sensitive topics I should've known // rogue scuffle


siltcloud & 16 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

Really, siltcloud should've known that her luck wouldn't last. As though one troublesome and life-threatening encounter wasn't bad enough, she finds herself stumbling right into another. She'd only wanted to stop by the thunderpath for a quick roll and a hunt - to hide the mix of scents upon her pelt that would've easily told of her nighttime ventures, to secure her story with spoils of her hunt. The acrid scent is overwhelming as it is, and mind is elsewhere - maybe that's why she doesn't notice until it's too late.

Wounds still stinging, she has little hope of catching any prey that moves faster than her - instead, searching for something more slow moving and stupid. It doesn't take to long to find a frog, gorging itself upon the clouds of gnats that hover in the early morning fog. She moves in silence, ends things in a heartbeat with a precise pounce and a snap of her jaws. And that's where things go wrong - the feel of another's weights crashing down upon her, fur and flesh meeting claws with a hiss. Prey all but forgotten for a moment, she nearly see's stars - "What in starclans name-" green eyes meet an unfamiliar form, and she bristles.

She'd heard there were more frequent encounters these days, rogues all to willing to steal what little prey they had. But she hadn't really expected to run into one. The nasty thing is already upon her frog, ready to run off with it from the looks of it, before she can even get back to her paws. She can't return back to camp empty pawed, and she's certainly not going to let some stranger make a fool of her.

Scrawny figure launches forwards without a second thought, meeting in a flurry of teeth and claws. It's over before it begins though - she's already tired from her ventures, and there's only so much she can do. Teeth sink into her scruff as her claws sink deep into the cats face, and they're all but thrown apart. The stranger flees before she can give chase - taking her prey with her. "Fox-dung, fucking coward," she mutters, sagging tiredly.

Whatever - at least she has an excuse to explain her wounds now.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • A dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. Her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight, and she most notably has five toes upon each of her four paw. With the death of loampelt, something within siltcloud seems to have changed - no longer is she as soft-spoken as before, instead easily snapping at her clanmates and throwing herself into training her apprentice.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ddadaf]action here[/color][/b] and tag account