camp I still reach for you; cuddles

Aug 16, 2022


Her joints felt sore from the bitter cold of leaf-bare. The graying feline tried to stretch out but she knew some warmth could be an easy cure for her pain. Chirping Bird looked around their new home. Their temporary home. Spotting someone who didn’t look busy and padded over to them. She gave them a friendly nod before asking, “Care to help this old lady out?” she purrs when they agree. Draping one of her paws over them she pulls them down into a cuddle. It may not have been the best spot but her bones instantly felt better. If they questioned her the elder had a simple response, “Hm? No, this is perfect. Lend me ya'r warmth for a few.” the fluffy she-cat said, content with this.

// just a relaxing thread! feel free to be the character she cuddles with, she probably would pick someone she knows wouldn't mind too much lol but feel free to be annoyed by her
When he was approached by Chirping Bird, Ravenpaw expected what she meant by "helping an old lady out" would mean fixing her nest or fetching water-logged moss. Ravenpaw blinked and nodded his agreement, more out of a mechanical sense of duty than anything else. However, he was surprised to find one paw draped over his bony shoulders as he was pulled into a cuddle. The fur along his spine rippled and he held his breath. Eyes wide, he stuttered, "Oh, I, er—" But his broken question was answered.

He'd have to stick here. It wasn't so bad. Ravenpaw was thin, but he had thick long fur that would help the chill in the elders' bones. He allowed himself to relax, purring out weakly. He tucked his paws underneath his chest, the warmth and soothing voice of the older she-cat reminding him of the mother he had been cut short of.

"Thank you."

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Clay watches as the elderly she-cat drags Ravenpaw into a cuddle session, a chuckle falling from his mouth at the sight. The apprentice looks surprised at first, almost resistant, but Chirping Bird is not to be denied, Clay thinks. He trots over to stand a tail-length away from the duo, tail flicking happily. "Hey guys," he greets with a dip of his head, smile stretched across his maw. They look super comfortable, and not to mention warm. He’s used to cuddling up against Clearsight, but before the other tom he would huddle with any cat who would allow him. He just likes to curl up in a ball against someone else, remind himself that his clanmates care about him no matter how annoyed with him they may seem. "Got any room for me?"
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“Of course! Join us.” she purrs, getting comfy against the apprentice. Chirping Bird wondered if more would join them. This was the best way to stay warm. It was a plus that it included spending time with her clanmates. “All are welcome to join. We will all be warm like it’s green-leaf.”

There seems to be an age at which cats stop caring so much about what doesn’t bring them joy or comfort, and Chirping Bird’s enthusiastic grabbing of Ravenpaw to warm her up is proof that the elderly molly has reached that stage of life already. Snakeblink can’t help but smile as the usually gloomy apprentice goes from looking a little bewildered to purring at the unexpected cuddling session.

He’s not usually one for physical contact, though he enjoys it greatly: part of him insists that it’s wrong to seek it out, and few actually offer it to him outright. But he’s not immune to the appeal of piling up for warmth, and besides… Chirping Bird asked for it, didn’t she? It’s helping.

Padding up after Clayfur, Snakeblink settles on the other side of the molly — close enough to touch, though he doesn’t dare to press against her as much as his body would like him to, his body tense and ready to bolt away at her word if needed.

She feels warm against his side nonetheless, and he can already feel a purr building in the back of his throat. He tries to tamp it down, knowing from past experience that it’s a pointless endeavor. This is nice. He hopes she doesn’t mind; hopes that he can stay like this a little longer.
——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

beesong isn't one who seeks out physical contact, nor is he a cat who craves it. and it isn't that the cinnamon tabby doesn't like the act of touching. he's... fine when others touch him, mostly. as long as they steer clear of his face, and as long as they aren't a cat who he is overly wary of. his love language just simply falls elsewhere. he thinks that there are more meaningful actions to convey care; bringing another food, making sure they've had a drink of water that day, and asking if they need anything from him.

watching chirping bird pull ravenpaw into a hug while setting herbs out to dry, beesong isn't compelled to join like clayfur and snakeblink. they're content in observing from afar, their eye crinkling in mild amusement. "you four look comfortable," they comment idly with a hum. "try not to suffocate poor ravenpaw, though. i don't think he'd appreciate an early death from hugging." the dark humor rolls a little too easily off of their tongue, though they do not betray that it is, in fact, a joke with their impassive expression.
As soon as he’s given the go-ahead by Chirping Bird (because Ravenpaw had no say in his tackling by the elder, and will have no say in the warrior’s cuddling up to them), the brown-furred tom takes the last few steps over to stand near the duo. He settles down beside them, lowering himself slowly to the ground with hardly a grunt of discomfort—damn this weather, truly. He gets comfortable quickly, settling against his clanmates’ sides.

Snakeblink also joins them on the ground, lying down on the elder’s other side. Clayfur shoots a grin to Beesong when they speak, rolling his eyes as the healer talks about death and suffocation. "We are comfortable, you should join in." He shrugs, knowing that the odds of convincing the healer to cuddle with them are ridiculously low. Bee just doesn’t seem the cuddling sort—is hardly the conversational sort, though Clay can’t fault him for that. Still, an invitation will be extended to anyone who strays near their little gathered group. "This is nice, you guys. We should do this more often," he says, pressing more of his fur against the cat he’s nearest to.
Her pawsteps are light as she wanders over, the commotion of a 'cuddle pile' making her curious. People genuinely sat and.. Laid together? Sharing tongues, they called it. That was a thing? Her ears twitch, remembering one of the moments she had been allowed a moments reprieve. When Sootstar was still a good molly, was still so curious about leading- free of paranoia and greed. They had soaked in the Pools together with a few others, basking in the warm sun. She smiles bitterly at the memory, turning her attention back to the growing pile of cats. Poor Ravenpaw.

"Well, aren't you having fun?" She hums softly, hesitating to join the rest of them. Instead, she settles not too far from the rest of them, allowing them all space while still being close to them. "I can feel the heat radiating off of all of you. Geez."
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞
