pafp I WALKED OUT OF THE FIRE ALIVE [♰] flirting




♰—— shadowclan has a noticeable absence of cats who aren't promised to someone and are easy on the eyes, wolfears has found. maybe it's the perpetual swamp-stick and mud that seems to coat everyone to the elbows, maybe it's the starvation-ridden winters that leave everyone with concave bellies and dull pelts, or maybe it's just something intrinsic about the clan, but they don't seem to attract cats who are exactly nice to look at. chilledstar's clean enough and doesn't leave you hurtin' in the eyes, but there's something going on with them and geckoscreech if clan gossip (and you'd better believe wolfears keeps up with that) is accurate. smogmaw looks like an elder half the time despite his age, and for some reason his gorgeous mate had settled for that.

to each their own, wolfears supposes.

still, a lazy grin settles onto her face when she spots a certain warrior padding in, though. nightswarm's heavy-lidded eyes and mussed black fur, complemented by a diamond shape of white on their chest, is basically the nicer-looking version of your average shadowclanner. slinking casually to her paws and padding over, the warrior inclines a four-eared head to them, meeting their gaze with her own. "you headin' to the gatherin' tonight, sugar?" her long-toothed smile drops into a flirtation that's nearly sleazy as she continues, "cause if you're not, it's a damn fine night for a little moonlit stroll, ain't it?"


  • ooc: please wait for @NIGHTSWARM to post !!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 0bRmkFo.png
    — wolfears
    — she/her ; warrior of shadowclan ; tbd ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

Nightswarm had returned from a patrol and seemed rather focused on where they were going but suddenly the voice of someone interrupts their thoughts, the dark feline turning in the direction of Wolfears and quirked an eyebrow at what she was saying. Were they going to the gathering? They hadn't quite decided on it really, it would be a neat experience for Nettlepaw if they had and can only imagine how enthusiastic their nephew might be at the idea of it. Nightswarm opens their mouth to reply to the molly standing before them "I haven't really considered it, no." They blink their amber eyes at her when she refers to them as sugar and can't help but feel as if their ears had been put aflame, their entire pelt actually.

When she brings up a moonlit stroll, Nightswarm tilts their head to the side as if they were actually considering it and well, they did have some free time on their paws currently... They did enjoy moonlit strolls and casting their eyes to the night sky littered with stars, it does not register that Wolfears is flirting with them but rather offering some quality time between clanmates. It flies over their head completely. A thoughtful hum leaves them as they mew with a ghost of a smile pulling at the dark edges of their mouth "I suppose a stroll wouldn't be bad..." Their short tail flicking behind them, Nightswarm wouldn't stay out too long they think... They'd come back just in time to get some sleep and take Nettlepaw out for some training. "I'll definitely take you up on that moonlit stroll,"

It sounded a lot better than the bustle and talking within the gathering, after all, plus it would save their ears from the shrieks that usually slipped from the venomous jaws of Sootstar. A snort leaves them at the thought of the Windclan leader and turns their attention to Wolfears once more with a small nod. They'd follow her, whether it was now or later. A walk through the marshes would be a welcomed one.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus
The hulking form of the ragdoll wasn't far behind. On his way toward camp's entrance they had taken notice of the familiar scent of Nightswarm. Eager to finally catch a moment and ask the other a question, Lilycrest followed the trail.

Despite having lost a few pounds from the strenuous, non-stop hunting and patrolling, due to the illness, his fur retained its same bouncing quality. Long, rounded and brilliant with stark differences in each layer of browns. It took a lot of attention and time but he kept it presentable. With each step of his wide paws the large feline began to approach the two figures.

He'd been itching to hear back from Nightswarm, and Lilycrest was adamant about sticking with the routine. Today they hadn't gotten the chance to spend quality time with their favorite individual. Something he always took care to set aside time for. However, said cat was being 'chatted' up by Wolfears, and a momentary crack in their usual appearance unfolded at the sight.

Their rounded eyes flipped to pinstripes, stirring their deep blue gaze with aggravation. Fortunately, he had a relatively productive and enjoyable day. Had it been any other day, he would've released the growl stirring inside his throat.

Quickly, they padded to the vacant side of Nightswarm, attempting to utilize their thick coat and large frame to create some distance, all the while maintaining an eerily polite smile. Eyes squinting, lops curved slightly, and a small glimmer of his pearly whites peeking through. It was instinctual for them to keep up the digestible aura despite the wrath festering in his gut like the river in stormy weather.

Leaning towards the she-cat, they held the same plastic smirk and meowed with a firm voice. "Mind if I join in with you and my friend here? I do love beautiful night's like these." Lilycrest's head tilted with added affect, and their dark nose crinkled from the effort of their expression. To the naked eye, it would appear as an innocent enough question, but internally, they hoped Wolfears got the hint.
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"We'll you've got three, might as well make it a patrol." Stumpyspots meows, appearing almost obvious to the flirts and subtle threats as she invites herself in. In truth, she only is choosing to ignore it, she cared not for the romance trouble of young cats.

She raises her tri-colored tail into the air and gestures to the south. "If I may... the burnt sycamore is quite a pretty thing under the full moon..." Recommends the nasally voiced warrior, "The way the moonlight strikes it's barren branches- though some would say it's a chillin' sight rather than pretty I 'spose.

Mismatched eyes look at the small patrol, she wonders if she should've even bothered asking... Perhaps the group outing would crumble apart in a few more heartbeats.
  • » Halfmaw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing