camp I THOUGHT IT WAS TRUE ✧ patrols

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Under a distant sun that makes a cold day scarcely warmer, Orangeblossom waits for a few certain members of SkyClan to show their muzzles among the clowder. Her rallying yowl has faded into the air by now, a call to attention made not particularly urgent by the deputy's nonchalant expression, but she sits straight with her shoulders squared and plumy tail curled around her paws.

"Slate, you'll be going to Twolegplace at dusk. Mallowlark and Tatteredlight will come with you." Cherrypaw is old enough now that Orangeblossom doesn't need to add her daughter's name to the grouping; she would know to go with them. She's the only apprentice of the patrol this time, despite the generous pawful of young cats sleeping in SkyClan's apprentice den now.

"Greeneyes- tonight you will go to ThunderClan with Falconpaw, Bear and Quillstrike." She nods to the red-and-white tabby, catching the eyes of the other toms in the crowd briefly before her gaze returns to the lead warrior. "Be vigilant. We haven't found any fox-scent yet, but do ask ThunderClan if they have if you meet a patrol."

After they returned, meeting the first of the night-watchers with their findings and tucking into their dens for the evening, there would be only a short time before the dawn patrols were roused. Orangeblossom hesitates for a long moment before she looks towards a familiar lilac tabby, tail curling.

"Bobbie. You'll be taking Figfeather, Howlfire and your apprentices nearby the unclaimed border at dawn." These three apprentices, however, are not experienced enough to know that they had to go with their mentors without being told. As for the location ... well, they had to go sometime. With the three experienced she-cats looking out and their mother among them, they should be alright. "Be careful. If you catch a fresh rogue-scent, do not pursue it. Report back with your findings."

"The other dawn patrol will be to RiverClan, led by Blazestar."
Next, she seeks out a cream-pointed pelt. Even if he still looks somewhat weak Blazestar would need to get back out of camp sometime, and with the river slowly turning to slush between them it's likely that RiverClan wouldn't give them too much grief. He would not be wasting his final life on their rogue problem if she had anything to do with it. "With you will go Dogbite and Hazelbeam."

"Hunting patrols will be led by Moonfang and Duskpool."
Orangeblossom decides that she will likely tag along with Springpaw on one of the Clan's hunting patrols, seeing as she had not assigned herself to a border patrol this moon. Leafbare is a tough time to begin training, but would provide a very easy path into sharp hunting skills when the snow melts. Duskpool's training session had been enough of a success in her eyes that he could handle this, too. "Dandelionwish, I trust you to handle our warrior training."

"Finally, Dawnglare has requested a warrior escort for he and Fireflypaw while they search for herbs. Twitchbolt, you and Pumpkinpaw will be going with him. Dismissed."

Despite her dismissal Orangeblossom lingers at the base of the holly tree for a moment, looking around at the familiar muzzles of her Clanmates to gauge their questions and reactions.

Patrol leaders, listed first, are in charge of making their threads! if you aren't able to do so, please let one of the hp team know so we can organise an alternative :]

loner lands, dawn: @bobbie @FIGFEATHER @Howlfire @BLAZINGPAW @wolfkit @Hawkpaw
riverclan, dawn: @BLAZESTAR @Dogbite @Hazelbeam @LITTLEPAW! @edenpaw ?!

twolegplace, dusk: @SLATE @MALLOWLARK @TATTEREDLIGHT @Cherrypaw
thunderclan, dusk: @GREENEYES @BEAR @QUILLSTRIKE @falconpaw!

hunting 1: @MOONFANG
prompt: your patrol encounters twolegs.
hunting 2: @DUSKPOOL
prompt: a flutter of butterflies crosses your path, distracting your patrol from the hunt.

training: @Dandelionwish

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Reactions: DOGBITE
Fireflypaw hears the call for patrols, this time with Dawnglare and himself being given warrior escorts to watch over them. A sigh of relief leaves the large tom's chest, soon turning to the cats summoned- Twitchbolt and Pumpkinpaw. He nods to the two cats with a smile, head tilting down to the snow beneath his paws to shuffle it around.

"Ready when you two are. Dawnglare will lead the way."
Hearing the call of his friend had Dogbite swiftly abandoning their task, pushing the remnants of his old nest aside into the dirt place. Jogging towards the deputy, they stopped to stand by Fireflypaw's side, raising his snout in attention. The assignments for the patrols were being listed off, and their tattered ears perked when he heard their own name along with Hazelbeam's, selected to join Blazestar.

The deputy's choice made sense to the tabby, and he felt a surge of gratitude at the trust placed in them. After the recent fox skirmish, he knew the importance of staying alert, especially with both the recently injured leader and his scarred apprentice in tow. However, Riverclan territory seemed to be a relatively neutral grounds with little activity. Whether the patrol leaned towards peaceful or stressful, Dogbite was determined to keep a vigilant eye. He nodded dutifully, scanning the crowd to find a familiar tuft of fur.

