private I wanna have long talks with you ♡ Tornadopaw

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw couldn't sleep.

His tummy hurt, his head hurt, he felt like his entire soul hadn't stopped trembling since Raccoonstripe's patrol. As the days trudged onwards, the boy couldn't help but long more and more for his time in the nursery. It had been so simple back then, so much less...morally incorrect to simply be. He missed just simply existing. Sighing, Wrathpaw felt another twinge of guilt, resting his head on his paws as he stared with heavy eyelids at his paws in the dark of the apprentice's den. He wanted to be a good apprentice, a good thunderclanner, but as the days wore on he...he wasn't sure what either of those goals even meant anymore.

Squeezing his eyes shut tight, he wished he didn't have to think about it.

And just like that, Starclan heard his wish.

A single glowing star, tinged green with new leaf's blessing, floated from the den's entrance. It took landing on Wrathpaw's nose for the boy to even realize it was there. With it's light shining so brightly, even through his closed eyelids, he couldn't ignore it if he tried. Blinking open deep blue irises, he stared in wordless awe as a lightning-bug fluttered its delicate wings on his nose. was so bright! So pretty!

Without further thought, the boy lifted a careful paw and aimed to gently poke at @TORNADOPAW! sleeping nearby. "Tornadopaw, look!" he mewed, baffled and eager to share in this rare occurrence with his den-mate.

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

Tornadopaw could. After all he hadn't been with Wrathpaw, he'd been where his paws belonged and yet a part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, he knew it was a bad thing that Racconstripe had led onto Skyclan's territory but still it would've been cool to see that territory and to see how a real battle felt like. He doesn't realize that it's a good thing that he's never heard the caterwaul of a warcry, doesn't understand yet the guilt that weighed on ones soul when blood coated their claws. He's naïve as all young apprentices were, idealistic and wholly innocent. Wrathpaw had gone beyond him, had taken a step towards adulthood and couldn't step back now. Though Tornadopaw would've agreed that the nursery had been more simple and a part of him too longed for those days, hearing how some of the other apprentices talked made him miss his grumpier nursery mates because at least they never looked at him with disgust or curled their lip when they said kittypet. He doesn't have to think of that now, he tries not too even when he's awake, with the idle thought in his head that he'd prove he was more then they thought of him.

He dreams of chasing birds and just as he is about to pounce something prods into him, with alarm he returns to the world of the waking his eyes blinking and a confused "Mrrrrr?" coming from him, he looks up towards Wrathpaw whose paw was retreating from him. He looked brighter then normal and not in the happy way like literally brighter. Still waking up it takes him a moment before he perks up "Wrathpaw, you have a star on your nose!" he blurts out in wonder, he shuffles so he sits in his nest.

"It's so pretty!" he purrs, his tail begins to twitch excitedly and he fight the urge to bap at it to see what it felt like. He sees there's wings on it, it wasn't a star it couldn't be but it was a really cool bug regardless! "It must think you're pretty too if it chose you to land on" he says with a giggle.

*+:。.。 Wrathpaw can't help but giggle at the noise that escapes his friend, shifting his gaze quickly from the lightning-bug to Tornadopaw then back again. "It tickles" he comments, voice as soft as the bug's little wing flutter, afraid to disturb it and those around them. Gratitude blooms in his chest at the chance to share this moment with 'Nado, though. He'd reached out instinctively, not having considered that perhaps his den-mate would mind being rudely awoken from his slumber. But as expected from a tom as happy and cheery as Tornadopaw, the boy lit up the event as brightly as the bug did.
He giggles again at the snow-shoes comment, meowing back, "I thought it was one, too! If we make a wish, do you think it'll fly away?" he asks, afraid to lose his new buggy friend. A murrow of pride runs through him when Tornadopaw describes him as 'pretty'. He hadn't thought of himself as being notable in looks, but the compliment made him feel oddly happy, especially coming from Tornadopaw. "Oh no, it's moving!" he feels a sudden urge to sneeze as the little bug crawls around his nose, looking like it's ready to take off. But when it doesn't, Wrathpaw wonders...

Scooting closer to Tornadopaw, he presses his cheek against the other's so that their noses are barely a whisker apart, "I think it wants to go on you!" he observes with a swell of joy in his chest. Maybe it's Tornadopaw's turn to make a wish, or the bug is feeling antsy at all of Wrathpaw's purring, or maybe even the little insect truly is abiding by 'who's prettier' and wants to change it's answer to Tornadopaw, either way, Wrathpaw is happy to let his friend have a turn.
If Tornadopaw holds still, the bug would flutter its wings, light dimming and brightening like a heartbeat's pulse, before climbing onto the former kitty-pet's pink nose next.
Wrathpaw's thick tail thumps on the ground with joy as he purrs, "Look at that! This is so cool! It totally knows you're the coolest cat in all of Thunderclan!"

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently