private I WANNA BE LIKE YOU — sootstar

❪ TAGS ❫ — Light paws carry the dark-furred tom in the direction of the Moor Queen, having spotted her standing outside her den from across camp. Snakepaw figured that this could be an opportunity to land himself in Sootstar's good graces, to make himself known to her now that her attention was mostly swamped by her own kits. He was determined to not be discouraged by having to compete with the leader's spawns; he could still best them all, along with the entirety of WindClan's apprentices, by being opportunistic and making his way to the top of the food chain little by little. Snakepaw had never talked with Sootstar, really, aside from brief encounters or manners pertaining to training and such. The woman was fierce and intimidating, quite frankly, but how would he make a reputation for himself if his very existence was overshadowed by others?

A juicy hare dangles from the lithe tom's maw, which is then placed down and nudged toward Sootstar before Snakepaw nods to her respectfully. "Sootstar," He greeted. Who would have known that such a little termite like him could muster up even an ounce of respect for anyone other than himself? Snakepaw was not harebrained, though — he was willing to masquerade as the most dutiful, loyal cat in existence if it meant that he could get on the leader's good side.

He met the emerald gaze of the older she-cat, meowing, "My father sends his regards. He caught this on the morning patrol." Snakepaw spoke no lies; he had only offered to bring Sootstar Shadowsight's catch in order to try and make an excuse to converse with the leader. "Would you happen to have a moment? If it's not too much of a bother." He bates his breath, hoping that she would spare him a minute of her busy schedule for a one-on-one talk.

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The scent of fresh-rabbit causes her to salivate. She watches as it’s placed at her paws by the black and white apprentice. An image of his parents, the she-cat sees them both in him. My father sends his regards.

Sootstar dips her head appreciatively before taking a bite out of the hare right then and there. She savors it’s taste before chewing and swallowing, blood speckling her chin. ”Shadowsight has always been a fine hunter…” She muses, expecting Snakepaw to dip his head before turning away. She’s surprised to find that the apprentice has more for her, an invisible brow raises with intrigue. ”I do, She retreats back into the shadows of her den and onto her nest, lined delicately with rabbit fluff. After settling in she fixates her gaze on the older apprentice, ”What is it?”
❪ TAGS ❫ — His offering had succeeded, with the leader extending an invitation to speak privately in her den, the most private quarters any cat in the clan had. Snakepaw could hear his heart pumping in his ears; not so loud that even RiverClan could hear him, but loud enough that he stood still for a few moments and tried to calm down. He couldn't look like some jittery fool in front of Sootstar. Compose yourself, mousebrain.

The black tom stepped forth, holding his head high as he painted himself confident and unwavering. Green eyes meet Sootstar's before he opens his maw to ask, "When you first became leader of WindClan... how did you know that you could do it?" Snakepaw realizes that he may sound like a curious kit prodding an elder for old battle tales, but he simply cannot ask this question of just anyone. Sootstar was one of five leaders in the entire forest, standing at the helm of an entire army of cats at her disposal. She was a powerful woman and the apprentice wants to know more, know how, know why.

"I mean, had you always wanted that kind of power, or did you step up for another reason?" He hopes that Sootstar will indulge him, even if for a minute or so.