private I wanna be your boyfriend! ✘ Eggbounce


Till I'm laughing alone
Jan 4, 2024
*+:。.。 Watery pink nose snuffles at the border markers, before twitching with disdain - and not a little disappointment - before pulling back into the shadows of a bush. Prickles didn't dare inch any further into Skyclan territory, not after the rumors he's been hearing from loners who heard from kitty-pets that there's been deaths lately. Whenever a stupid clan cat dies, it's always the loners they suspect first. Prickles snorts, rubbing his nose before nipping at the fur on his wrist, anxiety manifesting as it usually does for the patch-pelted tom. He shouldn't be here. He should be avoiding the border at all costs, searching through dumpsters and scaring tea-cup chihuahuas for their chew bones. Instead, the pin-striped idiot lingered, poking his head out of the bushes to glance around before proceeding to slink further along the outskirts of Skyclan's land.

He had to know.

It's been...a while since he'd last seen Eggpaw. The last memories he had of the other had been nestling into his soft fur, the smell of prey and warm moss making his nose tickle. Even fever-foolish and half-dead, he felt the coziest he'd ever been within the other tom's arms...Agh! Damn it! With a hiss, the feline stops in their tracks to scratch an awful itch behind his ear, batting at it until he cleared his head of the too-good-to-be-true memories. But of course, nothing could get the image of those robin-shell blue eyes out of their thoughts. Damn it!

Prickles needed to know that the dead Skyclanner rumors had nothing to do with Egg.

So onwards, the feline sniffed, searching the border for any sign of the cream and white tom-cat.

    DMAB— He/They — Bisexual
    15 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Member of the red water rogues

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #f35336
    injuries: None currently
  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun
eggbounce & 14 moons & male & he/him & skyclan warrior

Eggbounce knows he isn't meant to be off on his own - none of them are, really. And at first, he isn't. He goes out on patrol, determined to find something to add to todays fresh kill pile. But as always, he gets a little bit too distracted, strays a bit too far - hardly notices when the chatter and noise fades into nothing, and he is once again alone. When he finally notices it, he only blinks grey-blue eyes - because he can always rejoin them later, right? He's a big boy now - he's confident in his skills, little though he's ever used them

Pale figure slinks about, scanning the bushes for any flash of dangerous orange fur, scoping out the branches for mouthwatering prey. Indeed, he finds telltale auburn fur amungst the roots, but before pelt can do much more than fluff up he notices something 'odd' about this 'fox' - because it isn't a fox at all, but a cat.

A heartbeat, then two, and a wide smile stretches across the warriors face - a beaming grin he really has no control over. " Prickles! " he chirps out merrily, taking only a second to make sure no one from his patrol is around to hear - or see him go bouncing over to greet the other tom. While socializing isn't exactly against the code, or any such thing, it's certainly frowned upon - unless, of course, guiding a lost kittypet away from their territory, or finding a prospective joiner to bring back with him.

" What brings you out here! Oh - oh, you shouldn't be here! It's been super dangerous lately, foxes running 'round wild and killing cats! " eyes widen with worry, and tail twitches nervously as he glances about. Eggbounce is confident in his skills, yes, (though how well earned this confidence may be is an entirely other matter) but he does not have the same hope for Prickles. Can only think of wounded figure laying bloody, of stolen poppy seeds - of the fact that he is alone where eggbounce is not, and that his loner-friend doesn't have a medicine cat to patch up his wounds.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

*+:。.。 Prickles hears a snap of a twig, and knows instantly he's been caught. A lets out a caterwaul as, body stiff and hunched, he spins around to confront his assailant, teeth bared and - "Robin egg! Uh - Paw! R-Egg-paw!" Instantly tripping over his paws and his tongue, embarrassment alludes him only thanks to the bludgeon of joy that rams his skull into a messy pulp of endorphins. "Hi, hello, hi, ah, w-wow, hi" he bumbles about, a coiled mess of tension that can't quite seem to stand comfortably in one spot - anxiety and overwhelming happiness leading him to dance on his toes. Eggpaw is just as Prickles remembered. Soft blue eyes, even softer cream fur, a smile so bright it rivaled the sun and left Prickles blinking in a daze. How it could be that someone looked at him like

But the jaws of fear clamp down hard on his throat and refuse to let go when Eggpaw begins to question their presence here. Prickles stiffens once more, spine arching as he takes a step back only so he can look frantically about. Behind Eggpaw, to his left, to his right, no shadows stretch forth to reveal enemies waiting to pounce, but what remains of Prickle's fur still bristles with fear. "I'm sorry!" he immediately blurts, as he usually does when cornered, but the apology is directed towards the nonexistent shadows, not Eggpaw. To fear Eggpaw is to blanch at a mouse, or a rose bud. Eggpaw is about the farthest thing from scary that you could possibly get he's - soft, and cute, and sweet, and funny, a-and soft....

"Fuh-foxes?" he practically squeaks, snapping venomous green eyes back to Eggpaw. Although he shares the same pelt as those monstrous animals, he holds none of their blood-lust...or strength, to face off against one of them is a death sentence. Suddenly, Prickles wants to high-tail it out of here, the shadows he sees dancing in the corners of his eye suddenly growing larger and more hungry.

But, stubbornly, his paws remain in place. Before he can scream to his instincts why!? The answer pops as clearly into his head as the sight of the tom before him. "You - are you s-safe? Are you g-gonna be safe?" he splutters, rising to his feet to lean precariously closer to Eggpaw, as though expecting claw marks to appear on the other's face at any moment. "I- I know some places to hide, dark a-and small and - no foxes c-can fit I can - it's safe! - it'll, I can, keep you safe"


    DMAB— He/They — Bisexual
    15 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Member of the red water rogues

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #f35336
    injuries: None currently