Howlingstar does not stand in her usual spot. No, with cobwebs holding poultices across her flank and neck, she does not think she can or should make the climb. She's sure Berryheart would have something to say about it if she attempted, and she's nothing if not an obedient patient. She casts a look in his direction, a small smile on her face. StarClan had of course done most of the work in healing the wounds, but the spots are still raw and open. It'd been up to her son to make sure they fully heal properly and keep out infection. But now the danger has passed. Killdeercry's own patrol had confirmed it. Finally, peace has come to the forest, and it is with a light heart she calls out, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the High Rock for a clan meeting!"

She sits at the base, content smile on her face as her clanmates gather around. There are a couple of exciting things to share with them today - first thing's first, "The dawn patrol this morning has confirmed that the boars have finally left the territory. I still want some increased patrols in the area for the next few days to be sure they don't round back, but I think we're finally in the clear. At last, ThunderClan is safe again." Her ears do flatten a bit as she adds on in a more solemn tone, "We have lost a courageous warrior to the beasts, but I know Graystorm would not have done what he did if he didn't care for this clan above all else. I'm sure he watches us from StarClan with no regrets, and I'm so proud of him. The rest of us who have endured injuries given by the boars are healing, but until then, with myself, Flycatcher, and Raccoonstripe in the medicine den and Sunfreckle in the nursery, Flamewhisker and Nightbird will be handling all patrols and clan matters. It's a lot for two lead warriors by themselves, so I've decided to add a deserving warrior to the team."

She finds the gray-pelted she-cat in the crowd, beaming with pride. "Wolfwind, will you join my council?" Her granddaughter has matured since the days of her youth, once reckless and wild and now cooled down to confident and courageous, and above all, loyal. She has her quirks, but no one can doubt her dedication to ThunderClan.

As soon as Wolfwind accepts, she allows the clan to chant her name and joins in herself. "Wolfwind! Wolfwind! Wolfwind!" When the voices do die down, Howlingstar finds two apprentices in the crowd and beckons them forth. "We also have two new warriors to name today. Burnpaw, Basilpaw, please come forward." For this, the older she-cat pushes herself to her paws and ignores the dull pain that throbs from her healing wounds. She will not keep these two from the honor of a full ceremony. She's sure some cats may be wondering why Burnpaw had been called up, and so she explains as she comes to stand in front of them. "Burnpaw, you displayed the courage and tenacity of a warrior when using yourself as bait to lead a boar away from your clanmates, risking your own life to save Roeflame's. Flycatcher and I both believe you have earned your name, even before reaching the age of 12 moons and without an assessment." She then looks to Basilpaw and offers the tom a smile, "Basilpaw, you yourself have reached the age of 12 moons. It is time for you both to receive your names."

She lifts her gaze to the sky, yowling out, "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Burnpaw, Basilpaw, do you both promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

// Congratulations to @WOLFWIND , our newest lead warrior!!!
Warrior ceremonies for @BURNPAW ! and @B A S I L P A W
Activity shoutouts for June go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @LICHENPAW @Flamewhisker @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @Sunnyday @WOLFWIND @BLIZZARD FANG @batwing @Shinebug @tansyshine
Sparkpaw listens attentively to the meeting. He is happy to hear the boars are gone. Good riddance. Those monsters had done enough damage to them and the forest. He hopes they suffer horribly for what they've done. He wishes they could have killed at least one to avenge Graystorm....

But oh well, he supposed.

Howlingstar goes on and he is reminded of Sunfreckle in the nursery. He hadn't been in camp for his siblings birth, but he had heard what happened and it scared him. He almost lost his father on top of the two kits he never met. He desperately hopes they will all be okay.

But on lighter news, a new lead warrior is to be named! Wolfwind is called, and he bursts into excitement.

"YEEAAH!! WOLFWIND!! WOLFWIND!!!" He cheers as loud as he can, his pelt fluffed up in excitement. He bounced up and down and goes to give Wolfwind a head bump on the shoulder.

Now his mentor was EVEN COOLER!! He didn't know such a thing was possible!​
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ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Howlingstars call for a meeting is distant, but not unheard by the cinnamon tabby from where she’s resting in the medicine den.
It seems as though a bit of luck had been on her side after all, as while her leg did need time to heal, it hadn’t ended up broken.
She shuffles towards the mouth of the den, head propped by her two forepaws.
Something flutters in her chest when her leader confirms that the boars have moved on, that there wouldn’t be fear ahead every pawstep outside of camp.
The mention of Graystorms passing still ties a knot in her stomach, though, and truthfully she doesn’t think that will ever go away. His death had been gruesome, and Howlingstars cries had chilled her to the bone that day. Roeflame allows herself to close her eyes for a moment, sending a brief and silent prayer that Graystorm had found his way to Starclan with ease.
Her eyes remain closed when Wolfwind is called to join her grandmothers council, but the warrior has no doubt the other would find her groove with the position with ease.
Hell, Wolfwind was born to be the authority.
Burnpaw is called forward and Roeflames eyes snap open, searching for the ebony tom in the sea of clanmates. When he’d step forward her head would raise, pride swimming in ivy depths.
Despite her own guilt, the rejoice she felt seeing her friend being honored for his heroic actions was overpowering, able to wash all the baggage away for just a moment as the warrior anxiously waited to hear what his new name would be.
She made a small mental note to take him to the side once this meeting was over, a small part of her wanting to be the one to show him around his new den.
⋆⍋ A meeting while Howlingstar is still recovering shouldn't be surprising, knowing Howlingstar is dutiful just as she is punctual. The pointed tom glanced around as his peers gathered before the brown tabby. Blue sights rested on @Dewfang , and he quickly joined his mentors side. The crowd appeared to settle, and Howlingstar's voice began again.

All good things. Finally. Even with the loss of Graystorm (his empathy struggled, nothing new there though) it was turning around for the rest of the season. The weather had eased back into only unbearable heat again. Boars no longer trampled the herbs and scaring off prey. He only hoped that next to follow would be ShadowClan off their side of side of the Thunderpath and leave their swamp-stink on their side of the border.

Basilpaw joined in the cheers for Wolfwind, voice soft and monotone, but he participated. And that was more than what was typical from him. ThunderClan's habits were rubbing off on him slowly. It didn't end there, though. She called his name alongside his denmates, and he looked at Dewfang again with a wider stare. "You didn't tell me I passed my assessment." Basilpaw's voice was just above a whisper. He detested surprises, but this was certainly a conflicting one.

Basilpaw noticed now how much he had really grown since he and Lichenpaw stumbled through this forest. His shoulders were a mere claws-length higher than his mentors. His frame, once ill-proportioned and rickety, now stood confidently and sturdy. Lithe, but no longer so sickly looking when he had been found. He had grown...? Strange, the time that passed didn't feel all that long ago until now.

Paws lifted himself up as he departed from Dewfang's side. He glanced toward Burnpaw, nodding to the darker-furred tom with a respectful nod, before resting on Howlingstar.

A confident lie told with ease. The same promise he had made to the late Emberstar, now gifted to her successor. "Yes ma'am. I do." But he hadn't defended Dovepaw. He didn't move a single muscle to protect him from that badger. He could hardly consider himself a ThunderClanner anymore than a rogue living within it's camp. But they kept Lichenpaw safe. They kept the both of them fed. that's all he needed.
An odd sense of normalcy washes over her at Howlingstar's call. It's hard to remember someone is alive when they are impaled in more than one place, breathless, blood oozing from their mouth as Wolfwind has to all but force herself to keep pushing on . It's hard to remember someone is alive when tears dot your eyes and you have to stop yourself from making an ugly, frowning face. Her grandmother's face is a welcome reminder, smiling, despite it all atop Highrock. The sight lets Wolfwind smile too, if only a little.

