private I THINK I SAW YOU IN MY SLEEP // wrenflutter

Tybalt padded back towards the camp, a fat squirrel dangling from his jaws. The wavy-furred tom moved stiffly, his shoulder still sprained from the fight with ShadowClan after the trespassing warriors had been caught stealing prey. He had been ordered to rest it, but he couldn’t bear to lie around all day. There were mouths to be fed, and he’d survived far worse than a sprain and a gash. This was nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Pushing through the camp entrance, his amber gaze scanned the camp, settling on the nursery. The queens could probably use the squirrel. Starting in that direction, he stumbled to the side as a few scrapping kits crashed into him. He gave a short yelp as he fell, and then reached out with a paw to tousle the fur between the young tom’s ears.

“Watch it, shrimps!” he called. “I didn’t fight Shadowclan to get taken out by you two!” There was no malice in his voice, and his maw cracked into a crooked, teasing grin as he ducked into the nursery.

His ears flicked as he caught sight of the only queen inside—a face he was fairly unfamiliar with. “Hey,” he greeted, voice muffled as he set the squirrel down and pushed it towards her with a paw. “It’s….Wrenflutter, yeah? I thought you might be hungry.”


With the nursery bursting at the seams with kits, and being the mother of four of the bundles, Wrenflutter does take any brief moment of peace to rest, whether it be outside in camp or curled up in the nursery. She had been lightly dozing when she heard another cat enter followed by a muffled greeting. Lifting her head and blinking away the brief drowsiness, she smiled. "Hmm? Oh! Yes, it's Wrenflutter. You're..." She trailed off, squinting as she tried to match the name to the face she was seeing. "Stagstrike..? Is that right?" She hesitantly inquired, her ears flicking back. She hoped she didn't get his name incorrect, she wasn't the greatest at names. "Oh! And thank you for the food, I appreciate it."
დ ♡ დ
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The she-cat lifted her head as he spoke, confirming she had his name right and then pausing to search her memory for his own. He only shrugged when she spoke his clan name. Tybalt had never gotten used to the new name Emberstar had given him, and he’d fought her on it from the moment she’d chosen it without asking him. Unlike most of ThunderClan though, she had offered him an apology and begun to call him by the name he really considered his.

“You can call me Tybalt,” he told the queen. “Everyone calls me Stagstrike except for me.” He had only finally accepted the name as a formality, but had never considered it really his. He’d been Tybalt from the time he was born, and he saw no reason to give it up now. His name was all his parents had left him.