pafp I try to still look with wonder on the world ❧ Territory tour

Feb 20, 2024

There was a great delight to Florabreeze that she was given the opportunity to not only take Jellypaw under her wing but to also be given the responsibility of her sister shadowing her. Sfogliatella was a new chapter in her life, a previously forgotten one but it was something important, something new. She wanted to mend broken bonds and make up for lost time by doing her best to show her new sights, to teach her about clan life, clan history (though she was still learning herself half the time) how to hunt and how to fight. Thinking on it she had a slight disadvantage to her younger counterpart, Jellypaw while she was Jellykit at a point in time did have more of a base understanding.

Florabreeze wanted to try and combine both of their levels of experience at the same, thinking about it overnight she decided that the greatest thing to do would be to take advantage of the common fact that the three of them were daylighters. Greeting the pair as dawn crested the sky with a wave of her tail she yawned “I thought we could wake up this morning by walking around the territory and if you’d both be up for it afterwards we could visit the borders.” There’s a pause with her explanation. She wasn't sure if there was meant to be a structure with this kind of thing so why not wing it? “We’ll stop by camp, say hello and let everyone know that we’re safe and there today. Then we’ll enjoy the morning with the rest of the tour, who knows we may even pass a dawn patrol.”

She thinks that would be fun, not that the pair hadn’t been part of patrols with her before but it was still exciting to see who was around this morning. “It’ll be good to refresh your memory too, Jellypaw” a good introduction to her sister and a good test of knowledge for her apprentice, start building her expectation of assessments with moments like this so that way the actual experience won’t be so daunting. Yeah! That sounded like a good idea. The first point of business beyond camp was the Tallpine, she had been here once with Sorrelsong and it was something she held fondly in memory.

“Okay! This is the Tallpine, countless skyclanners climb this, I hear it’s real big bragging rights if you make it to the top” she grins, gesturing to the tree with her tail and taking this time to soak up the shade that the tree gave. “It’s really good to practise climbing with. So if you’re feeling confident, we could try that sometime if you’d like?” She wouldn’t force it, it still seemed daunting at times to her, it would definitely be better to practise with easier trees but she wouldn’t want to crush anyone's spirits.

  • Please wait for either @SFOGLIATELLA or @jellypaw ♬ to post <33 (ignore that it took me like 50 years to make this)
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

———————daylight apprentice | 7mo | emptypilled——————
Not only had Jellypaw been ripped away from the luxuries of kithood and thrust into the life of endless training, now she was expected to share her mentor! It couldn't have been with another apprentice her age, where they could at least play while following Florabreeze around and swap gardens to sleep in. No, it had to be some old molly that Jellypaw had nothing in common with.

"The borders?" Her voice fell flat in lack of interest for walking at such lengths. Jellypaw was still defiant to the expectations surrounding her, and while she certainly had the energy to go from border to border, she simply, lazily, didn't want to.

It was already far too early for her to be awake! But her mother had insisted she not keep Florabreeze waiting, and now she sat there, miserably hunched over and rubbing her eyes to try and push the drowsiness away. "I guess... Can I have a squeezie after?" Their twoleg was far too sparing with treats than she liked, perhaps Flora's would be nicer after a long day of trekking.

She followed after he mentor and co-trainee a few paces behind before laying across in the shade beneath the Tallpine. Jellypaw rolled over onto her back, squinting up at the the long stretch of scratched bark along the trunk. It stretched on for foxlengths and foxlengths! Perhaps above the clouds, even? "Would I be the greatest warrior ever?" She asked curiously, thinking of how the wind must feel at that grand of height.

[penned by beatae].