private I USED TO KNOW // chickadeepaw

"Damn it..."

The squirrel he's tracked thus far races up a tree, and though Skyclaw feels himself skilled enough to give chase, fatigue weighs to heavily on his sore limbs. He's not even sure how the meager beast noticed he was there - at least, not until he turns slightly and sees Chickadeepaw not far behind him. He deftly ignores the cracked twig beneath his own paw, glowering at them from the distance they've afforded him. First Palefire, then Falconheart - it was gross to say that he had 'kept' Chickadeepaw around for the company, but the fact of the matter is that isn't entirely wrong. His bridges burn with an over excited flame and through his exhaustion, he snaps.

"Can't you give me some space?" Mere weeks ago he made demands that she never leave his side. In that time, he thought both Falconheart and Palefire had died, and that she was all he had left. He hardly reflects on his own actions with such precision, but the simple thought of it all triggers something in him. Chickadeepaw - she's not a priority to him. He enjoyed her company when he was happy, when he had less on his plate. But with everything shredding by his very own claws, he sees with too much clarity that he's not good for her. Perhaps it's an act of selflessness that he continues to press, to let his voice raise uncomfortably with upset. Or perhaps, despite it all - it's selfish. He just wants to be alone.

"StarClan, Chickadeepaw. That could've gone to one of the queens," he hisses, however instead of continuing his hunt, he turns on them, ears folding back. "I would rather you go fumble your own efforts than ruin mine."