pafp i trust no one // night hunting

maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Despite how often Maggotfur leaves camp, it seems she returns with less and less to show for all her efforts. She blames the heat - her thick coat is not built for such weather, and she finds herself tiring easily these days. And so instead the moonlit molly wriggles her way onto a night patrol instead - relishing in the abundance of shadows and cooler night air. Jaws part to scent the air, but there is nothing - the only scents her own and her companions, jaws snapping shut just as quickly with a sharp stab of distaste. Well if there's no prey, then surely there's no harm in some idle conversation to pass the time? Eyes land upon particularily shadowy form before she speaks, voice carefully low. " What do you think then? Of all the changes - new leader, a new deputy soon, leaf-fall just around the corner, " she coaxes, this time driven by mere curiosity rather then any real drive to integrate herself. Besides, its all she's heard anyone talk about - except of course, Leechpaw. Her apprentice seems far more interested in leaves and bugs, something she finds she doesn't actually mind.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?
// please wait for @SHARPSHADOW
It's easier to pretend that things are... normal-ish, like this. When the lights are dim. She took to darkness more easily than any SkyClanner would... but it still takes those extra few moments to identify the moonlit sliver of a spine you can make out as a particular cat that you know, rather than solemn shapes. Maybe anyone of them could be each other, if you don't think to critically. Maybe if you looked at him with a mind wandering, he could be Chilledstar, alive and well... Wasn't that a fun thought? Another split second would be all it took to separate blue from grey and white splashes from scars... but that one second that he could be someone else — it was a second too long, for him.

He feels no real purpose as he treads — and, really, that's a dangerous mindset to have, leading into Leaf - bare. Perhaps the others around him feel the same. A conversation strikes up from the likes of Maggotfur... Did she know who it was that she was talking to, or did it just not matter? Were her words as purposeless as everything around them felt right now, or was this some... weird calculation. Unseeable eyes leering toward someone that she saw to be worth interrogating, for whatever reason. Whatever it was that made the clan think she was worth questioning, it was probably better if it was gotten rid of. (The title, she knows... It's the damned title. As nothing as it is...)

" Um... " words stumble out before she's even settled on a response... cause, respond was what she was supposed to do, and wouldn't it be embarassing, unbecoming of her to stand around like a frog killed mid - croak? What does it matter, is the lame answer. Probably too lame for a Lead Warrior to ever give. Eugh. " I mean, I — I... I don't... like it, " she stumbles through. Maggotfur is all shadows and planes split by moonlight, and this was still making her nervous... How pathetic was that? " That's what I would say, but maybe I'm not supposed to say it? " She's saying more than she has to. She should shut up, really. " Do you want me to say I'm hopeful? " Hopeful of a better future under Smogstar? Maybe hopeful of something else, a position that Maggotfur seemingly couldn't wait to rub her grimy self all over... But she wouldn't be. Couldn't be. " I'm just... Not, though. I'm not."

Her head lowers. She mumbles, " Sorry, " and she's not sure what she's apologizing for. Was it for giving a bad answer? Was it for feeling that way at all? ...Maybe it was for Chilledstar. For not being there when they had needed her. Maybe it was all of the above, give or take a few more sorry options.

OOC: sorry for lateness!!