Spotting his subordinate, they hopped onto all fours and weaved through the cats. Approaching the apprentice with an easy gait, he aimed to nudge them gently at their side, a small smile gracing his features. Despite the potentially worrisome task ahead, he was pleased to spend time with good company. "Alright, Littlepaw, we'll catch up with the rest later." He meowed kindly, turning to face Blazestar but waiting for the paw' to follow along. His tail twitched patiently as he pondered either a training session or a meal prior.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Dusk patrol, huh? It was certainly better than the dawn patrol, though she could use a change of scenery. She'd been to the Twolegplace once with Orangeblossom and Tatteredlight already, back when his name had still been Lux. And Mallowlark was someone she knew frequented the place, hoping for a meeting with his kin...or something, Cherrypaw tried to never delve too deeply into whatever Mallowlark was.

The girl is already at Slate's side, prim with the results of her latest grooming session. "Maybe we'll find some lost little kittypets again," she remarks, glancing up through her lashes at her mentor. Knowing her patrol wouldn't be gathered until later today, she walks off in search of the departing before rejoining Slate in whatever he wished to fill their time with till then. Edenpaw is her main target, but she would take a friendly word from Figfeather or Bobbie too.​
Blazestar shoulders his way out of his den at Orangeblossom’s call to gather. She wastes no time in dishing out her patrol assignments, and when she turns to his mate, his fur begins to prickle. He agrees the border needs to be investigated, and the warriors she’s chosen are fierce, intelligent, and capable. His misgivings are purely selfish, he reasons with himself. The Ragdoll pads over to Bobbie, giving her a gentle nuzzle before turning dark blue eyes on Howlfire and Figfeather. “She’s right. This is to gather information.” He turns, seeking the rainbow tabby pelts of his grandkits. “Listen to your mentors. This is a serious mission, understood?” His voice is unnaturally stern, though it does not hold a candle to Orangeblossom’s, in all truth.

After a few heartbeats, he leaves Bobbie to organize her patrol, seeking the dark-and-white and cream-colored pelts of the warriors he’s to lead to RiverClan’s border. He finds Dogbite sitting in the crowd, talking reassuringly to Littlepaw. “We’ll leave as soon as the sky brightens,” he tells Dogbite and Littlepaw warmly. “Get some sleep and be prepared, okay?

, ”

Momentarily abandoning his meal, Greeneyes rises to heed Orangeblossom's call. The young lead moves forward to settle among the anticipating crowd, a gaze locked forward as he listens for his name.

He doesn't have to wait long, having been tasked with leading a patrol to ThunderClan's border at dusk. Malachite eyes lift toward the sky in contemplation of the sun's height, before nodding his head at Orangeblossom's words. Be vigilant.

" Of course, " he says, knowing to keep track of any fox-born evidence they come across. Greeneyes can only hope it's an uneventful patrol, but still, he can feel the twinge of nerves arising. Painting a smile across his face, he searches the crowd for his apprentice and the rest of his patrol. " We'll meet back here when the sky gets darker. "

Ginger ears twitch as they capture his sister's name somewhere along the string of assignments, a task that sets his stomach sinking further. The unclaimed border had been washed with rogue scent upon his last perouse of the area, and though they hadn't found anything beyond that, it still needed to be investigated. Figfeather is strong — Bobbie and Howlfire, too. The trio was capable of holding their own: Greeneyes knows he shouldn't worry as much as he does.

Greeneyes pads forward after Blazestar to greet Figfeather and her patrol mates with bright eyes, smiling at their gaggle of apprentices behind them. " Tell me all about it when you get back, yeah? " he asks of his littermate. New findings or not, Greeneyes would still like to hear from the marmalade tabby how it went, how the early days of training her first apprentice are going. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

When Orangeblossom stands to give out assignments, Howlfire is eager to listen. It's been a long time since she went on a proper border patrol and she's keen to hear if she and Hawkpaw will be assigned anywhere.

As she had hoped, Orangeblossom does put her on a patrol, instructing her to join Bobbie and Figfeather on a patrol to the loner lands. It's admittedly not a border she's been to much but she nods at the request, meowing an agreement to focus on gathering information about the rogues and not pursue them. A prickle of unease runs along her back knowing this was where the rogue scent had been detected and all of her kits were present, but she trusts Bobbie and Figfeather and knows they'll keep her children safe.

"Are you ready, Hawkpaw?" She asks, turning her attention to her eldest daughter. This would be her first border patrol and she was curious to see how she was feeling. "Just listen to me and be on your best behaviour and you'll be fine."
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Sitting, Tatteredlight lifted his head with a languid blink of his hues, helm tilting with a soft-sounding hum in acknowledgment, gaze flickering to those that’ll be with him. He had spent time with Slate and Cherrypaw on a similar patrol, lanky tail curling idly beside him.

