
just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

There are some nights where the weight in her chest gets too heavy, where she tries her best to sleep but the tossing and the tunring starts to get too much and she worries that she might wake the other apprentices if she keeps moving too much so instead she gently extracts herself from the nest she shares in close proximity to Pumpkinpaw's (so close that they brush against each other, just like when they were kits) and she makes her way to the entrance of camp where she sits and tilts her head up at the sky.

Tonight, the stars are more than beautiful, they are alive. They wink at her in a fashion that suggests that perhaps they really are listening. "StarClan" she starts softly, a prayer murmured quietly into the moonlit night "If you're listening please... please let my mom and dad come home safely I... I need them to come home. Please." she waits for a moment, blue-green eyes scanning first the sky for an answer and then the distant shadows, searching them for movement. Any night now... they would be home any night... They would have dinner together, all four of them. Just like Cricketchase had promised right before they had left.

When a long moment goes past and there is nothing, tears spring to the girls eyes. "You promised!" she cries out, anger tinting her voice that quickly turns into shame. How could she ever be angry at them? "You promised..." she says again, this time softly as she deflates, tears staining her cheeks.

  • WopM9br.jpeg

  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    ✦ Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
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It was no surprise that Twitchbolt couldn't sleep again. Even with his life apparently all going peachy, with deputyship that should be shining off of him prideful and bright, he couldn't stop the paranoia-drenched creatures that crawled their way into his mind when he was asleep. Images of terrible things, or... just innocuous little noiss in the night that stirred him with a racing heart. He was quickest to rise at the shuffling of paws, but- a shout managed it, too. Wide green eyes, amber-spotted, peered out of the warrior's den.

A shadowy spot in the night, hard to see if not for splashed of white, sat with her head craned up to the sky. Springpaw. Twitchbolt did not have to think very much before he began to pad over, paws tentative. He'd come to care for Springpaw, his apprentice's affection for its sister rubbing off on him quite a bit.

The day Springpaw and Pumpkinpaw's parents had gone missing stung sharply in his memory- it had been a nauseatingly familiar sight. You promised, she whimpered, and he recognised something there. A little wisp of something unresolved. His heart began to thump at the sight, and he lowered himself to a seat beside the apprentice, curling his kinked tail around mismatched paws. "Springpaw..." he uttered gently, lowering his head and trying to meet her eye. "Who are you talking to?"
penned by pin ✧