
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Snowy paws carry him home after making sure that Magpiepaw had returned to his own safely, his steps feel lighter as does his heart and he can't help but feel excited in a way. A smile on his maw noting a patrol passing by and dips his helm in their direction continuing to head in the direction of Thunderclan camp, both of his ears pricked forward as he slips through the mouth of camp noticing the few cats and apprentices that were active carrying out the more simple duties especially those under six moons of age. The snow pelted tom wondering where Howlingstar may be to let her know that his ceremony had gone well but instead sees someone else approach him from the corner of his eye and greets him "Hello Hailstorm, was it a safe trip?" The sound of his old name almost sting but it does not bother him as much now and it won't be the name to summon him whenever someone ends up injured or falling ill.

A warm smile present on his maw as he answers with a slight dip of his head "It was. Starclan made sure of it," There's a brief pause as he keeps his gaze on the cat in front of him, a chuckle escaping him, and he adds on with his snout crinkling with a newfound happiness... Peace. "I've been made a full medicine cat." Berryheart had been kind enough to take away a name that reminded him too much of what he had lost, the season that he held no love for, and thus giving him a new name that would be called upon by all of his clanmates and it's a name that would be known throughout the clans. It would take some getting used to but Gentlestorm found that he was already getting accustomed to his new name and would bear it proudly.

"I've received my name... It's Gentlestorm now,"

/ feel free to be the cat he's talking to and was primarily looking for @HOWLINGSTAR, he has returned from the MC meeting for context :]


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentle is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Anxiously, she had awaited her friend's return and practically chattered her beloved's poor ears off. Honeydapple knew the pathway had been cleared now, but even still, she held hesitation in regards to Windclan. Just as the molly was about to run back to the warriors' den and seek reassurance, the snowy beast of a tom wandered through the entrance. Relief cascaded down her pointed snout, and with a gingerly gait, they bounded forward, calling out to him. Upon arriving, she eyed the newly made Medicine Cat carefully, and noted with satisfaction that he had come back unharmed.

After the loss of Berryheart and the tumultuous days prior, a bit of good news was needed. By the kind crinkle to his snout and the gentle reverberation to their words, joy fell across her aged cheeks. Gentlestorm. Purrs lilted brightly in her soft voice. "I'm so proud of you. I know no cat more deserving." Gently, she blinked upward and eased in to his side.

It was very fitting for the literal gentle giant, and knowing Starclan had destined him for such a name was all the better. Light laughter bubbled from her tufted chest as she meowed. "What a lovely name. Far better than Hailpaw, that's for sure." The humor was intentionally lighthearted and playful as she aimed to gently bump his side. "Well, let's get you something nice to eat. I bet you're ravenous by now." Not waiting for his response, she bounded ahead to pick him out something nice.

Nimble paws pushing aside scrawny prey for something hearty. A squirrel chubby from hibernation seemed the perfect grub. Picking it up, she peered over her shoulder and gestured with an eager tail. Honeydapple knew everyone would love to hear about the trek there, and sharing stories over a nice meal seemed befitting.

Much like Honeydapple, Flurrycloud was anxious. She had taken moments after her brother left camp to freak out. There was no reason for it, she knew that travelling to the Moonstone would be safe for him, hopefully. WindClan wouldn't bother him, they wouldn't stop him, he'd be able to go with the other medicine cats and see StarClan. Of course, there was still the chance that things could go sour. No, no time to worry about that now.

She kept herself busy, instead of worrying for her brother, worrying what might be said or done. She hoped Hailstorm was safe, hoped he was now fully accepted. StarClan would accept him, right? And surely Berryheart would be proud of him. Surely he was. Another thought crossed her mind - what was it even like going to talk to StarClan? Who would he see or talk to? A random cat? Who knew. Suddenly, her attention was drawn towards a voice asking a question. Gold eyes looked towards the camp entrance, staring directly at the monochrome tom that stood there. Anxiety left her body in an instant, and she bounced towards him.

Excitement filled her body as he spoke to Honeydapple, delivering news - and then he said something she didn't process at first. Gentlestorm. "Gentlestorm. Gentle." A warm laugh left her body. It felt so right, so fitting. He was gentle, a gentle giant. He always was. Back when she was younger, he was gentle with her. For playfights, for spars - Gentlestorm was just a big softy. She looked to Honeydapple as she suggested food for the medicine cat, silently agreeing. "C'mon, let's go find a place to relax so you can eat. You better tell us about your trip." Paws began to shuffle away, flicking her tail for Gentlestorm to follow.

It was truly worrisome having Hailstorm leave for the Medicine Cat meeting. Sootstar had claimed Starclan's land for her own, and her rogues had attacked anyone who dared travel across her moors. A few days ago, Sunstride had informed them that Highstones was now safe and unclaimed. With Berryheart gone, the last thing she wanted to do was send their only healer into formerly guarded lands...What if Sunstride was lying? What if Sootstar is still alive, and she forced him to tell all the clans in an attempt to lure everyone's healers away? The questions swirled around in her mind as she paced back and forth, waiting for a report that the Medicine Cats had been spotted, or that Hailstorm was back.

