camp I SHOULD RELOAD [ patrol return ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing had kept an eye on Falconheart since they had spotted the deer. A massive herd, one that rivaled the amount of cats in camp. That had been a sight to see, but one that was incredibly worrying. Leafhusk had been right- all of the prey noises had all but disappeared, in the area. His ears twitched as they pressed into camp, a soft breath leaving him. His head lifted, vision searching for their leader immediately. "Howlingstar?" He called. Vision shifted to look towards Raccoonstripe, who was likely at his side. A worried look is what penetrated through, but his vision returned forward as he waited for Howlingstar.

// returning from this thread here click

// a whole list of pings: no need to wait for any of them though!
// @FALCONHEART @leafhusk @RACCOONSTRIPE @Rabbitnose @TOADHOP (tagging those that were on patrol with him!)
// @HOWLINGSTAR batwing is looking for you

𓍊𓋼 The cream tabby spends the entire walk back to camp trembling. His racing heart won’t calm, the stones in his stomach won’t dislodge—all he can think of is how easily they could have all been killed. Were he any more relaxed, Falconheart might have found it awe-inspiring just how many deer were gathered in the forest, but his nerves have been frayed since first spotting one of the massive beasts. He sticks close to Batwing until they are safely inside of the camp’s bounds, blue-green eyes still set in the roundness of panic. He’s been on many patrols, but this has been amongst the worst. The deer seemed calm, sure, but how quickly would they turn deadly if spooked? He shudders just thinking about it.

The lead warrior calls for Howlingstar, and Falconheart takes that as a dismissal. He isn’t needed any longer, not unless there’s a different specific task that anyone needs. "I’m gonna…" he takes a shaky step away from the rest of the patrol, not waiting for the leader to arrive. "I’m gonna go lay down for a little while." Without another word, Falconheart makes a beeline for the warriors’ den, leaving without another word to the rest of the patrol. It’s still early, so he can go out hunting later—and hopefully avoid running into any more bone-crushing beasts. He only hopes that no one minds his absence for the rest of the morning.

// out unless someone stops him

Having not been on any patrols that morning, she had decided to take a few minutes to spruce up her and Flycatcher's nest. She had plucked a few feathers off of a bird she had eaten yesterday, so she had placed them in there for safe keeping. While it may seem silly to some of her denmates, keeping a few feathers in their nest felt sentimental to her. It reminded her of the days when Stormfeather and Falconheart were kits...feathers were one of their favorite things to play with.

Once she was finished, she began to pad out of the den, but was nearly ran into by her son. He seemed shaken...disturbed. "Falconheart?" her voice was laced with worry, and she took a step towards him. "What's the matter?" She looked past him, to see the rest of the dawn patrol. Batwing looked worried, and she could hear him calling for Howlingstar. She felt her heart tug her towards the rest of the patrol, but she had to make sure her son was alright. "Are you hurt?"

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ a patrol returning earlier than usual was typically warranting of concern, but everyone looked fine. falconheart was shaken, excusing himself on shaky paws, and she didn't miss the sideways glance batwing bestowed upon her mate.

flamewhisker came quick, but the deputy's attention was quickly fixated on the state of her son rather than whatever news the patrol intended to give. nightbird glanced towards raccoonstripe, brow furrowed in confusion. it wouldn't make sense to ask what happened before howlingstar arrived and they'd only have to explain it again, so she didn't. instead she turned to a nearby thunderclanner who had joined to gawk at the patrol, fixing them with a hard look. "you heard him, go find her."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Palepaw also had not been on any patrols that morning, instead taking her time to complete some simpler chores about the camp. She'd just finished changing the moss in the elder's den when she heard the commotion of the patrol returning, and almost immediately felt the strange tension that arrived with them. Head tilted curiously, the lilac apprentice wandered over to the gathering crowd, coming to stand at Nightbird's shoulder just in time to hear Batwing call for Howlingstar. Falconheart trailed away with a worrying amount of nervous energy, and Flamewhisker went with him. Palepaw's ears swiveled anxiously as she glanced sidelong at her mentor, trying to read the expression on the lead warrior's face. Something had obviously happened while they were out, but in a similar train of thought to the black smoke molly, Palepaw was confused by the fact that everyone seemed to be okay. Nightbird's impatient order snapped her out of her wonderings, however, and she offered a curt nod before even checking to see if she had been talking to her. She was so used to following her mentor's blunt commands that it was pure muscle memory at this point. "I'll grab her," she murmured, casting one more concerned look over the patrol party before hurrying towards Howlingstar's den.

