pafp i wanna know- can you show me? // joining


meant to be here
Mar 3, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-I dont know Flora- what if they dont like me?

The same question he has asked several times before but has rephrased another six times. It was around noon, the air was warm and the forest fluttered on like nothing was wrong. Even though it felt like everything was wrong. Blue had been on the grass outside his fence for the last two hours pacing back and forth. The subject of going to Skyclan had been weighing heavily on his mind and now he was on the teetering edge of doing it.

Yet he couldnt help but worry about everything and anything that could go wrong. Even though Oddpaw was so friendly and Edenpaw had helped him get flowers to offer to sweeten his chances at joining. Even Jaypaw was a reason to go- but yet Blue felt as if he wasnt enough.

Flora had told him there was cats like her, cats who came and went with ease and that it was normal. Blue just didnt want to make things complicated for his parents nor the clans! What if he couldnt learn to hunt? OR fight? What if- Blue heaved a heavy sigh and collapsed to the ground with his paws over his head. “Oh i feel so bad! I’m so bad at making choices!” He whined softly and his tail lashed out behind him with his frustrations.

The blue and white tomcat then gave a small growl and straightened himself, trying to muster up the confidence to deicde and faking it the whole time- but fake it till you make it right? “Okay! Let’s do this- let’s just- rip it off! Quick and painless!” Blue fretted slightly and then looked to the ground. He looked around for a moment before picking up the flowers he had picked with Edenpaw a few days prior. Then he lifted his head and squared his shoulders, even though his tail trembled and so did his front paws as he walked towards the forest line.


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“Why wouldn’t they like you? When has anyone ever disliked you?” Flora didn’t mind that the question had been rephrased six times before this, her answer was always the same and usually Blue’s retorts to them had been things she could refute, she was certain that she could do it for the seventh. Despite the indifference in her tone there was something protective laying within her, if anyone had any issue with him then she was going to make sure that he wouldn’t be aware of that.

She could worry about attitudes towards him later because right now Blue needed her present, even if she was just laying down and pawing at stray blades of grass while she watched the younger cat practically dig a hole to bury himself with the amount of pacing he had been doing in that spot. She couldn’t really say that she related to his struggle with deciding what to do, for her it had been a really easy decision, if anything she had to pretend that she thought about it more than she did. Flora didn’t like seeing him so stressed about this though, she wished she could help take the stress off his shoulders.

She paused her ceaseless torment on the grass in front of her as half lidded eyes watched Blue pick up the flowers. There was a possibility that he would stop and turn back around again so she waited until he was a few paces ahead of her before she stood up to catch up to him, not that she really needed to pick up the pace at all. She nudges his side with her shoulder, pride beaming as bright as the sun's rays.

“That’s the spirit! Now, you’re going to have to wait at the SkyClan border. I can wait with you but I’m not sure how long you'll be waiting unless I go pester a patrol” The maine coon didn’t want to sell him any false promises, she can’t say for certain what the proper process was for joining since her own was unconventional but from what she had been told he’s supposed to wait at the border at least. Her pace quickened slightly so she could walk in front of him, standing by the SkyClan border, gesturing a paw to her side for Blue to stand next to her, waiting until he decided what he would like her to. Maybe this StarClan that everyone talked about would give a little luck his way and have a patrol naturally come by.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The closer the tree line came the more he felt like he might vomit up his breakfast- or what little he ate of it. The young tomcat didnt know why he was so afraid as it shouldn’t be a big deal right? Yet it felt like the biggest choice of his life- this could do so many things to him and he was willingly walking into danger. Though then there was a small nudge to his side, and Blue looked up at Flora with round eyes as he held the flowers in his mouth.

Though then Flora said that he would have to wait at the border and that made him panic slightly. So he was going to sit there and have to think his thoughts? So much for the ripping off the choice. Blue nodded regardless at her words and as they got to the border, he felt like his chest was going to explode. The young tomcat spoke around the flower he held, “Do you think @ODDPAW would come? Or maybe @edenpaw ?!

They had been two cats he had met previous, Edenpaw was this daylight apprentice or something and Oddpaw was so kind and silly. Then his gaze softened slightly, “Or maybe @jaypaw ! ? Or does it have to be some entirely else?” Blue looked up to Flora, totally not paying attention as the young blue cat then stepped onto the forest border.

This cold rush of adrenaline ran through his body, and he nearly dropped the flowers onto the grass but managed to clamp around them. He swallowed thickly and adverted his gaze down- suppose now all it was was a waiting game.