If Howlingstar believes in their word– that the boars have passed, Wolfwind would allow herself to believe it, too. She gives her grandmother her fullest attention, tip of her tail twitching with anxiety. She hopes it's ill - placed; hopes with her whole damn heart And with the mention of her loss– their loss, Wolfwind would join her with a dip of her head, quiet mourning. Her head would keep down as she hears of the injuries endured, three of them now under Berryheart's care thanks to the damn monsters. A frown etched on her face leaves her fuckin' clueless to what comes next. A new lead warrior, she sure doesn't expect it to be her.

Memories of. her younger self bouncing around, proclaiming dreams of being deputy alongside Howlingstar, perhaps even Wolfstar some day flies past her. It's something she's long let go of. Maybe she didn't think she'd ever deserve it after what she's done. Wolfwind is stunned into silence, for a moment.

But she hasn't done anything, she needs to remind herself. That was no fault of her own. She doesn't know when she started fearing that she was not good enough for her. The fact that she doesn't nearly makes her want to cry.

She doesn't, though. Wolfwind stands taller. The incline of her head as a purposeful thing. Perhaps dramatic, perhaps too much, but she doesn't care. She looks to her grandmother with love and warmth. She's always wanted to be just like her. " I– I will, " she murmurs, and then louder: " I will, Howlingstar, "

Wolfwind's already made it her priority to look out for ThunderClan. Not much would change, in the end. The chanting of her name swells around her, and she can't help but smile, close-lipped. The chanting of her dumbass apprentice fills her with a fondness, and she'd bump him back with her flank, teeth revealing a grin. She'd turn that smile to Raccoontail, who she's admired since she was little. To Nightbird, who she'd quietly envied (Okay, maybe not so quietly). And she'd lift her head to try and find Sunfreckle. She hoped to be good hands to leave his son to.

And her little– Damn, no longer so little. When the hell had that happened?– cousin now steps up to receive his warrior name. Basilpaw too, and Wolfwind watches the both of them with anticipation.

Peace once again. Hollow Tree lingered on it for a moment. Clan life was constantly switching between war and peace. It was all rather exhausting. But this was the life of a warrior. It warmed her heart to hear Wolfwind would be another cat on her mother’s council. The young cat had come so far.

“Wolfwind! Wolfwind!” she joins in the chanting. Quieting down as two apprentices are called up. Hollow Tree wondered what their warrior names would be. Happy to have two more join the den. Maybe she could help them move their nests when the time comes. Looking to Howling Wind, she drifts off into thought waiting for the meeting to proceed.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
There is a hidden smile on his lips as Basilpaw comes to his side. Dewfang glanced down at his apprentice and nodded sagely before turning his gaze back to their leader. The news was good, the promotion of Wolfwind was even better. The senior warrior rumbled his words of congratulations, his voice mingling with the others. While it was a cause for celebration, certainly, Dewfang was almost impatient to see the look on Basilpaw's face when he would be called forward to become a warrior.

When it happened, he could feel his apprentice's surprise and he chuckled in a low-sounding purr. "Ah, you should have not doubted yourself so," He grinned, using a paw to affectionately brush it against Basilpaw's shoulder. He was proud of his apprentice. While it was clear Basilpaw looked out more for his sibling, Dewfang did not doubt that he had learned enough of what it meant to be a full ThunderClan warrior. He hoped that with his lesson over the fight between Lichenpaw and Stormywing that Basilpaw had learned when it was right or wrong to tell the truth.

Although he had not won his ceremony through an amazing feat as Burnpaw had done, Basilpaw was just as important and special in his eyes. Everyone's path is different. If one's is shorter than the other, no reason to get frustrated.

"Go on," He whispered, nodding Basilpaw along, eyes wide with excitement for the apprentice.

The two toms state their vows, which draws a low purr from the tabby. She levels each of them with a proud look before calling out, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

She first approaches Basilpaw, skull lifted high with dignity. With a gleam in her eye she gazes at the chocolate pointed tom who is now her own height. While his brother traverses a new path, today he will walk the path of a warrior. She remembers when he first came to ThunderClan, and she looks at him now with newfound determination and pride in how far he's come. The healed wound in her neck will not slow her down as she declares, "Basilpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Basilwhisker, for your excellent tracking abilities. StarClan honors your sharp senses and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She moves to rest her chin upon his head, waits for the ceremonial lick to her shoulder, and steps back with a big smile.

She then moves to stand in front of her grandson, and though she must now look up to look him in the eye she still does so with all the love she had on the day he was born. Though young for this ceremony, and without an assessment, he has proven himself a ThunderClan warrior. "Burnpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Burnstorm, for your turbulent strength. StarClan honors your courage and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Many cats may also pick up on the fact that the name she had chosen wasn't only for the black tom's powerful presence in battle, but also for his uncle who now rests in StarClan. He had always reminded Howlingstar of Graystorm. She rests her muzzle on his head and purrs a soft, "I'm so proud of you, my love."

She finally steps back and begins to chant, "Basilwhisker! Burnstorm! Basilwhisker! Burnstorm!" But she does not move from her spot when the voices die down. Instead, she continues the meeting by calling forward another grandchild of hers. "Skypaw, will you come forward?" She invites them, ears pricking in his direction. "Your mentor valiantly gave his life to protect you. We honor him and know that he watches us all from StarClan. To pick up where he left off, I will be your new mentor. I hope to do him justice in training you to be a warrior." Purring, though with a solemn expression on her face, she pads forward to touch noses with her kin. She hopes he isn't upset that she's replacing their mentor...but there is a part of her that is selfishly excited for the opportunity to train her very own grandkit.

When she pulls away, she smiles and dips her head to everyone gathered around. "That is all. Meeting dismissed!"

// Calling up @skypaw . for new mentor!
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Flycatcher waits near the entrance of the medicine den when Howlingstar calls her meeting. Usually, he would be sat among the crowd, but his sprained paw prevents him from doing so. He should have been resting, and only just managed to convince Berryheart to let him set where he was, knowing that Burnpaw was to be a warrior in this meeting. A sigh of relief parts his mouth when Howlingstar confirms the boars have left their territory. Finally. No longer would ThunderClan hunt and patrol their lands with fear.

After the announcement that the boars were gone, Howlingstar began to announce several new promotions. The first was a new lead warrior - Wolfwind. Flycatcher knew her to be a bit eccentric at times, but really couldn't fault her loyalty and devotion to the clan. Hopefully, she would only continue to flourish in her new role as a lead warrior. "Wolfwind! Wolfwind!" He calls out, his voice mingling with his clanmates. And then come the apprentices. Burnpaw and Basilpaw are both called forward and become Burnstorm and Basilwhisker. He wonders what Burnstorm thinks of having been called forward and named as a warrior without his assessment. Had it been a surprise or had he expected some sort of recognition? "Burnstorm! Basilwhisker!" Flycatcher once again calls out, lifting his voice higher in the hopes Burnstrom might have seen him. Once the celebrations die down there is one final announcement. Flycatcher had heard that Skypaw's mentor had died so knew it was inevitable they would be apprenticed to a new one. He nods steadily when Howlingstar declares herself their mentor.
Theres another meeting that has Tansy hauling herself up from the nursery despite Crystalkits complaints from besides her. It seems to be the same routine each time but she doesn't mine. It's familiar and anything but scary as she chuckles lightly, picking him up by his scruff as he mewled in protest. She carries him to the exact same spot that they had sat last time, curls her tail around him the exact same way, and stares out towards Howlingstar. She's bandaged and... Tansy isn't sure if she should even be holding a meeting, but Howlingstar continues. She was leader, after all, and had a job to do. She informs them of the boars leaving the territory, of the losses that the Clan had endured, of the injuries.

Her thoughts think to Lily further whenever Wolfwind is called to become a lead warrior. Tansy breaks her routine, telling Crystal to sit still as she stands. She's walking over to her friend and affectionately bumps her head against the other girls shoulder. "I told you. You raised a fine daughter." her voice is a whisper before she turns to call out little Wolf's name. "Wolfwind, Wolfwind!" it was odd, really, being Lily's friend for so long. She still remembers Lake and Wolf scampering around, remembers the moment Lily and her shared a squirrel and talked about their kits not too long ago.

