the next to arrive is a sour-looking apprentice, trailing after the thunderclan leader and lashing his tail, offering her a disgruntled glance before striding off. the dark-pelted warrior who rushes after them is a bit friendlier, greeting howlfire with a familarity that startles bobbie until she squints and realizes—this must be the little wolf she's heard so much about, a she-cat smaller than expected but with wild green eyes. the tabby brushes her cheek against a tree awkwardly, unsure whether to reply to the lazy-voiced young warrior who offers a friendly-seeming greeting; she can only assume this particular cat isn't affiliated with the whole mess of the family that makes up this patrol. no wonder blazestar doesn't want to talk about them, she thinks with a bittersweet sort of amusement.

bobbie merely nods in reply to the cat's words, glancing over towards howlingstar. as seems to be an unspoken rule, she primarily greets howlfire and only glances after the grouchy apprentice, mewing something soft to the torbie that makes the lilac warrior feel like a weird sort of a bystander. it's a bit of a stinging reminder that she's not privy to the blood and tears the clans were forged in, to the life her clanmates have lived and burdens they've carried—an unfortunate side effect of being born on twoleg blankets instead of a moss nest. "you have b-been," she remarks with a pleasant amusement as howlfire gestures to her, glancing away when the younger she-cat begins to touch on the sore topic of the border arguments.

an equally crabby-looking brown tom arrives as well and leaves just as fast, glancing at her with a shrewdness she doesn't particularly care for in the few moments he's there. bobbie sighs softly and glances at the situation, which is overall rather awkward for an outsider like her.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu