i thought you wanted to dance | joining



Moon was determined to keep her promise as she trudges through the twoleg place, through the streets with a gift of a scrawny bird in her mouth. If there is anything that she learned, it's that when cats are starving, the best thing to do is bring them food. And honestly, her skinny frame was wracked with hunger as she watches her surroundings, it took quite everything to not eat the bird... But she wants a good impression, she wants to see her brother again even if it means sucking up her pride for just a couple minutes (not that she knows how these joinings went).

The girl leaps over the fence she had met Hail by and trudges closer to the border. Last time it had been completely dumb luck that the cat that greeted her was her own brother, this time shes sure she wont be so lucky. She reaches the border in no time, dropping the bird at her paws and staring out in to the vast forest. Is this even the right place? It smelt heavily of the scent Hail had on him… She hopes it is at least.

The world feels small and kind of unreal. The most Moon could do is tackle it head on like she usually did.

// @Ashenclaw BUT no need to wait!
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Once upon a time he was Tigger and he knew the twolegplace well. Now he is a Skyclan warrior with a duty to protect his clan. It's hard work and he often drags himself through the mud but he never lets that get the best of him. At least even when dogtired he still tries to keep going. Stepping lightly through the force of mixed trees he allows his pale blue gaze to drift over the area. Just a small patrol to check their border with the place kittypets, loners, and rogues alike. With a soft breath he smells something, a figure and also prey. Curious and with caution he steppd lightly across the grass that is trying to grow after so much cold and then he sees the molly. At her paws is a bird and he wiggles his muzzle a little before he comes towards her. Though he keeps a look out he tries for a friendly smile. "What might you be doing here?" Hopefully not to cause any trouble.

Though he is sure that he can handle himself just fine. Scars and scraps are hidden beneath his pelt and are a testimony to that. With a small flick of his tail he sits down and eyes the bird once more. "This is Skyclan's border and our territory." Just to be sure that they know.

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Never did one think that this would be happening. That this would actually be something of a change in the dynamic of his relationship to his sister. Fully expecting to have been told no over and over again until he couldn't fight it anymore. Moon was a stubborn one and she had declined the offer he had made the previous day- but something had changed her mind. And it made guilt tear at his chest quietly. It was what he had to do to get his sister here, but man was Orangeblossom going to be so upset with him.

Ashenclaw sighed through his nose as he stoppped in his walking. He was going to be in a deep hole after this one, but what else was he to do? He couldn't just let his sister cotninue to starve and nearly die daily by the hands of the twolegplace- especially in leafbare. Though it had been his words that pushed the narrative and he fear what would come next in the terms of his little white lie.

Continued padding through the forest after his moment of realization when he heard a voice in the distance, it was Cardinalshines'. He blinked a few times and swore under his breath as he was hoping no one would have gotten to her. Thankfully it was a nicer cat like Cardinalshine and not like Blazestar or Ora right off the bat. Ashenclaw hurried forward and pushed through wilted bracken before lifting his head slightly.

"Afternoon, Cardinal," He greeted the tomcat with a small twitch of his tail before heading over to his side, and wasn't entirely sure how to approach this opteration. Telling the tom outright that this was his sister seemed out of place almost and there wasn't anything to pick up otherwise. The blue tabby swished his feathery tail behind him quietly before dipping his head, "Afternoon, sister,"


✦ ★ ✦
Swift steps carried him behind Cardinalshine as a new scent of cat and prey lingered in his nose, a bit of uncertainty pulsing through him with whatever was about to unfold. Was someone taking prey from their territory? A Rouge or loner? Perhaps a stray kittypet with a too curious streak? Auburnflame's jaw tightened to a taut string, flexing the muscles while clenching his teeth together. An all too familiar bad habit for him, he knew. A silhouette of a figure attracts his vibrant gaze as it traces over the unfamiliar molly with a bird settled at her paws. She sat at their border, waiting for something. Or someone. The tom flicks his plumed tail, raising it to show confidence as they approach her.
Cardinalshine speaks first, taking the words from his mouth and into his own. Auburnflame decides to stay quiet until this new visitor speaks, though a brow raises in question at the fragile bird beside her. It didn't smell like their forest, but like the strange scents of Two-Leg Place like she did. What was she planning? To give an offer? He's about to open his mouth to ask before Ashenclaw appears from the pines like a shadow, settling himself beside the lynx point and greeting the warrior and the newcomer as—
"Sister?!" Auburnflame's eyes widen in bewilderment, flicking between the two as if he waited on one of them to laugh and admit it was a joke. But he was greeted with an awkward silence instead. "Uhm—I guess I can see the resemblance! Yeah!"
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Reactions: wolfie

Orangeblossom's mind strays to the night of the shooting star, a fortunate streak of light slicing the sky apart for an instant like a claw-scratch. They'd talked of fate, of estranged siblings, of reunion- and Ashenclaw, then Hailstone, had admitted he would try down the path or reconciliation if ever given the chance. He had said he didn't know if he'd recognise them ... but looks like that chance might have found him first.

She dips her head politely to the other she-cat, paws halting beside Ashenclaw, passing him a warm glance. He'd never mentioned his sister's name, so the deputy has no way of knowing how to address their visitor. The scarred molly tips her head ever so slightly to the right. "Have you come to visit Ashenclaw? We can leave you two alone if you just want to share tongues."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

Her shoulders are tense despite the friendly smile on the strangers face. He's beautiful with swirls of light brown but she does not let her guard down. No, she nearly curls her lip at this display. Angry, perhaps with herself for agreeing to this in the first place. Stupid, she does not want to see her mother again. "I'm looking for my brother." her voice is monotone, her resting voice, and her face is even. No weakness would be shown despite how much she yearns to see his face again. It almost felt like a shitty nightmare, him being torn from her once again. All she had thought about in her life were her brothers and sisters, spending most of her waking life thinking about them. "Skyclan. Yes, i've heard much about you."

And then he shows up. Her face lightens nearly immediately, comically. One of the three cats that break her icy exterior. "Brother," she breathes. All she has ever wanted, all she has worked for is to have them back. She had never submitted to another, ran from death itself when possible, all in the name of her siblings. "I... Looked throughout the two-leg place after our conversation, nearly made it to the city as well. I found no sign of the others." her voice is a small sigh as her paws fidget. It was foolish hope that had drove her to do so, and foolish hope that had only let her down further. "But i'm here now." in the present, and no longer in the past.

Auburn laughs and her face falls once more, turning silver eyes upon the red-furred man. Disgusting. Too many cats, she notes as an orange and white cat approaches. And she does not miss the way she looks at him. "Is this her? Your mate?" she asks him. And then she says she can get all the cats to leave them alone. "No! That is not why I have come. I wish to... join... you forest cats. I have been apart from my brother and my mother for too long. I can hunt, I am more than capable. I can fight, as well. I come with a gift, in peace." ... Spice always used to tell her she would surpass their mother one day with hunting. Moon only hopes she was right as she kicks forwards the bird, across the border towards them. Determination ignites a flame in her chest.
❪ TAGS ❫ — It's truly a wonder that Slate doesn't recognize more cats living in and around SkyClan. He had lived as a rogue for many moons and wandered the twolegplace, meeting many new faces ( though mostly scrapping with them or telling them to get off of his turf ). Silversmoke is the only tom who Slate recognized upon joining the clan and, unfortunately for him, he was now a lead warrior who had the clearance to boss Slate around as he pleased.

It seems that the patrol has stumbled upon a rather peculiar situation — a reunion of sorts. As the conversation unfurls and things are clarified, Slate gives raise of his brows and fixes his attention on who is supposedly Ashenclaw's sister. Well, wasn't this a familiar sight? This is similar to how he had first been formally introduced to SkyClan. Slate supposes that the group would take no issue with granting this she-cat access to their camp while he, personally, would utilize more caution in screening potential newcomers. There was no amount of hissy fits he could throw in order to change their ways, however. One day it might get them killed, but until then, SkyClan welcomed cats with arms outstretched.

Ashenclaw had been a daylight warrior. Would this make his sister one, too? Ugh.

Then, Slate peers further at the she-cat, amber stare drawing over her scarred flank. The former rogue has been in so many fights in his lifetime, most of them petty and forgettable, so it's difficult to keep track of who he's encountered over the many moons he's been on the streets. That tear across her side, though... He swears that he can feel his muzzle scratches tingle as a memory prods at his brain. The she-cat he had attempted to steal a mouse from... This was her, wasn't it?

A frown tightens on his masculine features, eyebrows furrowing, and he narrowed his pupils into slits as the stranger interacted with Orangeblossom. The mention of her and Ashenclaw being mates seems to go right over his head, even if that was news that would normally catch his attention. Would she say anything? Would she even remember him?

A pink tongue swipes over his dark lips, reaching up toward his muzzle as the jolt of fresh scratches vividly prick at his memory.
Is this her? Your mate? Orangeblossom's expression hardens at the question sent to her side, scarred jaw set in a hard line and the curve of her shoulder taut under long fur. Brown eyes narrow to slits, the molly acutely aware of the blood rushing through her ears, embarrassment creeping up on her like claws digging into her neck. She swallows, drawing herself up to her full height - do not show the falter in your pride.

