camp I THINK I'M FALLIN' OUT — intro, acting out



[ retro to pitch's death; set right after february's meeting ]

it's not fair.

that's what flamekit thinks while he watches his denmates touch noses with their new mentors. it's what he thinks even after hours have passed, the sun sinking to make way for the moon. it's not fair. he wants to be an apprentice, too. he doesn't want to be left behind, in a nursery that seems far too big without them. his littermates don't seem to understand; they tell him there's no reason to get upset, that they'll be apprentices one day, too. but flamekit doesn't want to be an apprentice one day. he wants to be one today.

that want burns within his chest, and there's a blaze in his blue eyes that he turns on his parents. who, for the most part, have been ignoring him today. they don't pay much attention to him most days, they say that he's not a newborn in need of coddling anymore. but today, it seems worse. like they can sense his frustration, and they'd rather wait for the fire to be extinguished than try to tame it themselves. but he won't let them turn their backs on him. he wants to be an apprentice, and he's going to get them to talk to pitchstar!

(he just wants his parents' attention. maybe, if he becomes an apprentice and trains really hard, they'll look at him with more than impassiveness. maybe, once he's one of shadowclan's greatest warriors, he'll find a glimmer of pride in their eyes.)

the little orange tabby stomps over to where they sit outside of the warriors' den, a half-eaten frog shared between them... his mother and father also don't share their meals with flamekit and his siblings now that they're weaned. another dumb lesson about being more independent, flamekit thinks. well, if they want him to be more independent, they should let him train alongside his denmates! er, old denmates? he doesn't like to think of them in the past tense like that, because it reminds him again of how he'd been left behind.

"we're busy, flamekit," says his father, one paw waving the approaching child away. but flamekit doesn't stop. he plants himself firmly in front of the frog they're eating, shifting his glower between the both of them. they don't even look at him longer than a heartbeat before they return to eating. flamekit's scowl deepens.

"i want to be an apprentice, too!"

"not now," his mother sighs, shaking her head as she turns to look into his narrowed eyes. "you're too young. you'll have to wait like the rest of your siblings; i've already explained this to you, flamekit."

"but-" flamekit begins, one hind leg thumping against the ground much like a rabbit—they don't understand! they never do!—but he's interrupted.

"quiet, flamekit. if you're just going to whine like a child, you'll be sent to the nursery like one." his father snaps. flamekit flinches back, his ears flattening. it's not fair, his mind echoes. "now, make yourself useful and pick something off of the pile for you and your siblings to eat. it's almost your bedtime."

"...fine." flamekit mutters through gritted teeth. really, he's only turning away to hide the traitorous tears building in his eyes. stupid. his parents are stupid. why wouldn't they let him become an apprentice?! the age rule is dumb, it doesn't make any sense. he's more than capable of hunting and fighting!

as the kitten flounces toward the small fresh-kill pile, he seethes with how unfair it all is. and as he glares down at the little choices he has for food, he finds a familiar bitter taste on his tongue. frustration mounting and mounting, until he couldn't contain it any longer.

without thinking, flamekit grabs a mouse and spins on his heels, attempting to throw it straight at his father's stupid face. any attention is better than none. even if that attention is getting yelled at. but the scrawny tabby's never been particularly strong or coordinated; he stumbles mid-throw, and instead of hitting his intended target, the mouse slaps another clanmate who'd been passing by. flamekit's teary eyes widen.


[ tl;dr, tiny child gets angry that he can't be an apprentice and throws a mouse at a clanmate. feel free to have your character be the one who was hit! ]
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( ) Returning from a patrol with two scrawny frogs between her teeth, Adderjaw has no reason to anticipate an incoming projectile until the mouse has hit hete square in the jaw. In an uncharacteristically undignified move, the molly startles backward at the sudden attack by flying mouse, dropping her frogs in shock. Her limbs flail a moment as she catches herself; thank StarClan the rest of the party went on ahead.

Shame burns in Adderjaw's chest, before she can even figure out what happened. Her gaze lands at the small fresh-kill pile she seems to be unwittingly forming; two frogs, yep that sounds about right, and a mouse. A mouse? A... flying, dead mouse. No, that's ridiculous. Which means that someone... threw a mouse? Someone threw a mouse. At her face. Oh, Adderjaw is pissed.

She buries the shame and snaps her head up, cold eyes searching for the culprit. There: a kit Little bastards are always causing trouble. A growl rises in her throat as she stalks over, picture of a nightmare with her thick, dark pelt, large form, and vicious expression. "You," she hisses, "Little brat. You throw that? Think you're funny?" Her words tip into a snarl at the end, and she raises a paw as if to cuff the kit over the ears.

It's then, mouse-length away from the kit as she is, that she notices the wetness in his eyes. Her rage wavers. She hesitates, puts her paw down. "Don't try anything like that again. You caught me in a good mood, this time." And with that, she moves to pick the now three pieces of prey back up, brings them over to the fresh kill pile, and subsequently, the little troublemaker. "Your parents know you're pulling this shit, kid?" she tacks on, more out of obligation than care. Hopefully they can keep this little thing under control, and then she won't have to deal with him.

