I wanna break through {Intro}




Soft humming, it would flow and drift up into the quiet air of Shadowclan camp as Willowpatch sat in peace, paws busy at work doing her favorite hobby. Within her paws a flower bracelet was forming, the molly having found a few precious blooms during her morning hunt, and beside her, waiting patiently for their selection, was a small pile of prey skulls. Sure, her hobby could be a bit on the macabre side, but she found the little things fascinating.

These creatures had given their life so that Shadowclan could grow and thrive, so why not respect them by decorating them within her artwork? Her humming could continue as her paws moved swiftly, having done this plenty of times that it was practically muscle memory. Looking up when she was done, her gaze would settle on a group of her clanmates and after swishing her tail to get one of their attention, she would hold up her flower bracelet almost as if to offer her hard work to the one who had met her gaze, "Want it? Matches your eyes I think." As always, there was a soft purr beneath her words, it was rare to not hear the soft-spoken molly purring every time she talked. Eyes were always bright and happy whenever they settled onto any shadowclanner.

They were her pseudo-family after all, each taking care of the other with their skills. Willowpatch had never been much of a fighter, hunting has always been more her style, but what she lacked in battle prowess she attempted to make up in creating gifts for her clan or ensuring that nests and dens were clean.
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❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut’s talents lied in whatever was practical; hunting, fighting, tracking. The tom had always excelled in those areas, not necessarily a better fighter than he was a hunter or vice versa — a jack of all trades, if you will. Artsy things such as weaving nests or making flower accessories was definitely not his strong suit. A young kit would probably make a better flower bracelet than he could.

When he’s offered a floral accessory by Willowpatch, Roosterstrut manages a friendly grin and chirps, "Sure, thanks." He wasn't really someone who decorated his appearance, but the tabby wouldn’t reject an offering. Kind gestures were always appreciated by the young warrior; ShadowClan lacked in that department, honestly.

Having never interacted with such an accessory before, Roosterstrut inspected the floral bracelet and shuffled it around his paw until it rested on his ankle. "Does it go on like this?" The male tilted his head.

Roosterstrut blinked his pale green hues. Willowpatch was right; it did match his eye color. "You sure are talented. I don't know how you have the patience for working with those little flowers; my paws are too big for that, I think." He huffs out a chuckle. It was good to have some artsy clanmates around; ShadowClan could stand to be spruced up a tad.
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Bloodhound had been laying near their clanmates, grooming their own fur, just enjoying the peace and quiet. Idly watching Willowpatch's paws work, at the truth of it, her weaving, twisting, flower and bone.

Their eyes drift from their task to hers, interested, curious. Her paws were deft, small. Perfect for the job, it seemed. Her hobby was something they could appreciate, something they found beautiful, profound, even. A way to remember one's prey, their small, precious lives, animals that were not lesser, but a predator could not live without spilling blood, without harm. It catches their attention, it seemed so... meaningful.

They didn't quite know what art was, but it was.

Roosterstrut receives a gift, being closer. A bracelet that matched his eyes. They smile, purring gently, looking fully over at the two of them, now, languid. A quick glance at their paws, and then the tom's, and they agree with him. Much too big, too clumsy. They were a hunter, a fighter. Their paws were not quite used to gentleness. They'd slice those poor flowers with their claws, or crush the petals between their pawpads.

"He's right. Your paws were made for this, Willowpatch. It's a beautiful craft."

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Olive green eyes would brighten cheerfully as her gift was accepted by Roosterstrut and she watched as he slipped it on his ankle, nodding in approval, "That's perfect! Oh, I'm so glad it fits, that part is always a hit or miss." At his statement about her being talented and his paws being too big for such a skill, Willowpatch would shake her head, though the smile on her maw remained, "It's all about practice and patience, like any other skill. As a kit you didn't know how to hunt or fight, but you worked hard, and now look at you."

Her ears would flick as Bloodhound spoke up next, and when she turned to face them, her expression softened a degree more, as if the compliments from both cats meant more than she was letting on, "You two are so kind. Shall I make you something, Bloodhound? I'll even let you pick which skull can go in yours." She motions with her paw towards her neat pile, each bone cleaned and almost sparkling white in the dappled sunlight.

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"it certainly is... something."

that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. they thought it was a beautiful thing to be able to craft. shame she was a shadowclanner, and could not find better flowers to use for such things. still... maybe geckoscreech would like one. or spectermask.

"mind making me some? they make good gifts, it seems."

they asked, sitting down and nodding to roosterstrut and also to bloodhound before returning their attention to willowpatch.

//rushed fjdnsk sorry about that
staff notice
Just a staff reminder that wearing animal skulls as an accessory is considered cultural appropriation through our site rules! This thread is free to continue as these aspects may be collected (skulls) or worn (flowers) separately, but please do not have characters wear any bones obtained in this thread. Thank you!​

A dark head bumped into Roosterstrut's backleg as the wobbly apprentice maneuvered around the taller cats to see where they were gathered, blue-violet eyes staring incredulously at the floral arrangements as though he'd never seen a plant before in his life; or rather, he'd never seen them strung up in such a way. How did that work, how did she get them together, could you do that with anything? A ring of feathers, a bow of leaves, a crown of mushroom caps?
This strange skill captivated him and he watched warily to the delicate bend and twisting of stems and spindly plant parts with his fur puffing out around him in alarm. Magic. Had to be. The same strange force that kept birds in the area and fish underwater, surely it must be.
"...I want one." Magpiepaw said boldly, wanting to examine one of the flower rings up close so he could learn its secrets. Asking directly how to do it never once crossed his mind, it was the puzzle that intrigued him.

Willowpatch would turn her attention towards their leader as they approached, dipping her head in respect before she gave them one of her lazy smiles of excitement, "It would be my honor, Chilledstar. How many would you like? And do you have any certain plants you would like added?"

A wobbly apprentice would appear next, and Willowpatch would watch them in patience as they puffed up and then declared that he would also like a band. My, so many requests today. It filled her with a thrill as she gently beckoned the apprentice over and motioned with her tail towards some of her flowers and stems, "Pick out the ones you like best, Magpiepaw. I can teach you a little bit if you don't have any training to rush off too."

✦ ★ ✦

Willowpatch offers to make Bloodhound a bracelet too, letting them choose what materials to work with.

The hybrid is touched, their heart warm. They offer her a soft smile in thanks, a purr rising in their throat. Quietky deciding that they would bring her a gift in return, when they found one worthy of trading for such a beautiful bracelet.

In the meantime, they select long grasses and little red flowers. Subtle, the flowers bright like drops of blood. They would dry beautifully.

"Thank you dearly, Willowpatch. I would be honored to wear your work."

Chilledstar and Magpiepaw approach next, their leader nodding at them, silent acknowledgement. They nod at them in return, and at Magpiepaw as well, watching the apprentice wobble in and run into Roosterstrut.

Ultimately pleased to know that the two of them also saw the beauty in her craft.

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