
three of swords
Oct 14, 2023
Though she never would have asked for all of this — this pain, this suffering, this legacy — Wolfpaw is at the very least glad to not suffer it alone.

Hawkpaw had been the first to go down. In all the blur of flesh and claws and sprays of red she remembers watching Hawkpaw fall first at the claws of the rogues; then she had been dealt her own harrowed hand. Two sisters bleeding in the snow; now, two sisters curled in the medicine den with matching wounds. Gray, dim light filters meekly through the hazel branches above. She stares at her littermate's eyepatch, a gauzy white slab similar to the one she herself wears. Wolfpaw hates it. Dawnglare had left no room for hoping that she might see with the injured eye again, and yet the child hopes something desperate that once the bandage comes off all will return to normal. She can see fine, but she can't see as much as she used to — nor can she easily judge the distance between herself and others. She'd been the queen of pouncing on tails once, and now she can hardly tell when things are a mouse-length or a fox-length away.

Hawkpaw had to be struggling with it too, though, right? Wolfpaw is trying not to stare at her when suddenly her littermate stirs to attention. Tattered ears flick backwards. "Hi," Wolfpaw husks, plumy tail trailing morosely about her. She reaches slowly for a lump of still-warm flesh at her side, misses the first time, and then pushes it towards Hawkpaw. "... Mama brought a mouse while you were asleep."

/ @Hawkpaw

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    — wolfpaw
    — she / they / he ; apprentice of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan