I STILL SEE YOU, FRIEND // blazestar


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

Too long... he had been down for too long. So much had happened and he had been forced to lay idle as nothing more than an unwilling observer. But it ended now. With a stride that betrayed an unevenness caused by his former injury, Sharpeye made his way towards Blazestar's den. He could have sworn that he had seen the tom head inside not too long ago so he planned to seize the opportunity to corner him. He had vowed that he would get a chance to speak with him after the deputy announcement and he intended to keep his promise.

"Blazestar, it's me, may we... talk? It's been a while. Too long in fact." The warrior lingered outside for a moment, though the nagging fear of being turned away lingered on his mind. It was enough to drive him to push his way inside. He wasn't going to give the tom a choice.