She had wanted to suggest Hailstorm maybe skipping this time, but even with the risks so high, this was a very important meeting. He would be made Thunderclan's new Medicine Cat, just as Berryheart had when Cinderfrost was exiled.

Finally, there was movement at the camp's tunnel, and her fuzzy friend emerged from its grasp. "Hailstorm!" she chirped as she trotted towards him with her tail high. He announced that he had been made a full Medicine Cat. A smile formed on her maw, "Congratulations, I'm happy for you." she purred. His sister and Honeydapple were quick to gather around him, and they each congratulated him as well. His next few words were a surprise, and it was obvious by how her eyes widened. Gentlestorm? When Berryheart was made a full healer, he hadn't received a new name. "Gentlestorm. I like it." It was fitting. The tom was one of the kindest cats she knew, but it would definitely take some getting used to. She had only ever known him by Hailstorm.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Howlingstar had admittedly been hesitant when allowing Hailstorm to travel to the Moonstone for the half-moon meeting. She knew logically he would be fine - he'd be with Dawnglare, and Fireflypaw, and all of the other medicine cats. And if Sunstride could be trusted enough to return stolen kits to ShadowClan, maybe she can trust him enough to keep his word now. So he remains calm while he is gone, having faith in StarClan that they would get him to his destination and back safely, and as the clan's new medicine cat.

She is picking through the fresh-kill pile when she hears the rustling at the camp entrance. Pricking her ears, the tabby picks up her head to see the large tom enter with a look of peace upon his face. She smiles, already heading towards them when she hears his news. She cocks her head to the side in surprise. A new name? Her thoughts echo Flamewhisker's; Berryheart hadn't received a new name when he became medicine cat. Perhaps a story for another day. For now, she merely moves to the tom's side and offers him a dip of her head. "Congratulations, Gentlestorm. Berryheart would be so proud. Did you see him?" Her eyes shine with grief and curiosity, but mostly hope to know that her son had arrived in Silverpelt safely.

Never has Burnstorm ever thought of what it would be like to walk the path of a medicine cat. He had loved his uncle, well and truly but the idea of being stuffed up in a den that reeks of illness and blood is not something that would ever appeal to his good senses. He was a warrior, through and through as evidenced by his name. Burnstorm. It was a name that spoke of bravery and violence, honor and glory. All things that can be found on the battlefield. But he has to admit, there is a certain thing that should be admired about medicine cats. They were as vital to the clan as a limb. They healed, they mended, and it took a certain type of soul to be able to endure the things that he had watched his uncle endure the moons he had been here.

The medicine cats den feels empty without that tortoiseshell pelt and crooked smile to occupy it. It still smells like him though, like how the warriors den had held onto Graystorm's scent in the days after he had passed. For now, he avoids it like the plague. It would just be too hard to walk in there and not see the face he had grown used to seeing every single day of his life, to not hear that familiar voice call him by the nickname he had been given when he was small. Little-little.

A full medicine cat is what Hailstorm would become in the wake of this tragedy and Burnstorm cannot honestly say he is glad to see the tom off. He wishes his uncle were still here and for a moment after Hailstorm leaves he feels a pang of envy strike at his heart like a blow to the head. At least he was able to see them. His mother, his uncle, his sister, Hailstorm would walk with them all in his dreams even after they had left the rest of them behind.

When the white furred tom comes back, Burnstorm casts his golden gaze to him but says nothing. He wears a mask of cool indifference, but the way his ears angle indicate that he is listening to every word that comes from his mouth. Had he seen Berryheart? He must have... 'Its Gentlestorm now' he says and Burnstorm does not bother to hide the surprise on his features. Howlingstar asks the question he had been wanting to ask himself so for now, he remains quiet, attention glued to their new healer as he awaits his answer.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball
Flamewhisker’s trilling voice, her pelt brushing against Honeydapple’s and Flurrycloud’s, alerts Raccoonstripe to Hailstorm’s fated return. The tabby looks up from where he lays near the Highrock, his dark eyes dulled with grief that will not leave his body. “I’ve been made a full medicine cat,” he tells those gathered, and the tabby’s belly clenches. He slowly pushes himself to his paws and pads closer to where their new healer sits, lingering somewhere behind Howlingstar and Burnstorm. “It’s Gentlestorm now,” the pale feline mews, and Raccoonstripe’s brow furrows. StarClan had changed his name? He can’t imagine why—it hadn’t been as though he’d carried -paw still—but he holds his tongue on that matter. Who is he to speak for StarClan, after all?

Raccoonstripe’s head turns sharply toward Howlingstar when she asks if he’d seen Berryheart. Hope flares in his dark brown gaze, though he only says, “Welcome home.” There’s no warmth in his meow, no friendliness. Gentlestorm is Berryheart’s replacement—and he had stood, paws still, when his brother lay gasping for breath.

He will not readily forget that.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Smudgepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball