pafp i see the spark | an evening out


I wasn't looking for devotion
Mar 12, 2024
જ➶ For the first time in a what feels like forever the young apprentice feels like she can breath easier. The wolves were gone and despite so much being lost there seems to be a serenity settling over the forest. She no longer feels afraid, at least not so much as she did before. No longer jumping at the sounds around the trees, or the moving shapes within the shadows. There is some confidence in the steps of her paws and as she barrels back into camp with a squirrel hanging from her jaws she is filled with energy aplenty. Her paws tremble with that energy as she drops her catch upon the pile and her tail lashes through the air like a whip. Finally, she is done with her training and her chores. Finally she can do something she has been wanting to do for a good while now and she scans a grouping of warriors before she finally lands eyes on the one that she is looking for. "PALEFIRE!" Her voices rings across camp and has eyes all on her which makes her shrink in a little. A soft nervous chuckle leaves her throat as she dips her head a little. "Sorry, sorry, that was a little loud..." Shaking herself she quickly bounds over to the warrior and she eyes her with brightness in golden amber before she motions with her tail to the entrance of camp. "Will you come with me to the river before the sun sets? I wanna look for shells and smooth stones. Oh, if you have the time that is."

If she has warrior stuff that she needs to do then she will understand given how a lot of the warriors seem really busy. But some are heading into the den for a good day's rest. Yet, Dustpaw feels like she has the energy to take on the whole world and then some.