pafp i wanna have big chompers | training



જ➶ "Thistleback! Thistleback! THISTLEBACK! Her voice is a wailing screech within the camp suddenly as she remembers that she had been looking for the tom. Her eyes gleam with her curious gaze as she searches for him. With quick paws she searches the elder's den. Disturbing their slumber with which she chuckles nervously. "Sorry!" Slipping away she heads to the warrior's den and looks in there but no Thistleback. Her face turns into a big pout as she twists herself and turns to look around. "Where could he be? I really wanna learn!" Small paws twist against the ground, light amber eyes searching the camp before she thinks that he must he out of camp. And if so then she will go and look for him. With a sudden turn and weaving around some of her clanmates she goes full throttle toward the exit of camp. But suddenly she hits something and goes backwards. "Ooof-," Landing on her rear she blinks slowly before she finally sees the lead and she lets out a bright gasp.

Quickly she is on her paws and jumping around the older tom with a bright grin on her pale fawn muzzle. "I found you! I need to ask you something super important!' She begins with a sudden pause and a wiggle of her hind quarters. Her muzzle pulls back to reveal her tiny teeth and she chomped them at the air. "Teach me how to chomp! Please! I wanna learn how to bite hard!"

-- pls wait for @ThistleBack to respond
The nettles whisper above, the bustle of camp can be heard ahead of him but Thistleback’s mind is loud clashing metals and caterwauls. He had nightmares with his eyes open, felt pressure in his shoulders like nails twisted into the sinew of his neck and back. He’s carrying a cardinal, splayed feathers twist in ballet from his powerful jaws.

His name rings in the air, three times, growing louder with each chipper meow. The piebald pauses for a moment, tail curling like a wood scorpion as he carries the scarlet feathered bird through the exit. Someone within camp was calling him-

Then a small honey colored figure collides with his hunting partner, landing hard on her tail but clearly not so winded for she was already turned onto him with hopeful amber hues. " for me? " he tilts his skull a whisker, because apprentices tended to steer clear of the stern warrior. Especially since the day he executed Kuiper.

Thistleback sets the bird down, the bramble entrance of camp swollen around them as he cocks a brow. A small smile worming its way over his scowling maw, the father within is tickled by the adorable child. The dusty smell of the elder’s den clings to her pelt as she asks him to teach her to-

chomp, needle-like teeth are put into pointed display, clamping at the air. His jaws flex, he bends on his hocks slowly to get eye-level with the ecstatic fawn. " slow down little lass " his hoarse purr rattles like dry weeds in the breeze. " of course my dear-, only, it doesn't take a hard bite to ward off an enemy nor kill prey " he questions around an entertained smile. " and too hard of a bite and your teeth can break " he warns, " Come- come. and, grab a stick. " he instructs and flicks his tail.

  • — I will kill for this lil beb

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    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


The apprentice's words carry, how can they not when the youth was so loud, so insistent? His ears flick in amusement as Heatherpaw promptly asks Thistleback how to chomp of all things. "That's a funny way of sayin' it" he says as he approaches, his blue eyes shining with amusement. "Do you mind if I sit in and watch? Perhaps I could learn a thing or two as well" he does have to admit, he misses having an apprentice. Howlpaw had been re-assigned when he had gotten his injury when he was in the medicine cats den and no one really knew when he was coming out of it. Howlpaw. Thoughts of her make him feel guilty. If he had never been injured perhaps she would still be here... He could have protected her, could have stopped her from going into that trap maybe. He always wishes for a way to be better. To do better. It's a shame that it's too late now. All he can hope for is that she makes a safe return to them.

જ➶ Eyes lighting up as he bends down to her level she tries her best to contain herself. Puffing out her cheeks and standing as still as possible so that she can hear what he has to say. It doesn't take a hard bit to ward off ememies and kill prey. Right! That is lesson one and she soaks it in like a sponge! Lesson two is bite to hard and she can hurt her teeth. Got it! But she wants to learn because Thistleback is a strong warrior and often referred to as scary but one who stands for Skyclan. She wants to stand for Skyclan too! She wants to be there when others need her and protect her home! Her back legs begin to jitter as she nods her head hurriedly and when he says to come and grab a stick she lets out an audible gasp. "Yes! Okay! I'll make sure to try my hardness to learn!" She promises and she turns to go and grab a stick when she sees Redstorm. He comments on her terminology and she laughs lightly as she skips around the warrior. "It's what Thistleback does! It's not a bite it's a chomp! Now I gotta find a stick!"

Personally she doesn't mind him watching the session but it depends on if Thistleback wants to share his secrets. At least she thinks it is a secret. A technique to behold! Sniffing around she finally finds her stick and she comes back with it dragging the ground. "Ah gof es stikh!" She speaks happily around the little branch.