Change your mind

Crowkit had watched everything go down, Flamekit's tantrum, how his parents gave him little to know attention and Adderjaw willing to almost strike the kit and a frown appeared on the kit's jaw before he trotted over to stand near Flamekit's side and Crowkit's fur fluffed out "Why do you think it was Flamekit who threw it?" just like Flamekit, Crowlit did what he could do to gain the attention of their own father, but none of that worked. Brown gaze glowered at the warrior while their tail lashed irritably.

"I feel bad for that mouse, it hit something so ugly as yourself" stated icily towards Adderjaw, placing themselves slightly in front of the other kit. Some warriors here have some nerve that was for sure, Flamekit did nothing wrong (not in his eyes at least). "Besides I don't think you were Flamekit's intended target, I'm sure he was going after someone far more worthy of such a throw and you just got in the way, or course...if he had thrown it" Crowkit placed in as well. Attention was attention, negative or positive it was still there and Crowkit wasn't going to accept a warrior who wanted to throw a hissy fit over a mouse hitting them in the face, and jumping into conclusions that they meant to throw it at them.
( ) Another kit, perfect. As if Adderjaw's day couldn't get any better. "Why do you think it was Flamekit who threw it?" he asks, and Adderjaw lets out a long, beleaguered sigh. "Kid was staring right at me, looking like he'd fucked something up real bad. Don't try to defend him." It's noble, the kid sticking up for his brother like that, but it's not well deserved. And yet, Crowkit seems very committed to doing it! He just keeps going, doesn't he.

"I feel bad for that mouse, it hit something so ugly as yourself." Her fur bristles. Oh, he is just trying to piss her off, isn't he. Except... Yeah, actually, he probably is. Adderjaw pauses, still staring down at the fresh-kill pile, lets the kit's words wash over her. Yeah, she should not be letting the words of a 2-moon-old get to her. She takes stock. She's angry, she's embarrassed, she should not be getting this worked up about it. Especially now that she has an apprentice of her own that she's supposed to be setting an example for, and stars if that hasn't been rocketing her stress levels. But these are literal children, not worth her time.

Another sigh. Forcing her anger down, Adderjaw turns slowly towards the two brothers, face set in an unpleasant grimace. "Fine," she grits, "Sure. Maybe it was an accident, and he was trying to fling mice at some other poor soul." Or maybe he just thought it'd be funny to attack random clanmates, but who is she to say. Either way, the kid needs to learn some damn respect. Both of them do. "I'll ask again, more nicely this time: Where are your parents?" Not like she'd know who they are, she doesn't keep track of the nursery goings-on. Still, someone needs to keep an eye on these two, clearly.
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the warrior pauses for a moment, and the realization that it had been one of pitchstar's siblings he'd hit sinks in. great stars, why'd it have to be the leader's sister?! flamekit doesn't remember her name... the leader has so many siblings, it's too hard to keep up with them all! but he knows she's one of them because she looks awfully similar to him, right down to the nasty scowl she has on her face when she snaps her head around.

flamekit's heart drops into his stomach as the furious molly stalks towards him. she towers over the scrawny kitten with ease, glaring down at him with piercing olive eyes, and it takes everything in him to not cower. don't be a pansy! flamekit forces himself to stare right back at her, his brows furrowing and lips pursing into a defiant pout. little brat, she calls him, and it's nothing that he hasn't heard before. his father calls him that plenty. it doesn't really hurt him anymore.

the rosette tabby asks him if he threw the mouse, if he thinks he's funny. her voice dips into a low snarl that reverberates in flamekit's pinned ears. before he can even retort something that's bound to get him into more trouble, she's raising her paw, and flamekit already knows what's coming next. he's been cuffed around the ears more times than he could count on all four paws. the orange tabby holds back a flinch. he squares his jaw and narrows his eyes into what he hopes is a venomous glare, but the moisture glistening in them ruins it.

the painful strike he braces for never comes.

the she-cat pauses, hesitates longer than his father ever has, and then her paw lowers back to the ground. flamekit blinks, confusion softening his features. why did she stop? his father never has. all she does is give him a warning because she's apparently in a good mood today. it's weird, and a little off-putting. so much so, that flamekit doesn't even snap at her when she asks if his parents know he's pulling this shit. (that's one of the bad words his parents don't want him saying, isn't it? how come the adults get to say it but he can't?) "no," flamekit huffs with a lash of his tail, bitterness creeping into his voice. "they're busy." they're always busy, or too tired to deal with us

frog-dung, the tears are trying to come out again. flamekit turns to scrub at his eyes with one paw, his hind leg thumping against the ground. frustration clings to his movements, the young kit cursing his leaky tear ducts.

