pafp I TOLD YOU SO // sharing tongues

[ pls wait for @PALEFIRE !! this is meant to be a villain focused, so be aware of that pls! ]

Skyclaw has never and likely will never make things official. He lounges in beside several warriors (and potentially their apprentices,) leaning partially on Palefire and grooming the fur between her ears as the conversation flows. They've made up, for the most part, and the tom does enjoy her company once more. At least, enough to include her in his conversations with other like minded ThunderClanners.

"It just doesn't make sense," he says, after a lull of silence on his end. "So many of these cats would just... abandon us for twolegs if they could. SkyClan already has that as an infestation, I didn't think we'd be next..." Skyclaw rests his cheek on Palefire's head, ears folded back. His grandmother is growing softer, he knows it but he doesn't voice it so readily.​
Palefire wasn't sure yet how she felt about rekindling her friendship with Skyclaw. Things between them still felt a bit hard, and they'd never really be able to go back to the way things were when they were apprentices. Before... the wolves. But they had made up, and she had admittedly missed his company in the moons that they'd been apart. It felt strange, but nice, to be lounging in camp with him now, her eyes drifting closed as his tongue rasped the fur between her ears.

She was nearly asleep when his voice brought her back, blue eyes blinking rapidly in the bright sunlight as the conversation suddenly continued. They'd been chatting about the less... trueborn members of the clan. Palefire had once been as steadfast in her hatred of all outsiders as Skyclaw seemed to be towards kittypets, and she would've openly agreed with him. But now, the conversation made her slightly uncomfortable. "I'm sure you're right. Some of them wouldn't be able to stand and fight if they had to." The likes of Roaringpaw came to mind. But... there were also those who had earned their places. Leafhusk and Stormywing and.... Sunfreckle. Her heart clenched as she felt Skyclaw's cheek lay atop her head, torn by apart the warring angels and demons in her mind. “Others, though…”

  • 4psYZte.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, open to relationships / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
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she overhears a lot in her solitude ; the sideline lingering, the careful distance away from the ever present cluster of tangled kitten paws that puts her in direct proximity of lounging warriors. she is hunched in the sliver of shade beneath a boulder, bone - capped paws pressing the inkblot bodies of scurrying ants into the warm soil when skyclaw’s voice carries on the slight wind, feeding abandon, twolegs into ugly, twitching ears. she does not look at them, not at first ( they are sharing tongues like mom and dad — ugh. ). yet, a tendril - like tail thumps against the ground because those are two things bayingkit knows she hates — knows she is allowed to hate, to barb the simmering coil of frustration her self - wrought solitude brings. her skull tips to the side, eyes like forest fire fixing on the chatting duo with brow furrowed hard. she makes the connection slowly, the frown on her maw only settling deeper upon rubberblack lips as she settles upon a word she’d been only barely introduced to in her short life. kittypet. something far different than a regular cat.

curiosity drives her like a shark to blood ; she lifts on wobbling paws, hesitation chaining her paws to imagined stone and dredging her loping gait as she approaches, swaying aside with a rough shake of her head that she hopes is greeting enough.

her maw opens, works around words she cannot get out ; there is a simmering growl, for a moment, of annoyance. a snort, she tries again, in a voice spat from barbed, awkward tongue, kittypets? youre — y.. you’re talking about the kittypets? right? “ she says it like a curse, a bad word. she’d heard of those only briefly, disdainfully. her elders had not seemed yet ready to impose whatever knowledge they had on these kittypets, what coils their lip into a grimace of distaste ; what makes them pull a face when mentioned near impressionable ears, as if bayingkit had offered to show them the remnants of a grub she’d chewed to a white mass. a forbidden thing, a subject that purses lips and lashes tails and bayingkit has decided that well, maybe being a kittypet just wasn’t right. they had twolegs, she knew ; big, ugly things that can hurt her.. and they lived in skyclan, most of the time. skyclaw says skyclan has an infestation, and suddenly the images of skittering legs and a frantic, fruitless run from her thorned paws flood tumultuous mind.

palefire says they’d flee in the face of danger, in words that make her muzzle twitch ( she would never. could never. never, never, the pressure the mere thought puts on her chest is too much ) . she doesn’t know what a kittypet looked like, what it sounded like, but she figures she must, by the sound of her kin’s annoyance. she pictures them big and fat and dumb, biting into a pocket of bile in a mouse ( even a kit knew how to avoid that! ). she figures there must not be very many in thunderclan — why would there be, if what these two were saying was true? the girl crouches nearby, tucks herself close enough to wrap a bony tail around insect tinted paws. most of them would, pulses in thin - membraned ears, flicks wild eyes towards the bustling clan ( which was which? ) ” they would do that? they can j — jjjusst leave us? why. she spits. they could just abandon them for twolegs again, why did they let them in at all? her mind whorls with questions that her tongue cannot keep up, instead bearing hard gaze in a rapid flit between the two for answer.

why did they let them stay if they couldn’t fight? that didn’t seem very fair to the real cats.. ( see, she fought real good already. ) so why would they ever want to go? what was so good about a twoleg? what was so good about running away? and what was so good about letting everyone know youre a coward in the process?

