camp i wanna join your club .. diseased

May 16, 2023
It was most peculiar to see that the gluttonous little tom hadn't taken a single bite of the scaly prey in front of him. In fact, Otterpaw hadn't felt right at all since that morning. Rising from his nest had been the first battle, fighting off the fatigue that clung to his body. Ripplewave had commented his training the day before hadn't been so rigorous to deserve the exhaustion, but even his mentor had even found himself surprised when Otterpaw hadn't even tried to snap back in complaint.

He spent the day dragging along, quite literally, tripping over his own paws to as he tailed behind the battle-worn tom. Not testing his will in jumping ahead, but hardly keeping up. At some point Ripplewave had enough and returned them home, instructing Otterpaw to eat something in hopes it would perk up his mood. That left him where he was now, sitting outside the apprentices den, hardly moving an inch as he looked at his food with little interest.

One of his fellow apprentices tried to give a helpful nudge, encouraging him to eat. His jaws parted to take the smallest bite he could manage, wincing while he swallowed it down.

"It hurts. Hurts to eat." His throat was sore, telling from how strained his voice sounded when he spoke. As thought it lacked any breath. "Everything hurts..." Otterpaw finally grumbled, pushing the fish away in his frustration. ​

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ All things considered, he thinks it's understandable to be a bit...wary when he notices Otterpaw's lethargic behavior, deeply uncharacteristic. Yellowcough, Ravensong had called it at the meeting, and coincidentally, that's exactly the person Otterpaw should be seeing right now. Fallinglight doesn't know why he hasn't been ushered there sooner, but better late than never, right? "Hey, Otterpaw," he greets, and though he should maintain his distance as a precaution, he steps closer anyway. He doesn't want the poor guy to feel like he's some sort of ghastly creature to be kept away. "Have you seen Ravensong yet? Something tells me that'd be a pretty good idea."

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, if otterpaw has yellowcough, what does that mean for him? i don't think ravensong knows how to treat it yet. sure, he's not coughing, but he doesn't feel well and there's a sickness going around. that can't just be a coincidence.

    it's...not a death sentence, is it? i'm sure ravensong will figure something out.

Until now, Ravensong had not found any evidence of Dawnglare's plague—yellow cough as he had named it—within RiverClan. With the contagion he expected of greencough, he anticipated that it could appear at any day now. It was wishful thinking to imagine it never entering RiverClan's borders, especially with the ridiculous decision to attend Gatherings. StarClan-sanctioned or not, when it came to preserving his Clan over adhering to the will of StarClan, he would chose his Clan's health every day over the wrath of the heavenly entity. StarClan could judge him for it. He would not let them judge the innocent.

Loss of appetite, in whatever condition, was always a red flag. And it could have so many underlying causes, Ravensong thought as he hurried over to Otterpaw's side after Fallinglight. "I have a honeycomb you can lick—see if the soreness eases." Ravensong soothed, brushing his feather tail around the both of them as if to shield them from the others, even Fallinglight. He could take no chances. "You will have to stay with me until you feel better, as a precaution."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
When Otterpaw hadn't been eating, Ratpaw had been worried. She'd been an apprentice for less than a week at this point and had already noticed some small things from her clanmates - one of them being how much Otterpaw liked his food, so when there was no eating and the older apprentice mentioned how much it seemed to be paining him to eat, she almost mentioned how he should get help, only for Fallinglight to speak first, causing Ratpaw to simply nod in agreement. When Ravensong came over, the apprentice looked his way, listening to the potential cure for Otterpaw before mentioning that the apprentice would need to stay in the medicine den until he felt better.

"I can bring your fish to you, so that when the honeycomb helps you'll be able to eat it okay?" Because the honeycomb was going to help, because it had to. Otterpaw was not going to be sick like the cats at the gathering had said, it was just a sore throat and Ravensong could fix this. Eyes glanced over to the tall medicine cat before looking back towards Otterpaw. He had to be okay.
  • [ooc]
  • ratpaw is a four moon old apprentice of RiverClan. Her mentor is Salmonshade. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)
The corners of his lips tugged down in a nasty grimace when Fallinglight greeted him, his sour mood not lifting even a claw's length at a warrior giving him attention. Pale green eyes narrow, and he lets out a childish groan at the mention of Ravensong. Of course he didn't go see him, he was big and strong! A big kid that could take on anything, even this dumb yellowcough. He wouldn't need a cure even if there was one!

"No, his den is smelly and-" Words snap between his teeth and he glowers at the cream chimera. Of course Fallinglight had to summon the plague doctor.

"I don't wanna go! Ripplewave said we could go hunting for eels if I eat. I can... I can do it." His writhing against Ravensong was short-lived, not having nearly as much energy as he normally would to fight against him. Otterpaw looked at the fish with wavering determination, silent for a few moments before turning his head away from it in defeat.

"Okay... fine. I'll go." Otterpaw looked at Ratpaw, sheepishly pinning his ears. "Yeah... but tell everyone... Tell everyone I fought a fox! And that's why I'm not there." He couldn't let them think he was easily beaten down by a sore throat.​