crowkit comes to his side with a challenge directed toward the warrior. flamekit shoots him a grateful look, trying (and failing) to hold back a giggle when the other tom calls the warrior ugly. he doesn't really think the she-cat's ugly... she's more scary-looking than ugly, but it's funny to hear her get insulted after she almost cuffed him. (almost, but she didn't. he wonders why?) still, the warrior doesn't entertain the thought of it being anyone other than flamekit who threw the mouse. flamekit's totally busted, and in his experience, lying only makes things worse when he knows he's been caught. the amusement falls from his face as quickly as it'd popped up, and flamekit's back to scowling at the warrior. "yeah, i threw it. but i wasn't tryin' to hit you."

adderjaw reiterates the previous question about his parents, and flamekit couldn't stop the annoyed roll of his eyes. "told you, they're busy." they're sitting outside of the warriors' den, still, absorbed in whatever conversation is more important than flamekit. but he isn't going to tell her that if it means he'll get off the hook without a cuff around his ear this one time.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut isn't motivated to leave camp much these days. Ever since his own failed hunting patrol, he finds himself curling up in his nest and replaying the night's events in his head or slouching about in camp, obviously bothered by how everything has unfolded. ThunderClan undoubtedly hated ShadowClan now, and even though new leaf was rapidly approaching and would likely bring ShadowClan out of an era of extreme starvation, the tension would still linger between the two clans. The orange tabby tom, having led one of the hunting patrols, could not help but feel partly responsible for everything that has happened.

The tom quietly watches the scene unfold from the corner of camp, green eyes lingering upon the family's interaction. He can see himself in the orange tabby kitten, a mirror of his younger self save for the color of their eyes. What would have life had been like had his father not been killed? He felt as if he never got in as much trouble as a kit, mostly because his mother didn't have the heart to scold him.

Roosterstrut figures that he won't say anything, seeing as this was a private manner between the family. Things do escalate, however, and Flamekit storms over toward the fresh-kill pile before proceeding to chuck a mouse in what appears to be the direction of the parents. Caught in the crossfire is none other than Adderjaw, to which Roosterstrut visibly winces — bad timing!

The warrior frowns as the fierce she-cat delivers a scolding to the young tom. He doesn't blame the kitten for losing control of his emotions. Roosterstrut could recall how heavily he felt anger and sadness at a similar age, and how much of a struggle it was to learn to regulate them. Apprenticeship really helped the tom in channeling his frustrations into a positive outlet such as training or hunting and he could only hope that, in time, Flamekit would do the same.

Another kit is seemingly coming to Flamekit's rescue, though the situation doesn't appear to be improving much. As Adderjaw grills Flamekit about the whereabouts of his parents, Roosterstrut makes his way over. "It was an honest mistake, Adderjaw. Don't be too harsh on the kid." Had he fucked up now? The other warrior was undeniably terrifying at times and the last thing he needed was to get on her bad side. So, the younger tom adds, "... Please."

Roosterstrut turns to the young tom in question now. He is someone who is not inherently paternal, necessarily, but this could be something of a learning opportunity for the youth. The older warriors were individuals who young Roosterstrut really looked up to, especially after his father could no longer be around for him. "Flamekit, right?" The fellow orange tabby adopts a tone that is serious yet soft, so as not to intimidate. "I know you're frustrated, but ShadowClan is coming out of a really tough leafbare. Food is something we need to appreciate, not throw. Okay?" He and many other warriors were injured, nearly even killed stealing prey from ThunderClan. Just because prey was starting to become plentiful again didn't mean that it should be taken for granted.
( ) Well, Flamekit and Crowkit's parents are busy, apparently, the kid won't budge on that, so there's no hope of dropping the kits off on someone who will actually know how to deal with the little troublemakers. Great. Thankfully, Roosterstrut seems to be making his way over. Adderjaw glances at the tom out of the corner of her eye, listens as he defends Flamekit.

An honest mistake? That's funny. Kit was throwing around prey, wasting the clan's precious food and her own precious time, what's honest about that? "Please," tacks on the younger warrior, and Adderjaw almost snorts. She can see a hint of fear in his eyes, when he says it. He's intimidated by her -- good. And polite about it too, these kids could learn a thing or two from him. "Kid'll never learn if he can just get away with it," she grumbles, shooting another glare towards Flamekit. He's scowling at her now, tiny thing with watery eyes, near-shaking as he glares at the far bigger molly. At least he's got the spirit, though it'd be better served for anything other than throwing mice at Clanmates.

Adderjaw is silent as Roosterstrut speaks to the child, voice soft in a way that her own never is. She's not so cruel as to interrupt; this is exactly why she never gets involved with kits, the other warriors are far more well-equipped for something so delicate. Despite herself, she remains by the fresh-kill pile. Something about this is bugging her. "I know you're frustrated," says Roosterstrut to the mouse-thrower. Is he? She'd thought he was just a kit making trouble. There's something Adderjaw is missing here.

When Roosterstrut finishes speaking, only then does Adderjaw interject. She gives a gruff nod in response to his words -- maybe he'll get through to the little brats in a way she hasn't. Less interrogative now, she adds, "The hell were you trying to throw it at anyway? Since you're so insistent it wasn't me."