i wanna know, can you show me & Eigen



❖ There had been another new face to the ever growing Skyclan, and it was rather interesting. That cats still found interest in the clan after all this time. The thought that Skyclan might be the same size for who knows how long, but it was joyous to see that was not the case. Things grew and grew and new leaf was on the horizon, and with each new face brought with it another new thing to the clan. A new expierence, more paws to work and time to spend. It was good, or would be good in the long run. Well at least that was how Brambleberry saw everything, as a good thing that would only make the clan stronger. Though these disappearances seemed to waver that feeling. Who would be next to be swept away by who knows what? There was many things at hand that could be a cause, and it made Brambleberry feel paranoid about it.

The ticked tabby tomcat flicked his tail back and forth for a moment as he shook his head to dislodge the paranoid thoughts that threatened. The sun above was warm and the air was fresh with the scent of rain, but everything felt peaceful almost. Those amber eyes looked around for a moment before he decided to make good on his mission- he had been asked to show around those who where new to camp. Being one of the ones to be around for quite a while, since the start of Skyclan, he was more than willing to help and the first cat he spotted was that of Eigen.

"Want to come on a walk with me?"
