pafp i think i'm done looking down } collecting den materials


the world is fucked, but i'm not
Jun 1, 2023
i'm always the outcast, i'll take the blame
the first night you met me, you forgot my name

A silver-lining to the temporary camp was that the recent unlucky weather and its troublesome winds couldn’t breach the structure of the Thunderpath tunnels. Still, it didn’t feel like home. The image of cats strewn across the dark tunnels wasn’t preferrable to the one of his clanmates tucked nicely in bramble bushes within the familiar hollow of pines. Mossblood fought a mix of feelings of home sickness and excitement for something new. He got moving with a simple task. It was one he hoped would make the tunnels more like a home.

Currently he and his clanmates slept on the cool cement floors of the tunnels. He’d explore the area surrounding the tunnels and collect some den materials in one go. The kits and queens needed somewhere nice to lay their bones the most – as well as Shadowclan’s current wounded. ”Anyone wanna help gather some pine needles for dens? I know I could use a good sleep,” the tom would call to nearby clanmates, welcoming them to join in the chore. Mossblood padded to the tree line next to the Thunderpath, his ears swiveled momentarily to the rushing sound of a distant monster on the path. He turned his back to the Thunderpath and waded into the brambles of the woods. His bright green eyes searched the undergrowth for moss or dry pine needles.

// @Needledrift


  • name ▹ mossblood
    ↳ named prefix "moss" for his dull brown-grey fur. given the suffix "blood" for connection with his clan and his variable intensity.
    gender ▹ male - he/him
    age ▹ 12 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ bisexual

    clan ▹ shadowclan
    rank ▹ warrior

    created on ▹ june 1st 2023 ▹ link!
    penned by ▹ @starsheep

  • short description ▹ a dull brown-grey spotted tabby tom with a cream underbelly and bloodshot green eyes; his medium length fur is unkempt and wild

    physique ▹ he stands shorter and is smaller than an average tomcat with a lithe and skinny body
    notable features ▹ his green eyes are often noticeably bloodshot; his fur is known to be unkempt and somewhat unhygienic and poorly groomed
    eye details ▹ his eyes are a cool green color and shaded by detailed effeminate lashes

    scent ▹ has a distinct musty scent; cool, mildewy, stale and damp
    voice ▹ has a short and informal manner of speaking paired with a flat tone; his voice is an unemotional tenor

    demeanor ▹ he carries himself on dainty and oddly graceful paws; he has an ability to blend into the background when he wants to; he usually has a soft but vain grin on his maw but his his eyes hold a kind of tiredness within them

  • personality traits ▹ a tad superiority complex / selfish / skeptical of starclan / rational / spontaneous / unhygienic / unpredictable / relaxed / unambitious / crafty / nihilistic / sometimes tactless / flexible

    alignment ▹ neutral evil
    mbti type ▹ ISTP-A, 'the virtuoso'
    hogwarts house ▹ slytherin

    likes ▹ living in the present, swamps and water, cricket sounds, recognition, novelty, fishing, comedy
    dislikes ▹ long-term commitments, being rushed or pressured, ghosts, hard deadlines, boredom, large open spaces, visiting the medicine cat

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on no-one

    partner(s)/mate ▹ n/a
    parents ▹ elmstripe (npc) x minktail (npc)
    siblings ▹ briaroath (npc), owlhowl (npc)
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ dustburn (npc)
    apprentice(s) ▹ none

    friends ▹ none; open to friendships!
    enemies▹ none; open to enemies!

    relations notes ▹ WIP for now until more relationships are formed~

  • interaction notes ▹ get along well with most cats and can form many acquaintances however it can be difficult to become a close regular friend of his given his complicated nature / he is often looking for other to participate in activities with / he is loyal to shadowclan and his clanmates but will look after himself first / tends to be perceived as cowardly in physical altercations and he can be passive even in tense situations / will flee fights if the outcome is disputable / he holds few strong convictions and so his enemies are not usually plentiful but it is not difficult to find his faults / he has an uncommon type of charm with his relaxed, open, and spontaneous attitude / powerplay of peaceful and non-violent actions allowed / all character posts & opinions are IC and not OOC

    adept at ▹ good swimmer - he has practiced traversing the thick swamp waters, skilled stalker and good at going unnoticed if he wants to, navigating and seeing at night, remaining calm under pressure or in crisis, speaking his mind, he tends to be easy to get along with
    inept at ▹ he has a wavering will and low endurance, he has a dislike for speaking in front of large crowds, he struggles with reading others' emotions and delicate situations

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◆◇
    swimming ◆◆◆◆◇​
    climbing ◆◆◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇​