"I'm not, no. I'm Orangeblossom, SkyClan's deputy." She meows, frosty, flicking a pointed glare towards the taller tabby. Orangeblossom takes a step closer to Moon, but more importantly, away from Ashenclaw. He had a mate? Who? How long had he been lying? Was their relationship some kind of intricate friendship that she'd misinterpreted? Worse still, had all of her effort, the trust and confidence she'd had in one of their newest full-time warriors, meant nothing to him?

"Thank you for the prey gift. It's more than most hopeful joiners give. Your name is ..." Moon, she supplies, and with a nod to the loner Orangeblossom flicks her tail towards the two red-furred toms with them on the border. They, at least, were honest. They, at least, would do well to keep Moon in check. Slate joins them, silent, and the deputy nods to him in acknowledgement. "I see. This is Cardinalshine and Auburnflame, and this is Slate. They'll escort you to camp with your brother to meet Blazestar, our leader. Tell him you have my vouch." She swipes her tongue over her teeth, still very much on purpose not looking at the heart-marked tomcat.

"In the meantime, I have other business to attend to." In lieu of a proper goodbye, Orangeblossom turns and walks off in a different direction to camp. Ideally, she would not be followed.

  • // out!
    && chuff gave permission for me to powerplay moon introducing herself<3
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3


"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Ashenclaw opened his mouth to respond to his sister, to explain who this cat was to Cardinalshine and then eventually Auburnflame. Though then there was also Slate and Orangeblossom, and he could feel his blood run cold through his veins. His heart jumped up into his throat and he swallowed a bit harsly to prevent the ability to vomit right then and there. Nerves tumbled and bounded in his stomach, and then Moon asked about his mate. Shit. The blue tabby had to say something now surely, to tell the orange she-cat that he had meant her and it was a poor choice or words or something.

But then she walked away.

Words couldn't be found as Ashenclaws tongue wove and tied itself into a knot and he kinda stood there like an idiot- open and closing his mouth. Panic surged through his body like a hot flame, squishing out that cold feeling he had previously, and he wanted to go after her. To explain, to communicate but there was also a sliver of him that knew she wouldn't want that. She was upset with him, quite possibly livid, and pushing would only cause more friction.

Also, this wasn't exactly how he wanted to confess his feelings for her.

Ashenclaw took a breath through his nose, glancing down at the ground with an uncertain nature before gesturing with his head for his sister to follow, "Come on, best not waste daylight," It was a mutter, meant to be heard or not and he angled his ears back against his head. The large tomcat looked back to where Orangeblossom walked before lowering his head and turning into the brush.



✦ ★ ✦
  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar

Ashenclaw's sister!? The tom shifts his gaze back and forth between them for a moment and he can slowly start to see the resemblance. But he doesn't judge neither of them as he shifts his paws at the whole introduction. So her name is Moon. Alright then. As Orangeblossom introduced them the warrior dips his head and smiles warmly. It is always nice to have a friendly face in a place of strangers, or at least that is what he thinks. Shifting his paws he nods lightly as he beckons the newcomer with his tail. "Yeah, I'm sure Blazestar will approve. Afterall you two are family and found each other." It seems like a nice reunion to him. But it also feels off, yet he doesn't say anything and follows after the other with a lightness in his step.
Black fur catches silver eyes and Moon would not have took a second glance if something didn't catch her eyes. Pink, so viscerally scarred against such a beautiful black abyss, a slash in a solid coat. The same spots she had struck, her heart nearly stops as if shes facing the cat once more, yet shes not even sure if this cat is the same one that she had won over. Her gaze lingers, may have even been mistaken for a flash of admiration.

It's anything but. It's awkwardness and slight anger that flares within as she finally meets his eyes. Familiar orange. This confirms it. "You," a silent whisper that nearly rips a snarl through her throat, but shes quick to suppress it. When did he get here? She nearly sends a pointed look towards Ashen but he had no idea of knowing... They had just been brought together yesterday. Her tail flicks back and forth.

The other girl begins to speak. She holds... some type of authority. Deputy? Shes never heard of the word, living by herself and fighting for scraps. Fighting him, she squints towards Slate. Slate, that was his name, Orangeblossom had said before she departed. She doesn't speak another word to him and instead opts to watch her leave. Something Moon said set her off, but she was sure it wasn't because of her. She was only repeating what her brother said.

Her brother only mutters. Anger flows through her. "I don't know what your problem is, but you better save that so I don't get dragged in to it." a gentle hiss as she gestures towards the spot Orangeblossom disappeared. Moon held herself in high regard, she does not want to be involved in her brothers drama the first day off the bat. I shouldn't have come in the first place, she thinks bitterly. She gives what she feels is a kind smile to Cardinalshine, but in reality is strained. Stupid her.