camp I USED TO HEAR HIM SAY THAT SOMEDAY I WOULD . getting blown in the wind


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

it shouldn't have come to a surprise to anyone that drowsykit had found a place to sleep within camp so easily. with no one to talk to, or nothing to keep her attention for too long, she found herself exhaustion. after a bit of running and searching, she found the perfect spot. she plopped to the ground, twisting so that her paw pads faced the air, teeth gleaming in the little bits of light. the sound of the soft wind blowing lulled her to sleep, and within moments, she was gently purring out a snore. to anyone, she might have looked like a twisted pretzel but to her, this was perfect.

the wind only picked up. it was very loud and suddenly, her body was being swept away, and she tumbled. she yelped out in surprise, gripping the ground with her claws as she pinned her ears back in confusion. what... just happened? she looked around and did the first thing any sensible cat would do ( she had seen it done before so it made sense to her ).

"how come you pushed me!? i was sleeping!"

she accused the first feline she could see. it was the only thing that made sense to the kit.

Drowsykit isn't the first kit to be pushed around by the wind, and she certainly won't be the last. However, Greeneyes thinks the ever-sleepy kit is the first to be rolled around in her slumber - to be woken up out of it in a different spot.

The warrior watches with wide eyes, a paw moving to try to stop the wind's path - just as he had done before while Eggkit had been rolling around, just in case the gusts move Bobbie's kit even further. Luckily, Drowsykit ceases to roll, but his efforts aren't seen by the kit, as she turns to accuse him of pushing her. What?

"Me?" he repeats, disbelief thick in his voice as he quickly shakes his head. "Amiga, I wasn't even near you!" How could he have pushed her, when he's been standing over here this whole time?

"It was the wind," he tells her, a crooked tail wrapping around his paws, his eyes still wide - no one would believe that he'd pushed the kid, right? "Maybe... Maybe find a more sheltered place to sleep? Somewhere where the wind isn't?"

The kid shouldn't even be sleeping in odd spots around the camp, but Greeneyes doubts she has much of a choice right now.

Rounded lilac ears twitch; the unmistakable sound of a displeased Drowsykit makes its way to Bobbie's ears—stars, what could it be now? Last time she'd glanced over at the dark smoky kit, her daughter had been happily if somewhat strangely napping in the middle of camp, the queen having looked away for a heartbeat to respond to a passing Clanmate's greeting. The wind had whipped her ears and distracted her for a moment and now Drowsykit was yelping something accusatory at a nearby warrior—oh, it was poor Greeneyes, stars above. Bobbie gets to her paws and moves swiftly over to the pair.

"Now, Drowsykit, I duh-don't think Greeneyes pushed you," The queen mews softly, glancing apologetically over at the warrior; silently she hopes he won't think she's a bad mother, or something ... Focus, Bobbie, she chastises herself, looking down at the displeased black kitten and mewing with faint amusement, "Why were you sl-sleeping out here in the wind anyways, love?"

"you... didn't? oh. okay. uhm... sorry."

she's confused. if it wasn't the warrior, then what the heck happened? he then says it the wind and she is even more confused. how... did the wind do that? why did the wind do that? did the wind not like her? she frowned, and she was going to ask greeneyes but her mom comes and says something. she makes her way over, and bumps against her leg with an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry. i just got so sleepy. i wasn't gonna stay! i promise!"

she insisted before she just frowned, tail and ears drooping slightly.

"mama... why doesn't the wind like me? did... i do something wrong? is... it mad at me?"

she sounded genuinely upset and she was. how come the wind was so mean to her? she hoped she didn't upset it.

Expectedly, upon seeing a kit beginning to be whisked away by the sheer force of the breeze, Twitchbolt's face contorted into one of immediate shock and panic. Luckily It seemed that Drowsykit had managed to catch herself, awaking and immediately flinging a betrayed-sounding question Greeneyes' way. Twitchbolt, scrambling over to check on her, came to a halt only when she wondered aloud whether the wind hated her, voice bathed in a clear amount of genuine distress.

Eyes saucer-wide, Twitchbolt became aware of his fretful expression and attempted to soften his face, letting a trembling smile find its place on his face. "It- it doesn't hate you," he assured, eyes momentarily flickering over to Bobbie. Was it- was it alright he was even saying that? It was just... difficult to watch a kit worry that they'd done something wrong when they hadn't, even if it was about something silly. Perhaps it just hit a little close to home, that worrying. "Sometimes it- the wind just, just- just misbehaves." Mischievous was that particular force... he'd seen more cats whacked square in the face by whipped-up leaves than he could count on ten paws.
penned by pin ✧

Bobbie appears with an apologetic smile too and Greeneyes sends a small smile her way as she assures her child that he hadn't pushed her. There's a bit of relief there at that, the fact that Greeneyes is in the clear, that the queen doesn't accuse him of pushing her kit.

Drowsykit sends a confused apology his way. He thinks back to being Greenkit, wonders if he would have acted the same if he'd been pushed around by the wind like that. Maybe. He thinks he would've been scared, waking up to the wind moving him like that.

"Oh! It's okay!" he quickly says, "Really, it's --"

"Why doesn't the wind like me?" Drowsykit's question to her mother causes him to falter. If a simple shove meant the wind didn't like Drowsykit, what did that mean for Butterflytuft, who almost was struck down by a falling pine? For Snowpath, who actually had been?

It's Twitchbolt who comes to aid in that question, who comes to reassure the kit that the wind doesn't hate her. Greeneyes finds himself nodding his head, trying to ignore the dread that begins to rise.

"Yeah, the wind... The wind just misbehaves, sometimes." he finds himself repeating quietly in an attempt to reassure the kit.