It’d been some time since he traveled the twolegs border, having spent time there before he joined. It wasn’t something he liked to think about, wincing at the sore memories that resulted in some unwelcoming encounters.
thought speech

Figfeather drifts to her apprentice, finding their pelt with relative ease among the crowd. This would be Wolfpaw’s first time at the borders, and on an important mission too. The unclaimed border could be filled with surprises but Figfeather has no doubt they were capable of scouting for sign of rogues safely. After all, they were specifically ordered not to engage. ”There will be much to learn on this mission, Wolfpaw. Make sure you stay close to me and do everything I tell you, alright?” Her meow is stern, but there is an excited shimmer in the gaze she holds on her apprentice.

Then she looks back to Bobbie and Howlfire, eager to accomplish the task at paw.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He breathed steadily, flank rising and falling with the subtle motion, Duskpool rumbled, gathering himself onto heavy-lidded paws, bulky muscle rippling. His helm swerved, ears swiveling toward Orangeblossom at the sound of his name, molten hues raising to stare at a familiar build with a languid nod of his helm. Hunting patrol, eh? He glanced at the sky, whiskers twitching with a neutral look, wondering if they’d be able to find something in this blasted weather, something akin to fleeting hope circled like butterfly wings, light and unsuspecting, Duskpool would just have to see.

“I’ll be headin’ out soon, best ya get whatever it is ya need to do out of the way.” He rumbled, treading on heavy paws toward the camp’s entrance with a low flick of his wooly tail.
thought speech

Bear's own contact with the other clans is close to zero. He's more than familiar with the territory, but the encounters have been not plentiful in his experience. Unwillingness drags at his paws, has him hauling them with great effort. His usually mournful stare instead possessed by a sharp, boring stare. Not feeling any need to hasten their venture into the depths of what he's presuming will be a dangerous and perilous venture. He stiffly trudges to his group, tension gripping his body, shoulders hunched. A shaggy head swivels to seek Dogbite, sparing Littlepaw and his sibling a glance, before flitting to attention, the sharpness of his stare maintaining. He keeps his jaws firmly shut, teeth pressed. Unwanting to open them, he offers a tip of his head to Greeneyes.
Their scruffy mug perked up with interest as Blazestar approached and a kindred smile graced his scarred features. "Of course, and I'll make sure he eats before we tuck in for the night." A gentleness graced his gaze as they peered downward at the black and white tom. Dogbite held comradery for many cats but his student was a special case. They'd killed for them, nursed their wounds, watched them grow and they were his first responsibility as a Skyclanner. The tabby loved the grumpy rascal and after recent events he'd be keeping an even closer eye on the paw'.

The conversation is momentarily halted as he catches his brother's brief glance. Smiling a touch brighter he nods in the others direction. Blinking a silent prayer of 'be safe' as the other sets up to head out. Tuning back to the present discussion he leans his head towards the fresh kill pile. Wiry frame turning and ready to set off as he offers aloud. "Well, I'm off to go eat. You should come share a meal with us, Blazestar." Giving his leader a small wave of encouragement the splotched warrior padded away. Not stopping to wait for a response as he left the invitation open.

  • out!
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: BLAZESTAR
"Understood!" The former medicine cat quipped up amused at hearing his name listed first in any of these patrols at all.
Him with training? He was no slouch but surely another cat was much better at fighting than him? It was kind of warming to be put in charge of such a thing by the stern and powerful deputy though - made him think she viewed him a little more positively than he sometimes thought she did based on her quiet nature. Dandelionwish knew he could be a little hard to get along with when it came to some of his more prickly clanmates, but it was nice validation to know these were mostly his own thoughts pushing his sensibilities away. He'd been a pawful since his kits were born, he knew, constantly bothering the nursery and checking on Butterflytuft and as far as he knew this was a reminder of his duties and a bit of a poke at his slacking in his own apprentice's training as a result of fatherhood. Time to actually get back into it before Orangeblossom gave him a cuff on the ear like a misbehaving kit.
"Alright, Lupinepaw, let's go find us a spot to get started!"

  • Apprentice Tag- @LUPINEPAW

  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw remained silent, simply watching as the conversation flew over his helm, merely blinking languidly in response to Blazestar’s question. Sleep? He wanted to repeat, gaze narrowing. Why did he need to sleep? Shouldn’t they be out training? He needed to—The black-and-white feline huffed, fluffy tail subconsciously curling, appetite gone, replaced by crackling dread. I don’t need sleep. He needed to practice!

His mentor invited the other, blue hues staring at Blazestar’s large form, kneading the ground. He breathed tiredly, pivoting away from the leader, pawsteps veering toward the apprentice den, keen on shutting everything out, or at least, going over the few things Dogbite had taught him until it was time.
thought speech