Bittersweet, really. She stands by it, that its hard to watch them grow up.

The next are Burnpaws and Basilpaws ceremonies. She sucks in a breath and each are welcomed to Thunderclan under a new name: Basilwhisker and Burnstorm. She joins her voice in to the fray until it cracks and until the camp quiets. She rests her tail on Lily's, longer than she needed to as the meeting adjourns after Howlingstar appoints herself as Skypaws mentor. She is not in a rush to leave her spot, even when Crystal begins to wander off to the nursery. She's fine right here.
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Hailstorm sat within the crowd listening to the news of there no longer being boars within the territory but how they'd need to remain alert just in case and he took note of that, they didn't need more injured or more dead cats in their paws. His ears perked forward as he listened to Howlingstar continue on with the announcements, Wolfwind joining her grandmothers council and two apprentices becoming freshly made warriors. A small smile on his face as he cheered on for his clanmates before his gaze focused onto Skypaw recalling the death of his mentor, Scaleclaw, due to an adder. His expression faltered momentarily and listened idly hearing how Howlingstar would continue to train Skypaw, he didn't doubt that Skypaw would become a fine warrior.

He remains at where he is until the meeting is dismissed, he throws a few congratulations to the newly named warriors and lead warrior. All has been said and done, he should keep himself busy or preoccupied. Definitely. With a wiggle of his bobbed tail, the stark warrior would leave to continue on his duties or see if he could join a quick hunting party to bring back fresh prey.​

✦ ★ ✦

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Along with the rest of the Clan, Lightpaw gathered when Howlingstar yowled her summons. Her news was finally good despite the injuries that kept her at the foot of her typical perch. Finally, at long last, the boars were leaving. Gone. Off to terrorize somebody else. He let out a breath. That was it, then. All of the pain and death, and they simply decided to move on.

The tabby swept on, with ceremonies and promotions alike. "Wolfwind! Burnstorm! Basilwhisker!" he shouted. "Wolfwind! Burnstorm! Basilwhisker!"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Moonpaw trots forward, taking a careful seat near the front of the gathered cats as her grandmother calls for a meeting, the boars have left the territory and she could not be more relieved by their absence now, free from having to be so cautious in their own home at least. Training and hunting could return to normal. Finally. She sighs with relief, ears twitching as the announcement continues onward.
Burnpaw is a warrior now. Burnpaw is Burnstorm. Wolfwind joins Howlingstar's council alongside so many other admirable and powerful warriors. Her mind drifts back away from the new lead warrior to her sibling.
Burnstorm. Burnstorm.
A surge of jealousy fills her chest, swells and expands as it to snap her into pieces but just as quickly as she becomes aware of it the sensation fades into a quiet trickle of unease; no, she was going to be happy for her brother. He had proven himself, he deserved this and she was not far behind him regardless. Still, the fact she'd felt such a strong and overpowering emotion so negatively made her expression crease into one of unsure contemplation before she rose her voice to join the others, "Burnstorm! Burntorm! Wolfwind!"
Storm was a good name, in honor of their uncle and also for his tenacity; she only wished to be given something just as perfectly matched and her ice blue gaze stared hard up at Howlingstar as if trying to decipher what hers might be, as if she could pluck the word right out of the black tabby's head. There was still time before then.
Raccoonstripe was in the medicine cat den currently, their training was on hold and he would not allow her to be named without an assessment and she found herself gritting her teeth without realizing. Without another word she stands and turns to leave as quickly as she can, she can not be left behind...

It is a relief to hear that the boars are gone. They had brought nothing to ThunderClan but grief. Graystorm had been his uncle, a cat he had admired and looked up to especially when he had been a kit. He still remembers casting sun-colored eyes upon that gray pelt and thinking I want to be just like him when I grow up. He had been brave to the bitter end and Burnpaw, along with the rest of the clan, had mourned such a loss. He is pulled from his grief filled thoughts when the rest of the announcements continue and when his cousins name is called to step forward as a lead warrior. His ears twitch as he watches her with nothing but happiness for his family swelling in his chest. His family was the strongest in the forest, filled with loyal and hard-working cats. Perhaps one day he too would take a place among the trusted warriors by his grandmothers side.

It is a surprise when he is called forward, one he is not expecting. His wide eyes search out his mentor, trying to see if this was perhaps some strange joke but he finds the tom in the entrance to his uncles den and he knows by the grin on his face that this was real. Honored, he takes a step forward towards his grandmother and listens to her speak the ceremonial words. Burnpaw had never been the type to get emotional over such a thing but when the name storm is uttered as his suffix he can feel the sting of tears prick at his eyes. 'for your turbulent strength' she says but he knows the other meaning behind it. He has to lean down slightly so the older cat can rest her muzzle on top of his head, but he does it and when he pulls away he is now Burnstorm. A warrior of ThunderClan. "I just hope I can continue to make you and everyone else proud" he says quietly so that only she can hear it, a smile on his lips and his eyes shining with emotion.

When Basilwhiskers ceremony is finished, the clan calls out all of their names and he can't help the way his heart threatens to beat out of his chest. His eyes find Moonpaw in the crowd, wanting to tell her that she would certainly be next but all he sees is her tail as she leaves. Instead, he finds Roeflame's eyes and he offers her perhaps the biggest smile he had ever made.
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw's been eagerly awaiting this meeting. He cheers for Wolfwind — she's a good cat, deserves the promotion — but his mind is elsewhere. Basilpaw, his big brother, getting his warrior name. Should he be jealous? Basilpaw graduating while he remains an apprentice... It doesn't inspire the tangled feeling it might if Lichenpaw were still training on the same path, as it did when he sat watching all the older apprentices graduate while he remained under the watchful eye of his mentor.

No, instead they only feels pride as Basilpaw's name is called, as the once scrawny apprentice makes his way towards the leader, now the perfect picture of a warrior. Lichenpaw thinks he is, at least. He deserves this, there is no doubt in their mind. He's a better warrior than they ever could have been; always the more steady, the more strategic of the two of them, always looking out for his little brother. That's what a warrior is supposed to do, he thinks, to protect their clanmates. Doesn't matter if Basilpaw has a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to which clanmate to protect.

He matches Howlingstar in height, in dignity. Lichenpaw would follow his word over hers every time, though he'd never say it aloud. He doesn't need to, Basilpaw already knows.

She gives him his name — Basilwhisker.

Lichenpaw's never been much for Clan names, but he cheers this one nonetheless, with more fervency than he does the other name granted at this ceremony. "Basilwhisker! Burnstorm! Basilwhisker!" He'll still always be Parker to them, even as he tries to leave Lou behind. Still, he can cheer his big brother's new name with his clanmates, his enthusiam unwavering.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

“Burnstorm! Basilwhisker!” the brown feline joins the chanting. She was sure Little Wolf was proud of their kit becoming a warrior. Though, she knew Moonpaw was probably feeling left out. Hollow Tree spared a glance at the other littermate. She was sure they would be a warrior on the next moon. It was nice to gain more warriors within the clan. Peace filled her chest even if it was momentary.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
"Burnstorm! Basilwhisker! Wolfwind!" Quailsong adds her voice to the cheers, drawing herself upwards proudly from her place beside Killdeercry. The two new warriors joining them in their den, especially, she's delighted by; they've both proven themselves more than worthy, though gold-green eyes shift towards Moonpaw sympathetically as her littermate is named a warrior without her. Next moon, surely; Burnstorm had just displayed extraordinary bravery in the meantime. Even if he'd died to that boar saving Roeflame (who, poor thing, has seemed shaken ever since), he would be honoured as one of their bravest - he's just lucky to still be with them. Basilwhisker's naming is a bit more conventional, and she's sure Dewfang must be proud of his now-graduated apprentice.

  • quailsong, tags.
    — she/her.
    — thunderclan warrior ; no apprentice.
    — attack in #C4B25E. low strength, high dexterity fighter.
    — penned by mercibun.