

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather isn’t sure that she’s ever sat in the leaders den. She’s stood outside of it- never inside of it, not like this.

She was incredibly respectful of her authority, incredibly self-aware of her place in the clan as a young warrior. Cats such as Blazestar, Orangeblossom, the lead warriors, were only to be approached to report something or when called upon. Anything else was inappropriate, in Figfeather’s opinion.

Never in a million moons had she suspected she’d be in Blazestar’s den to do what she’s about to do. To say what she’s about to say. It took a lot of audacity, a lot of stepping over lines to dare speak what she was about to… but maybe that’s what Blazestar was waiting for? Maybe she needed to prove this is what she wants?

His blue eyes are locked patiently on her, but she feels as though they can see right through her. Is he already upset with her for wasting his time? He was leader of SkyClan, a busy cat, he didn’t have time to spare chitchatting with her- what if he thinks this is mouse-brained of her?

She draws in a shaky breath.

”I want to mentor Cherrykit.”

The words are out so fast she hardly realizes she’s said them. Coral eyes are forced to look into Blazestar’s, she wanted nothing more than to pry them away but she must display confidence. She must show her certainty, if she gave Blazestar any reason to doubt her he would not grant her this for sure.

Figfeather? Come in.” He’d gone to his den for a wash and a quick meal after the ceremonies, intending to prepare for the evening’s Gathering, when a sunkissed-golden figure politely intrudes. She enters, cautious and courteous, but he detects something fiercely determined in the embers of her eyes. Blazestar meets her gaze, swiping his tongue about his whiskers to catch bits of feather and gristle that might cling to his muzzle.

Figfeather draws in a breath, and though she’s clearly anxious, she speaks clearly. “I want to mentor Cherrykit.” Blazestar’s ears perk up with interest. “Cherrykit?” He’s never had a warrior—especially one so young—make such a specific request. He settles a bit more fitfully into his nest, giving her a nod. “You have my attention. Tell me why you think it is you would make a good mentor for Cherrykit.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun