camp I SEEM TO BE STRUCK BY YOU ✧ competition results

Raccoonstripe pushes his way through the gorse tunnel, his one measly catch limp in his jaws. Normally, the tabby would be glum about being outshined so dramatically by his Clanmates—especially Cloudyfur, who is not only a new warrior, but a former kittypet—but his step is light, and his tail is lifted in complete confidence behind him. He adds his single finch to the fresh-kill pile, not bothering to relay the tale of its capture—he’d been lucky to find it, stumbling with an injured wing, on their way back. Without it, he’d have had nothing to show for their hunting competition at all.

As Cloudyfur and Batwing add their catches to the fresh-kill pile, he loudly announces, “Well done, both of you! I’m interested to see how our competition went…” His eyes gleam as he searches for a tiny black smoke. “We’ve brought back five pieces of prey… how many did you all bring back?” Whether he wins or loses, he fully plans on badgering her about a ‘date,’ but a deal is a deal, after all.

  • @nightbird but no need to wait!
    tagging all patrol members @batwing @Cloudyfur @STORMYWING @BURNSTORM !
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
( ) Hailstorm is not who Raccoonstripe's searching for but he approaches the hunting party regardless, his ears perked up to see that they had brought back five pieces of prey and he wonders what the other party has brought. He would offer all of those there a smile and say with a brief wag of his puffball of a tail "Good hunting everyone," He notices that Raccoonstripe had brought a finch and seemed rather confident in it and he ponders what the story behind it is but decides that he would not prod. After all, the lead warrior likely did a lot better in hunting than he did. Cursed snowy pelt... But soon Hailstorm's time would arrive where he'd bring in prey without much of an issue.

her patrol returned just as raccoonstripe was placing his prey amongst the pile. two squirrels dangled from her jaws as she secured them by their bushy tails. it was a good hunt, with stormywing and burnstorms catches added it would certainly be close.

caught under his eye, she fully prepares to not so graciously accept a win. but then he opens his mouth and it all fizzles away. five, one missed catch away from her victory. it was borderline infuriating. nightbird even considered forming a lie or running away just so that she did not have to watch him gloat. instead, her ears just twitch irritably as she deposits her kills.

"four," she grumbles quietly, perhaps if he missed the announcement entirely she would be free of punishment, perhaps her fate was already sealed. surely there were worse things than a date with raccoonstripe anyways. like sharing a frog with a shadowclanner, or breathing the air surrounding a riverclanner. nightbird mostly found it strange that he could have put anything on the line and yet chose this, she was entirely convinced it was only to ruffle her fur.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Burnstorm holds a vole by the tail, it dangles from his jaws as he walks into the camp, golden eyes immediately finding his uncle and his patrol so that he could see how they did in comparison. He heads to the fresh-kill pile to drop off his own catch but his ears flick when Raccoonstripe speaks. Five. They had beat them by one. He feels a faint tug of dissapointment, he had so desperately wanted to see that smug expression fall off the black striped toms face. Now he's certain he would never hear the end of it. Oh well, at least he wasn't Nightbird. If he were in her paws he would honestly rather claw his own eyes out.

As he walks past her to the fresh kill pile he sends her a sympathetic look. If only the prey had been better for them today, but unfortunately it was not meant to be. "Make sure to sharpen your claws for your date Nightbird" he teases with a small laugh as he walks past her, tail flicking in the air.
CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky Cloudyfur nodded quietly in acknowledgement of Raccoonstripe's praise. It felt strange to be complimented by him, honestly. She had always been under the impression that he did not like her after she accidentally messed up one of his hunts as an apprentice. Apparently not though, since he had put his faith in her for this competition.

It was the competition she was more worried about though, and those worries were confirmed when she heard Nightbird admit how much her patrol had caught.

Oh no.

This was the worst day for Cloudyfur to have outstanding luck in her hunt, as far as she was concerned. She almost looked embarrassed of her success as she dropped her three birds into the fresh kill pile. Only one piece of prey had decided their victory. There was no doubt in her mind that she had decided Nightbird's fate, who looked downright miserable. She squirmed uncomfortably. Nightbird was going to have to go on a date with Raccoonstripe all because of her.

She took no part in the gloating that was sure to come from Raccoonstripe. Instead, she simply shot Nightbird an apologetic glance, hoping the other molly would forgive her. All she had wanted to do was try her best to bring back prey for the clan.
Stormywing strolls into camp behind Nightbird and Burnstorm, in much higher spirits than she had been earlier in the evening. She carried a squirrel in her smiling jaws, a last-minute catch that saved her from absolute humiliation in front of the dark-pelted lead warrior. However, when she sees her sister, soft-pawed little Cloudyfur, drop three birds onto the fresh-kill pile, her mouth unintentionally opens in shock. Her squirrel, which now looks measly in comparison, hits the ground with a thump.

“How did you-?!” She starts, but shuts her trap immediately, feeling embarrassment heat up her cheeks. They had lost. Worst of all, Nightbird would have to go on a - what was it? - moonhigh stroll with Raccoonstripe? The thought alone makes her stomach turn. “Sorry, Nightbird,” The small tabby mews miserably, turning apologetic eyes onto the smoky warrior.
Raccoonstripe dips his head to Hailstorm, gleeful despite the puzzled expression on the older tom’s face. Sure, his catch doesn’t seem like much—and truthfully, it isn’t—but as Nightbird’s patrol re-enters camp, he can tell it’s just enough to be the deciding factor in how his evening will go. The small she-cat scowls, her answer reluctant. “Four.” The smile that curls from the center of his snow-white muzzle to the corners would have been charming, if his Clanmates hadn’t known who he was. “Well, well, well… seems we have a deal to make good on, don’t we?

He gives a haughty look to Stormywing, Cloudyfur, and Burnstorm, but he’s in such good spirits he does not even fault them for their lack of camaraderie. “I’ll be seeing you at moonhigh, Nightbird… as for the rest of you…” He offers a slow, infuriating wink. “You have my thanks for your superb hunting skills.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
  • Angry