  • kithood ▹ mosskit was part of the first generation of kittens to be born under the newly established shadowclan. he grew up in the forest shaded swamplands as his only home. his childhood took place within a turbulent time and under briarstar's and pitchstar's reigns. he had two siblings, owlkit (npc) and briarkit (npc), that he was raised alongside with by his parents elmstripe (npc) and minktail (npc).
    apprenticeship ▹ At four months of age, mosskit became mosspaw. he was trained and disciplined by the clan collectively until the age of eight months when he was formally assigned his mentor, dustburn (npc). he often tried to sneak away from dustburn's training and meetings with him but despite rough and unproductive patches he managed to graduate to a full-fledged warrior. he was now known as mossblood.
    12 moons - current ▹ at current, mossblood is a new and inexperienced warrior of shadowclan. he is serving under the new leadership of chilledstar and trying to deal with the new responsibilities that come with his warrior name.

Pine needles, soft and sap-scented, smelling of childhood.... and home. A home that was probably destroyed by now, dens crushed to bits and their freshkill pile ravaged. Needledrift had been named for the soft pine needles that had littered the ShadowClan camp. Now, she wondered if there would even be a trampled bundle left when they returned... if they returned...

Mossblood was far more proactive than she had been. Since their arrival, Needledrift had wallowed in her own private misery, completely self-absorbed. She felt the tugging weight of one of her great sadnesses on the edges of her psyche. That dreadful cloud lingered dangerously above her head, its proverbial storm fit to drown her if she wasn't careful. It was hard not to just let the storm take her now... maybe she needed to be closer to her clan-mates now - more than ever - to abate it.

She followed Mossblood quietly, her eyes turned towards the earth, mouth still slightly ajar. She couldn't close it now. Flattened, rock-strewn ferns met her paws, remnants of the Thunderpath ruining the scent of the underbrush. She hated it here. Even the ferns seemed to droop near the concrete tunnels and the asphalt river. Even the ferns knew it wasn't a home.

She gulped, swallowing her fear and discontent down, down, down, into the pit of her belly. Whining and crying about their situation wouldn't help it, nor would her cloud do anything but make her a useless bump on a log. It was an awful mindset to stay in, especially when her clan-mates needed her. Sure, she wasn't a great hunter or the best fighter, but by the stars she could -

White toes connected with something slender, soft, and sweet-smelling. Needles! The gray she-cat made a brrrmp! sound in the back of her throat. Just what they needed!
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
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can we leave it behind? Sabletuft was hardly able to keep himself off his paws now. It was hard to take even a moments rest, between helping everyone settle in the tunnels and pacing the stretches of the marsh to pick up any ShadowClanners left behind. Sabletuft's paws had run numb long ago, his claws extended to keep him upright. They scratched against the cement as he padded off to join Mossblood and whoever else accompanied them for the collection.

Amber gaze glanced sideways a few times at Needledrift. He wasn't entirely forgiving of her cowardly portrayal with the beasts in camp, but he still kept his mouth shut from speaking on his judgements. He knew well enough there was enough simmering in her own thoughts that her own self-inflicted criticisms would teach her well. Even more, he would think that she had no outlet to speak them, to push the thoughts out into the wind, would be worse. He didn't envy that.

He parted only a few tail-lengths away once they broke the barrier of brambles, poking his head around some of the roots to find something either pine needles or other preferable bedding. His tail flicked in acknowledgement of Needledrift's findings, taking the moment for one last sweep across the the stump before looking in her direction.

"We should keep them in a pile away from the wind, that way we can make trips back and forth without worrying about them blowing away." White mitted paws would start to push them all together under the protection of some ferns, trying to flick off some that were stuck to his fur. "Sticky... there's quite a lot here though." — tags
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His pluming ears swivel at the warrior's words. Boredom and faint dread were eating Crowkit alive it felt like, and the place they called their temporary camp was noisy and smelled harshly. The newcomer hadn't been of the marsh forest long, but he missed it and was ready to get back. Who knew when that would be. Three warriors took Mossblood up on his task, and the pitch black tomkit wanted to help; Mossblood had offered his help when Crowkit asked for assistance grabbing cobwebs for any injured cats. Pine needles for dens was an even better idea. "Wait! Can I come?" He squawks before they get much further away. Dual - hued eyes stare at the three unblinkingly.

He figures they'll probably say no and drone on and on about safety or something. So he began to poke his black nose around, gathering a measly pile of soft needles around him. These would be very nice to sleep on, and he could gather a nice ol' pile of them for him, Lambkit, Stumpyspots, and when Halfshade and her kits came back, and Emberkit. He was just going to try to get as many as he could, that cold gray stone they slept on was so unpleasant.