  • i.

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    a misshapen, disheveled black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguish if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.


So let's pretend we like each other

"Because they're weak, soft-hearted fools, they never grew up knowing how harsh the life of a clan cat is, they just join because they think its cool" cold, poisoned words inked from Yewflame as he approached the scene, his words in response to Bayingkit's question was harsh, and his own thoughts on their not true blooded Thunderclan members. Steelblue and brown eyes sharply landed onto Skyclaw coolly before he made his next comment.

"Others were born with it running through their veins, impure, who knows if half-bloods can be trusted too" words filled with challenge rooting through them. They had never been a fan of outsiders, not after the death of their parents that is, and since that day Yewflame had nothing but poison wrapped tightly like a vine around her own heart. Skyclaw might be the kin of Howlingstar but he was no true blood Thunderclanner. Yet, all the same their leader has grown soft in the moons to come, allowing kitty-pets simply into their home and muddying their territory with their presence.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ her gaze was naturally drawn to her mass of kittens, give or take a few who refrained from play. she doesn't notice bayingkit slink closer to the adult conversation, not until her questions rumble from a white throat. nightbird turns her jaw to see tabby-striped fur encroaching upon skyclaw and palefire.

it is not until she stands to corral her wayward child that she picks up on the topic of conversation, yewflame's venom twinged words are the first to enter her ears, causing them to flick in annoyance. kittypets. she had heard more of them in recent moons than when emberstar willingly allowed each one across the borders. between then and now, so many of the so called 'soft-hearted' cats had proven themselves in more ways than yewflame could dream. nightbird wouldn't sit idle as he filled her child's head with nonsense that said otherwise.

a gaze brimming with disappointment lands upon palefire for being in the vicinity of such idiotic conversation, she could practically feel her tongue growing an edge. the dig at skyclaw's heritage pushes it over. she was not close to the splotched warrior, regardless, she took yewflame's mindless blabbering as a disrespect to his littermate as well. duskbird, who had died an selfless death. yewflame couldn't match the honor of her former apprentice's last moments if he devoted his life to it, half-blood or not.

"how many mice have you seen that care for purity of blood? how many battles have you won based on something so utterly trivial?" she hones in on yewflame, already knowing the answers. none, and none. there was a not so subtle warning in her twitching tail, if the queen saw him attempt this on one of her kit's porous minds again she'd ensure he regretted it. "don't waste your breath telling me. i'm sure the elders would enjoy listening to such fiction while you pull their ticks." a threat nightbird had no qualms ensuring her council-mates saw through if yewflame were to push it.

her tail sweeps around bayingkit, intent on herding her back to the rest of her siblings. spine still tingling with a cold rigidity, she wasn't keen on taking no for an answer. "anyone within these walls is a thunderclanner, that is all that matters." she mutters correctively. thoughts like these tended to fester, she'd like to cut them out before that happened.
  • ooc ↛ out unless stopped
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 34 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw lowered his ears in dismay as overhears Nightbird's harsh language towards Yewflame. He watches her go, dark blue eyes pools of disappointment. "Even the fresh-kill?" he mutters, irritation ruffling the fur on the back of his neck. If it was so easy to become a Thunderclanner, then where was the honor in being one? If a Skyclanner trespassed into camp, would that automatically mean they were no longer a threat? He rubs a paw on the top of his head, reminded of his encounter with one of them. Greedy and aggressive...he didn't want cats like that in his clan.
"Why do we still allow them to join?" Wrathpaw asks, shuffling his feet as he struggles to feel comfortable in any sitting position - or at all. Confusion and frustration are some of the itchiest feelings, crawling restlessly in his mind. "Like Coltkit? It feels cruel to raise him like a clan cat when...well, he'll never be one, will he?" he looks over at Yewflame, searching the tom's confident disposition for a secure answer. He glances away momentarily to watch Nightbird disappear into the nursery, before mumbling softly, "And why does everyone support them? Prey is still so scarce, isn't she worried about Roaringpaw and Coltkit taking everything before it reaches her kits?"
His tummy rolls as he says it, the idea of denying Coltkit anything to eat makes him feel ill. It wasn't Coltkit's fault he wasn't a real clan cat, after all...But what if he grew up to be lazy and judgemental like Roaringpaw and Ploverhop? Curling his tail nervously around his paws, looking back at Skyclaw and Yewflame, anticipating either a reprimanding...or validation.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
Raccoonstripe watches wordlessly as Nightbird scolds the cats sharing tongues and herds Bayingkit back to the nursery. "You're talking about kittypets?" His daughter's voice had held faint disdain, the word dripping with quiet scorn. Had she picked that up from him? He held no love for their Twolegplace-dwelling neighbors, and yet... the vitriol coming from his Clanmates disturbs them. Wrathpaw mentions Roaringpaw and Coltkit, and Raccoonstripe frowns, losing himself in thought.

