private I STOOD IN AWE INSIDE A TEMPLE | valleysong


Apr 23, 2024

By the time Cygnet's Cry realized that his pawpads ached, he and his companion had already run far past the marshes. His hind legs still ached, so much so that a white-hot pain had pulsed through him from the ground-up, but he still ran. Like a hare with its life in its clutches, he ran. All he had known was to run, but this time, there existed little regret to imprison him to the earth.

Stopping to catch the breath that hitched within his throat, the nomad exhaled long drags of air, the vagrant's pants a mere rambling of the past that they had narrowly escaped. The ground below felt softer than that of the wetlands, as if the summer storms had loosened it up, vindicating it from whatever sin it could slough off. He glanced around the quiet lands, of which returned no call nor cry to him, and perhaps it had expected him. The rogue had traversed between these open lands, as the gangrel had flitted between the wildgrasses while returning to Shadowclan every half-moon, though this time it seemed as though the world had reposed into doldrums. It was almost... too serene, and he half-anticipated some sort of disaster to spring up at the very last moment. He had been, thankfully, let down in that prospect. Dawn peeked gently from the curtain of the horizon, as though a peregrine curiosity that strolled along the sky, a slow swim upon the endless sea of soon-to-be-blues. Stars now shied away from the youngling light, retreating into the recesses until it would surely show itself once more. Above him did the gracious moon grin, smiling down upon Cygnet's Cry and his fortunes. He knew that the moonglow would always return to guide him, and would always lead him to his saccharine salvation.

One gunmetal-grey eye turned towards @Valleysong , once-narrowed gaze now softened and rounder, as if the aberrance had pooled from the declining moon itself. He wondered if Valleysong missed Shadowclan already, and Cygnet's Cry would never blame him for doing so. To abandon one's kin, even for a greater good, is never easy. The nomad mused, attempting to gorge out some sorrow that might have dwelled within a stolid countenance or within hesitant footfall. "... Do you happen to know anywhere we can stay? I'm not the most familiar with these lands." Cygnet's Cry mewed to the half-toned tomcat, spirals of errant wind drifting along his flanks, resting upon his spine and playing at shorthaired purls. Even at night did summer's heat swelter at his sides, though the winds of the open area had surely cooled him down. "I'm sure there's an old badger or fox den somewhere." Whipping his silvery head around, he scanned along the open fields for any break in the thistles and hawthorns, any sort of respite for the twain travelers. If he still had a tail, it would surely sway along to the silent cadence of the wild.

( they're near the highstones / moonstone :3 )
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Heaved breaths left a half-white maws as paws skimmed the ground below them. Trailing after a seal-point figure though it’d be a lie if it wasnt stated that nervousness pricked at their paws. For the last some odd moons, longer than two full seasons for certain, he’d live in those marshes and had been part of Shadowclan for the time it was formed. Now there was just the two of them, himself and another. His kit left behind in the dead of night and he wondered briefly if they would miss him, if they would search for them or whatever they could do. They’d probably just be angry and upset with them, but that’s as okay. They were grown and didnt need him anymore.

Eventually they came to a stop and the tortie cat breathed heavily as he lowered his head a bit. They had been running since leaving camp and now the sun was rising above the high mounds of dirt and gravel. Leading up into a mountain range almost of sorts and they were far past that of Windclan or the other clans in general. Bright baby blue sand golden rays danced across the ground as the moon started to lower itself into the depths of the ground. Valleysong looked up at the rising sunlight and fluffed up his pelt a little at the slight stiff wind that accompanied it. They felt so- conflicted.

One one hand they were so delighted, so excited for this new prospect of life and a new start. A start with someone he’d bee dreaming of seeing every day and every morning for moons now. Though of course Cygnet’s Cry has always been his very best friend, closer than anyone else in this world besides maybe their own kit- but that was long gone now, surely. Valleysong looked to the seal point tomcat as his one blue eye looked to him and he spoke about where to stay, if he knew any where. The tomcat gave a furrowed brow and then looked around for a moment.

This seemed oddly familiar to him in a way, like he had been through here before but it had been a long time ago. So it was a foreign feeling at the same time and he looked towards the mound of rock that tumbled upwards. Then Valleysong moved to brush against the other tomcat and gestured with his head, “Come this way, i think i know a place we can hide in for now,” He said to him quickly.

It was a long shot and they were more than likely not allowed to be there, as it was revered for medicine cats and leaders only. Though it was dawn, no one should be in there anyway and it wasnt like anything had happened for them to warrant coming out here either. The tortie and white cat stretched idly to loosen the tightness in his hind legs from running so long and so hard. Before then padding up a small incline up towards a hole in the side of the rocky mound. Valleysong looked up at it as he didnt think he’d ever see the inside of this place, but suppose he never thought he’d be leader. He wasnt but suppose the circumstances warranted it being okay? He had to convince himself otherwise he’d go mad surely. Regardless, he looked to Cygnet’s Cry.

“[color=#8b34e]This is highstones- i believe it to be at least? I havent been here since Shadowclan first started[/color],” He admitted to the other with a flick of his fluffy tail and he looked back to the small opening that lead down a long ways. Would it be worth to hide in here for now? He wasnt sure, but it was better than sleeping outside. Even if he had the other to protect him, not that he’d want him too, it was dangerous.