  • ooc:
  • shiny, feathery pitch black fur with one silvery green eye and one nearly black one. eyes have an unsettling gleam to them. looks terribly suspicious in his body language and facial expressions.
  • crowkit named at the Carrionplace for stealing tendencies and ability to eat almost anything; and for his black and shiny pelt

    —— he / him; 3 moons, kit of shadowclan

    —— prone to thievery and gluttony, he's building a stockpile of trinkets

    —— current inventory + location

    - 1 blue twoleg wrapper

    - at the temporary camp
  • "speech"
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i'm always the outcast, i'll take the blame
the first night you met me, you forgot my name

Mossblood was a rather... lenient individual. The dangers of the creatures that broke into their camp were fresh and signs of the creatures’ presence could still be found within the forest. Despite this, the young warrior had little intention of traveling very far from the Thunderpath tunnels in their search. ”Erm…,” he paused a moment upon hearing Crowkit pipe up. ”Yeah, sure, kid. But stay really close.” He gave his permission and he felt that was enough but he flicked a glance at Sabletuft to see if the lead warrior would react. Camp was gone and the bramble barriers which kits were expected to remain within didn’t exist at this temporary home. As far as Mossblood was concerned, technically the kits were already outside of camp. There was no way to break a rule that was already being broken, heh.

His ears would perk to a surprised “brrrmp!”. He turned head to Needledrift. Her paws had been quiet and so had she. He hadn’t realized she had joined his search party. Mossblood halted for a moment, and he felt a tinge of nervousness in his chest. He had varying views to Sabletuft. He had watched Needledrift approach the bear in camp willingly. The thought of it stunned him, bewildered him. He had been unable to bring his body to move an inch in the terrifying monster’s direction. He was positive he wouldn’t have been able to even if he’d wanted to. Mossblood possessed a trace of conceit and Needledrift had previously never seemed like someone he’d feel inferior to. He found her actions brave despite the consequences of them.

He blinked and realized he’d been staring directly at the molly. Instead, he adjusted his gaze to the pine needles she’d found. ”Good eye…” He would mumble. He nodded curtly in agreement with Sabletuft’s proposed idea. It was a convenient way to keep their loot together as they transported it back to the tunnels. Mossblood wasn’t the first to offer to grab a mouth full of needles for transport though. He wanted to run his mouth and holding pine needles would make it difficult. The messy furred tom would try to slide up next to Needledrift’s side. He quickly shot a glance around to make sure Crowkit was remaining near to him or Sabletuft before he set his green eyes on Needledrift. ”Uh, hey Needledrift,” he began, slightly quieter than his usually speaking voice.

”I’m amazed at what you did. Ya, know. Back in camp.” He tried to force a grin so he seemed more frank. ”Um, did it feel good? To do that?” He was curious and deep down he wanted to confirm a suspicion of his own - for the sake of his own comfort. He knew Needledrift struggled with her jaw...and now that he thought about it he could barely think of how her voice sounded. "You can nod to answer if that is easier,", the tom would add a moment later and in an even lower voice than before as if he felt her shame.

// sorry it a longer post. ty ppl for responding <3


  • name ▹ mossblood
    ↳ named prefix "moss" for his dull brown-grey fur. given the suffix "blood" for connection with his clan and his variable intensity.
    gender ▹ male - he/him
    age ▹ 12 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ bisexual

    clan ▹ shadowclan
    rank ▹ warrior

    created on ▹ june 1st 2023 ▹ link!
    penned by ▹ @starsheep

  • short description ▹ a dull brown-grey spotted tabby tom with a cream underbelly and bloodshot green eyes; his medium length fur is unkempt and wild

    physique ▹ he stands shorter and is smaller than an average tomcat with a lithe and skinny body
    notable features ▹ his green eyes are often noticeably bloodshot; his fur is known to be unkempt and somewhat unhygienic and poorly groomed
    eye details ▹ his eyes are a cool green color and shaded by detailed effeminate lashes

    scent ▹ has a distinct musty scent; cool, mildewy, stale and damp
    voice ▹ has a short and informal manner of speaking paired with a flat tone; his voice is an unemotional tenor

    demeanor ▹ he carries himself on dainty and oddly graceful paws; he has an ability to blend into the background when he wants to; he usually has a soft but vain grin on his maw but his his eyes hold a kind of tiredness within them

  • personality traits ▹ a tad superiority complex / selfish / skeptical of starclan / rational / spontaneous / unhygienic / unpredictable / relaxed / unambitious / crafty / nihilistic / sometimes tactless / flexible

    alignment ▹ neutral evil
    mbti type ▹ ISTP-A, 'the virtuoso'
    hogwarts house ▹ slytherin

    likes ▹ living in the present, swamps and water, cricket sounds, recognition, novelty, fishing, comedy
    dislikes ▹ long-term commitments, being rushed or pressured, ghosts, hard deadlines, boredom, large open spaces, visiting the medicine cat