"Roaringpaw hunts for the Clan too," he says, though there's no malice in his voice as he addresses Wrathpaw and the others. "And Coltkit... he's defenseless. That's why Howlingstar allowed him to join. He will be raised to be a true ThunderClanner." He sounds unconvinced, but something about the vitriol in Skyclaw's eyes and Yewflame's scorn have left him a touch uneasy.

  • ooc:
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  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 43 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

જ➶ "Palefire." He greets his sister calmly and quietly. Tone not revealing anything he feels about the conversation that is unfolding begore him. His maw slowly becomes a grim line as he looks at the other warriors. Nightbird and Racconstripe speaking up but the defense for two is...necessary. A kit is not something to be scorned and turned away. Not to be left alone to struggle and most likely die at the grip of nature or against the claws of someone selfish. Rosringpaw is learning and still young as well. But he has to admit that those allowed to enter with little baring of clanlife he has his own disdain for. A rough frown pulls across his maw then as he looks at Bayingkit before blue gaze closes. Shaking his head he shrugs his shoulders. "While some may complain. It's not up to us who is allowed into the clan and who isn't."

His words still hold neutrally but with a cold undercurrent. If possible he doesn't think he would allow kittypets into the clan unless they were kits unable to defend themselves. Small minds are more malleable anyway, easier shapped to become warriors for what other life will they know but Thunderclan.
Palefire felt her ears burn with shame as Bayingkit approached, repeating their words with a malice that no child had any business feeling. This was Nightbird’s kit, one of a litter she happened to care very much about. Her mind began to spin as her mouth fell agape, struggling to find the words to make it better. “I… no… you shouldn’t-“ She wasn’t sure what to say, what to do to correct the hateful thinking she’d now reinforced in the young tabby. Was this the warrior she was growing into? It wouldn’t be long now before Howlingstar granted her the privilege of training her own apprentice. Was this the example she wanted to set? Shaping the impressionable youth of their clan into resentful shadows of her former self? She didn’t even like her own reflection when that hatred burned deep in her heart, but seeing it now in the face of the kitten staring up at her, she was truly shaken.

Nightbird soon came along to round up her offspring, and the disappointed look that fell upon Palefire had her ducking her head in embarrassment. Her former mentor’s opinion had always meant the world to her, and it seemed that since she’d earned her warrior name, she could do no right in the black smoke’s eyes. She wanted to wallow in self-pity and disappear from the conversation entirely, but then Yewflame opened his mouth and made the poor decision to insult Skyclaw. Palefire stood, fur bristling and cold blue gaze narrowing into a venomous glare leveled at the other warrior. “How dare you,” she seethed in unison with Nightbird’s calmer rebuttal. “You should watch your tongue, Yewflower, before you give me reason to rip it out. Threats against a clanmate were notoriously frowned upon, especially in the presence of a lead warrior, but she could care less. Nightbird was already disappointed in her, she had nothing to gain from keeping her temper.

Wrathpaw, Raccoonstripe, and Bluestride approached amidst the argument, and it was only their collective arrival that prompted her to force her fur flat again, falling back to sit beside Skyclaw but remaining tense in her indignation. She nodded quietly alongside Raccoonstripe’s reply to Wrathpaw’s bitter comments about the kittypets not pulling their weight, though she knew better now than to give her opinion one way or the other. If she spoke up in defense of the kittypets, she knew that Skyclaw would look down on her. If she denounced the kittypets in front of her clanmates, she would look down on herself. There was no winning in this situation, not for her. Instead her gaze traveled to her brother, a steady comfort now just as he always had been. “Bluestride is right. Howlingstar makes those decisions, and she knows better than us what is right for Thunderclan.” That much, at least, she believed.

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.