private I See That I Met (Icepaw) The Most Amazing Demon Ever Yet


Anxiety-Ridden Extrovert
Mar 3, 2023

Shinepaw just wanted to be left alone. The boy wanted to sink down into torpor, content to give up and embrace his position as Thunderclan’s resident failure. The warrior-aspirant had placed so much importance on passing his assessment that when it didn’t come to pass, the tomcat was crushed under the pressure he’d put on himself. However, it seemed some of his peers weren’t content to let the ball of flame burn out. In fact, one in particular kept holding a match to his soul.

“What are we doing?” The boy asked glumly, sky-blue eyes rounding on Icepaw. It was a strange quirk of the people-pleaser at this moment; content to act like a corpse, but still utterly unable to turn down a request. The younger apprentice had been pestering Shinepaw repeatedly over the past few days, asking questions and acting as a friend (whether the whelp wanted it or not). Now, he’d dragged the ball of nerves off to the side while the two were on a hunting patrol, energetic as ever. It was exhausting.

Starclan, was this what he was like as a kit?

The duo stood in a small clearing, Shinepaw shuffling his paws nervously. Part of him wanted to leave now, so certain that his own horrible reputation would rub off on Icepaw, making the other guilty by association. For now, though, The warrior-aged apprentice simply kept still.

// @Icepaw!

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Icepaw couldn't put their paw on it, but for some reason they had found Shinepaw in particular interesting. Of course, with his recent failures in paws, the other seemed to have lost his spark and they couldn't have now, could they? And to Icepaw's luck, they had been paired on the same hunting patrol which had brought some excitement to the others' eyes. Maybe this was his chance in attempting to get more better hunting skills or even just to get more information from the warrior-aged apprentice.

Soon enough he got a chance he asked Shinepaw if they could talk alone, and by the way the other was acting, it was clear they were just trying to be nice to Icepaw, but that did not deter the younger apprentice, he hop-stepped away from the other group until the two were isolated and finally Shinepaw asked the question of what the two were doing. Icepaw paused and hummed before looking around the forest, examining the snow on the branches of the trees to the growth that still thrived through leaf-bare.

"Exploring! You looked like you needed something else to do to keep your mind off of current events, and I figured what better way to do so other than exploring? C'mon! I can show you some amazing spots!" he expressed, beaming at the other as he got back on his paw steps, yet he would stay where he was before looking at the other and hummed slightly "We can hunt along the way so we don't get in trouble with our mentors" he also expressed calmly. There was more freedom in exploring anyways and he was sure the other would appreciate it, if not now...than perchance later.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


If there was a way for Icepaw's energy and enthusiasm to be converted into light, it surely would've blinded every cat in the forest. Shinepaw himself was certainly taken aback by his peer's optimistic outlook on life. As the other suggests exploring, the warrior-aspirant has no choice but to indulge them. Shinepaw and Flycatcher had covered practically every inch of the territory over the course of his apprenticeship, but it seemed his younger peer still held no small sense of wonder about Thunderclan's home. Who knew, maybe it would rub off on him.

As they walked, with Shinepaw letting Icepaw lead the way, a squirming sense of nervousness began to rise to the surface of the shaft of sunlight's mind. He didn't deserve this. He'd failed his assessment, he didn't deserve his peer's kindness. The boy was ostracized and outcast (purely by his own decision). Maybe Icepaw didn't know? Maybe all the (imaginary) gossip and chatter about the warrior-aged apprentice's failure hadn't reached the other's ears? With a growing sense of horror, Shinepaw worried that his own low standing would infect Icepaw like a cancer if they remained associated.

"Um - this is nice and all - but you probably shouldn't be hanging out with me." Shinepaw mumbled matter-of-factly as they walked. "Cats - Cats don't want to put up with me since I failed my assessment. If you keep spending time with me, they won't want to put up with you either. Sorry." Of course, the persecution resided entirely in Shinepaw's head. Any half-overheard whisper or errant glance in the boy's direction was surely about him and how much he'd failed everyone, and not about prey or the weather.​

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Energy sparked through every pawstep that Icepaw made, happy that Shinepaw decided to indulge the other in the exploration of their territory. The younger apprentice swearing he would not leave no stone untouch during their little get together, of course he knew the two would soon have to return to their mentor sides without raising any alarms that something had happened, but even then! Icepaw would make sure to protect Shinepaw of an possible attack (though it would perhaps be the other way around if the two were attacked), but no matter! Icepaw was still happy enough to wander about the territory with the warrior-apprentice.

However, Icepaw would soon notice Shinepaw's steps had slowed and so did Icepaws to match the others own. Unaware of how Shinepaw felt in this moment. Unaware what anxious thoughts that wormed into the older tom's head. All Icepaw cared about was helping Shinepaw get distracted from such thoughts and yet it would seem those thoughts still managed to find a way to pierce through the other's thoughts.

He thought the others concerns were silly and so Icepaw rolled his eyes before chuckling a bit. "Thats a silly thought. What do you mean other cats don't want to deal with you? Everyone's grumpy because prey is scarce. You failing your assessment got nothing to do with it! Besides, you're getting a second chance aren't you? You're not going to be stuck in the apprentice den forever. Next moon you'll be a warrior, guaranteed" he expressed while a grin formed on his maw. "Besides, to others I'm just making another friend, I don't think it bothers them much if I hang out with you. I'll probably be the one to be getting you in trouble, so relax! Have some fun" he prompted before continuing to walk once more, making sure the other was following.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Sky-blue eyes searched the ground as Shinepaw’s words hung in the air like a circling crow. The shaft of sunlight didn’t know how Icepaw would respond, but the boy felt he would be jeopardizing his peer’s future if he kept his mouth shut. As the anxious tom heard the other chuckle, he felt the weight of self-loathing. Perhaps Icepaw really didn’t know about his failure, and found it so funny that he couldn’t help but laugh.

However, as the apprentice’s words reached Shinepaw’s ears, he finally looked up. “Really?” The way Icepaw spoke with such confidence that everything would turn out okay, it made the ball of nerves feel a bit better. Sun-scorched paws fidgeted as Icepaw talked about his upcoming assessment. Shinepaw had started to view it as a given, another failure that was more a formality than anything, but Icepaw was so excited that he could be mistaken as the one taking it. “I’ll…I’ll try my best, but there’s no guarantee I’ll pass” He mumbled after a moment, feeling a little rejuvenated.“Thank you, though.”

When Icepaw called him friend, the faintest ghost of a smile formed on Shinepaw’s face, and he nodded. Since he’d become an apprentice, the boy believed that anyone he called a ‘friend’ was barely putting up with him. They needed gifts or jokes or games to keep them invested, like a sick renewal of a social subscription. So to hear that someone else willingly wanted his companionship…it was silly, but the boy couldn’t help but feel relief.

“Alright, let’s have some fun” He said after a moment, still somewhat timid as the boy bounded forwards to be side by side with Icepaw. “So, what spots do you know?”