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on no-one

    partner(s)/mate ▹ n/a
    parents ▹ elmstripe (npc) x minktail (npc)
    siblings ▹ briaroath (npc), owlhowl (npc)
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ dustburn (npc)
    apprentice(s) ▹ none

    friends ▹ none; open to friendships!
    enemies▹ none; open to enemies!

    relations notes ▹ WIP for now until more relationships are formed~

  • interaction notes ▹ get along well with most cats and can form many acquaintances however it can be difficult to become a close regular friend of his given his complicated nature / he is often looking for other to participate in activities with / he is loyal to shadowclan and his clanmates but will look after himself first / tends to be perceived as cowardly in physical altercations and he can be passive even in tense situations / will flee fights if the outcome is disputable / he holds few strong convictions and so his enemies are not usually plentiful but it is not difficult to find his faults / he has an uncommon type of charm with his relaxed, open, and spontaneous attitude / powerplay of peaceful and non-violent actions allowed / all character posts & opinions are IC and not OOC

    adept at ▹ good swimmer - he has practiced traversing the thick swamp waters, skilled stalker and good at going unnoticed if he wants to, navigating and seeing at night, remaining calm under pressure or in crisis, speaking his mind, he tends to be easy to get along with
    inept at ▹ he has a wavering will and low endurance, he has a dislike for speaking in front of large crowds, he struggles with reading others' emotions and delicate situations

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◆◇
    swimming ◆◆◆◆◇​
    climbing ◆◆◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇​

  • kithood ▹ mosskit was part of the first generation of kittens to be born under the newly established shadowclan. he grew up in the forest shaded swamplands as his only home. his childhood took place within a turbulent time and under briarstar's and pitchstar's reigns. he had two siblings, owlkit (npc) and briarkit (npc), that he was raised alongside with by his parents elmstripe (npc) and minktail (npc).
    apprenticeship ▹ At four months of age, mosskit became mosspaw. he was trained and disciplined by the clan collectively until the age of eight months when he was formally assigned his mentor, dustburn (npc). he often tried to sneak away from dustburn's training and meetings with him but despite rough and unproductive patches he managed to graduate to a full-fledged warrior. he was now known as mossblood.
    12 moons - current ▹ at current, mossblood is a new and inexperienced warrior of shadowclan. he is serving under the new leadership of chilledstar and trying to deal with the new responsibilities that come with his warrior name.

Did it feel good to do that? It was an odd question. It wasn't a matter of feeling good, it was a matter of what was best for her clan. If an enemy threatened your people, you had two options: run or protect. Needledrift had chosen to protect, even if her choice had been foolish and ill-advised. Even if the choice had hurt a friend... killed a friend.

She could nod or shake her head, give her usual answers to questions like she always did, but this question required a bit more. Experimentally, the she-cat placed a paw against her face, pressing at the hinge that would otherwise allow her jaw to move. She moved her mouth, gently clicking her teeth together. Pain laced its way her maw, curling its awful fingers up right at the base of her ears, but at least the joint would allow the slightest movement. "I just... did it." Her voice was quiet, raspy, a honeycomb of tonal instability due to seasons of disuse. Her own voice startles her. "....always fight for my friends." I'll gets caught in her throat. Hopefully her clanmates don't mind too much.

She removes the paw from her face, removing the pressure even as the pain continues. Her jaw is left slightly parted, tongue lolling out on one side as usual. Speaking after being silent for so long feels foreign, like she wasn't meant to be heard by her own ears let alone anybody else's. But despite the anxiety that has appeared - a rat at the back of her head - her cloud had disappeared for the moment, the great storm settling somewhere far away from her mind's horizon. Being part of her clan felt right, being part of her clan felt good. That would always feel good.
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

chilledstar needed to be kept busy. they couldn't just sit and wait to fully feel better. they couldn't afford to– especially not at a time like this. despite anyone's disapproval, chilledstar did not answer to anyone but themselves and on occasion– the stars. they blink at the kit who wants to come and the idea of anything happening to him makes them sick to their stomach. they twitch their ears, and just decided that just this once it would be okay, so long as everyone watched and made sure he stayed close and did not venture.

"crowkit. this is not going to be a common thing until you become an apprentice, alright? it is extremely dangerous. please don't stray from us."

they rasped out, before their ears perked up at the sound of... needledrift? stars... she was trying really hard to do that, now wasn't she? with a frown, they don't know what to say. it wasn't like they've talked a lot since their childhood. after chilledstar was mentored by some... not so nice cats... it made it harder to maintain friendships. it was especially hard after the great battle. needle pushed chilled away just as much as chilled did. they sighed before just looking back at the other cats.

"let's go then. lead the way, mossblood."