[ she went to fetch Howlingstar <3 ]
𓍊𓋼 He should have know better than to think that he could just go hide in his nest. Before he can enter the warriors' den, the bright red pelt of his mother comes into view as she meets him at the den's entrance. Pale paws shift uncomfortably as she asks him what's wrong, her tone heavy with concern. He's suddenly reminded of Flycatcher's demand that she spend less time with him, and Falconheart's frown only grows deeper. He shakes his head.

"I'm fine," he finally says, fluffy tail lashing. He turns away from his mother, and his shoulders slump. It's obvious that Flamewhisker is more worried about him than she is about the rest of the patrol or what Batwing has to say—she's hovering, again. It was different when she was a lead warrior, but she's the clan's deputy now. She has bigger responsibilities to handle, responsibilities that should be more important to her than babying him. He can hear cats approaching, talking about going to fetch Howlingstar, but none of it matters. Falconheart squeezes past his mother to enter the warriors' den, grumbling under his breath, "Go do your job." Leave me alone, leave me alone... He hardly pays attention to the rest of his surroundings as he goes to his nest and settles down. His bushy tail shifts to cover his face, effectively hiding away from the rest of the clan.
  • Sad
Howlingstar is quick to follow young Palepaw back to the group, her brow furrowed with curiosity and confusion. She comes to a halt next to Nightbird, glancing in the direction of Flamewhisker by the warrior's den with Falconheart, before her attention fully settles on Batwing and Raccoonstripe. "What is it?" She probes worriedly, her gaze flicking between the two lead warriors for some sort of answer. It isn't normal for a patrol to return so shaken up and anxious. No one appears hurt; there is no scent of blood in the air nor are there calls for Gentlestorm. It can only mean they bring news of their patrol, something that makes her careful heart pound with concern and disdain for the unfamiliar.
Batwing's vision flicked between those that showed up and those who went- Flamewhisker's soft, probing conversation that ended abruptly with Falconheart didn't go unnoticed, and he made a mental note to make sure the young warrior was okay later. Maybe not so directly, perhaps? His head dipped towards Palepaw as she ran off in silent thanks, her eyes flicking towards Nightbird. A silent conversation exchanged, one of worry but not immediate threat.

His head rounded back towards Howlingstar as she arrived, swallowing gently. There was no point in holding back on the news, as anyone in the territory would either see the signs, the deer, or the end of their hooves before life vanished. "There's a rather large herd of deer in the territory." He stated, shifting slightly uncomfortably. "Perhaps close to thirty or more." His eyes shifted back towards the warrior's den, where Flamewhisker would likely be joining them. "They aren't stampeding or anything but- they are definitely trampling the greenery out there."​

Toadhop had taken in the departed scene with distanced awe — deer for nearly as far as he could see, an amount far from normal, Batwing explained.

And, while the brown tabby wasn’t too sure if a lot of deer was supposed to be a concern at first (if they were careful, if they stayed away from them, wouldn’t everything would be fine?), it’s the demeanor of his patrol mates that tells him otherwise: Batwing’s need to inform Howlingstar, the nerves that have been radiating off Falconheart since they’d neared the herd. Trembling forms beside him make his heart sink, his fur stand on edge — this really wasn’t good, was it?

Cerulean gaze shifts to the cream-furred tom’s beeline to the warrior den upon the patrol’s return, and if it weren’t for his hesitation, Toadhop might’ve followed. But, he sees the red fur of Falconheart’s mother move instead, and his gaze shifts once more as Howlingstar approaches, as Batwing shares the news.

No one’s hurt, “ Toadhop adds, before ears threaten to flatten against his head at his foolishness, at the probably obvious piece of information he’d shared. No one’s hurt, but someone could’ve been with that many deer. If the lead warrior’s warning hadn’t halted them, then what? The brown tabby looks toward the leader, a question of what do we do? left unsaid.​
  • 75352427_5zJK0BNBCWuj2E9.png
    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack