i walk on the wild side [deer]


New member
Jul 20, 2022



Life had taken many turns lately for Dream. He'd always been the sort to let his mind wander, walking with his head in the clouds and his feet on the ground. It was why his mother had named him Dream to begin with. For his entire life though, his mind had been occupied with the places and inhabitants of twoleg place- mainly because that had been his entire world up until recently. The tall, muscled tomcat had spent his time running wild in the streets with the other strays, roughing up rival cats and spending more time with his feet on the rooves and ledges of buildings than he had on the ground.

For almost two years his playground had been one of concrete and noise, and for almost two years he'd been just fine with how things were- so what had changed?

He couldn't tell you when the feeling stared, only that it that it persisted like a bug crawling around his brain. Things that were fun became pointless and monotonous. The cats he'd enjoyed spending time with became dull and distant. Nothing seemed to hold the same zest to it, and with his world gone lackluster he'd been quick to go looking for a way out.

And Skyclan had proven to be just that.

A breath of fresh air, a new look at life. The cats here were so different with their deifnition of community, and the grass under his paws felt so much better than the rough concrete. The trees, with their twisting trunks and winding branches, provied a far more interesting climbing asset, and even the food tasted better in his mouth.

There were some thing, however, that didn't change, and one of them was the toms rather reckless nature. Dream was no fool- he wasnt about to get himself killed over something meaningless- but he definitely had a habit of calculating odds and taking big risks if he thought he coul pull it off. A lot of the time it worked out in his favor, but sometimes... well, sometimes it didn't.

And now he was sat in the forest, grumbling to himself as he tried to yank a bunch of thistles out of his fur. Lovely.

tom - 23 months - skyclan warrior - bengal mix - homosexual - polyromantic?? - single - crushing on Duck