𓆝 . ° ✦

"Hello Flora," Sorrelsong greeted, her call muffled slightly by the warm bird in her maw. "Hello Flora's friend." The molly maneuvered her way down to the ground, having spotted the duo after identifying their voices on the wind. Her claws found branch after branch, and soon they had the unusual sterdiness of dirt. The bird hid her grimance. These days she found the ground more and more uncomfortable, a funny thought for a cat afraid of heights, but she brought her mind back to the moment before it could wander to far.
She set the bird at her paws before fully regaurding the two cats. They had the combination of two leg and forest smell on them that marked them of two worlds, a combonation Sorrelsong once had. She glanced at the tom, a soft smile on her face. He looked young, nervous yes, but she felt he would make a fine warrior - if her assumptions where correct and that is what he was here to do.
"A nice flower you have there, is that for someone in particular?"
✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧
  • ooc:
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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Jaypaw had been out with her mentor doing training when they had been on the way back the camp, the sight of her clanmates in the distant catching her sight. She dips her head in thanks for today's training and they part as she makes her way over, seeing a figure on the opposite side of the border. It must be a joiner but with the array of people surrounding them, she couldn't particularly tell if it was the kittypet that she had met before when she was out alone. Seeing as she didn't see @Orangestar or a lead warrior yet, the female turned on her paws and went off to retrieve the leader or one of her council members.

After alerting one of them of the joiner at the border, the blue tabby made her way over as her tufted ears flicked at the conversation going on. Her forest green gaze flicks to the other Skyclanners gathered around before finally making it to the group, catching sight of Blue. "What are you doing here for Blue?" The apprentice would inquire with a fictional eyebrow raise and perhaps he was here to join Skyclan despite her words of the brutal reality they lived in.

"speech", thoughts, attacking

Here came Chrysaliswing to ruin this poor kittypet's streak of nobody ever disliking him.

"Don't tell me you're here to join Skyclan." An abrasive tone sounded from the whipping, dancing shadows of the pine forest, and out approached the flame-brushed chimaera from the veil of shadows that gave way to his form. Blue Freeze Pop and Flora stood just where the treeline towered over them, waiting with bated breath for a hapless Skyclanner to happen upon them (though it seemed that Sorrelsong had gotten there first). It was not uncommon to see outsiders wander along the borders of the woodlands, like they tiptoed the line between civility and savagery, though Chrysaliswing would undoubtedly describe his side of the world as the civil sort. Chrysaliswing eyed the snow-dappled cat up and down, mismatched gaze afire with some incendiary enmity that tore through wispy and angled features. With him, the boy carried flowers like it were a peace offering, some sort of olive branch extended to the wildcats. It was an arm outreached and offering amity, but the tom found no need to catch blessings from the hand of whom he despised. "Joining a clan is a serious commitment. It is not a playground for stupid, fluff-for-brains kittypets to run around and hit their hollow heads." The emery-hued tom grumbled as he stopped besides Jaypaw, whiplike tail lashing behind him in serpentine manner. He knew he wouldn't deter Flora from bringing her new friend to the clan - Skyclan was reputed to be the home of kittypets, much to Chrys' chagrin.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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"Watch it, Chrysaliswing." Fireflypaw's voice is low in a rumbled growl of warning to the warrior as he arrives, milky blue eyes narrowed with distaste for the insult he's thrown onto the kittypet name. Had he forgotten Orangestar's rule about discriminating against kittypets? Or did he just not care? Perhaps Silversmoke had rubbed off too much on him in apprenticehood. He blinks then, his face shifting back into a friendly upturn of a smile once more- the rare bout of irritation now gone. He turns to the newcomer, smiling broadly at them before he dips his head in greeting.

"I'm Fireflypaw, medicine cat apprentice of SkyClan. Someone will be here soon to see if you can join us." He meows curtly, head tipping to the side questioningly. "If you wish to join, you'll need to defend the Clan with your life. This isn't a vacation from home, this is a cruel world we clan cats live in. Are you sure you'll be able to handle that?"

@TWITCHBOLT @SLATE @GREENEYES @Dogbite @Johnnyflame tagging lead warriors and deputy, just in case wren is busy!​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Chrysaliswing is lucky Fireflypaw's here to correct him (and hold back Edenpaw's pawful of claws from smacking him upside the back of the head). Skirting around the fluffy herb-dancer, they brush their thin pelt against him in a silent greeting for the blind feline before grinning towards the familiar face of a kittypet neighbor. "Hey! You ended up coming out here huh? Good to see you, good to see you," they greet in obnoxious cheer- the warnings about the dangers are not unfounded but they kinda assumed their own marred features were proof enough of that.

Still... they wouldn't say they regretted being in SkyClan. The rewards of friendship and unique adventure are plenty enough for the daylight apprentice. "You'll have to hunt too, and learn to climb and pay very close attention to the rules- breaking them has big consequences," they offer, having just had to recite the entire damnable code to their mentor as part of their assessment. "But you get plenty of time to learn it."
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Having been on a bit of a solo-hunt the tom hadn't taken notice of the new arrival. Not until he caught wind of the familiar scent of kittypet mingling with his clanmates own distinct aroma's. Leaving his fruitless pursuit the white and cinnamon feline rushed away to the border. Being late to the sudden social event came the scruffy-pelted tabby. Crested and dotted in brilliant cinnamon hues that blended into the array of cats. Stepping in alongside Fireflypaw and Edenpaw his blue gaze thins in dismay at Chrysaliswing.

Had Fireflypaw not already delivered a warning the Lead would've been tempted to make them quite the example for breaking the leader's word. Ignoring the bitter-tongued warrior he turns to the nervous looking cat in question. Expression softening as he notices the chorus of friendly greetings. It seemed this stranger was a welcome one and the noticeable trust proved to Dogbite he wouldn't need to be terribly hostile. Settling onto their haunches he nods his shaggy head in greeting.

Meowing hoarsely at the tom and observing their flowers with intrigue. "Just as my clanmates have said." A sudden seriousness paints their tone. "Will you sacrifice many of your comforts for the loyalties and hardships of clan life? Can we trust you to prioritize the lives of the many over your own?" They hadn't experienced the riches of being pampered or fed daily. He couldn't relate to why or how a Kittypet's world was but they could respect the choice of seeking life within the clans.

His decision had been built from a need to escape loneliness in the streets, and he was curious to know what their motivations would be.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- There- there was so many of them! Like they had come from the woodworks and had sensed his presence the moment they sat at the edge of the border. Nerves made his white and blue tabby pelt bristle and he set down his flowers quickly, opening his mouth to say something- anything- but nothing intelligent came from his maw. The first cat to approach them was a brown she-cat and she asked if the flowers where for someone, to which he wanted to say no they where not for a specific person.

Though then another cat came up before he could, Jaypaw to which he was so grateful to see. Though it was like once one came they all did and there was this ginger and black cat who seemed- less than thrilled he was there. Blue felt himself start slightly and his ears flicked back slightly, but of course he knew this! He- he never wanted something more in his life. A purpose, a reason for being. It’s Ike there was something forcing him into this and he wasnt fighting it back.

Blue then turned when this seal-point cat popped up, introducing himself as Fireflypaw- medicine cat of Skyclan. His gaze widened and his gaze shifted down to the flowers he so foolishly brought with him. Maybe they hadn’t been needed? Now he felt silly for thinking they’d help or something. Blue furrowed his brow and then brought his gaze to this ginger and white cat with a scarred face- he echoed the same words the others had.

Fight for his life, give his everything to the clan without question. Blue glanced up to Flora for a moment before then addressing the cat before them, “I am willing to give up my life for the clan, for all of you” He said firmly and he never felt so sure in a decision in his life, “If you’ll have me- id love to join Skyclan

She had been found mid-hunt, so close to catching a sparrow that she could almost feel the feathers between her claws, when Jaypaw had appeared from the trees at just the wrong angle and startled the prey away. Not immune to the flare of frustration over losing such a delectable piece of prey, Orangestar had needed several heartbeats to calm down and had sent the blue tabby on her way with clipped words. Even now, there's a telltale bristle of annoyance that lingers around long fur, even as she does her best to tamp it down and face this young kittypet with the formality he deserves from the Clan leader.

"My name is Orangestar. I'm the leader of SkyClan. What is yours?" Orangestar introduces herself, gaze resting upon him. She had arrived in time to hear the vow he makes, and has no intention of making him repeat it. Instead, she asks, "Are you intending to remain a kittypet as well?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- This large, white she-cat then came to join the throng of cats and he blinked a bit with round eyes. Orangestar? That meant leader right? He tried to rack his brain for something smart to say but his nerves were getting the best of him and making him tongue-tied. The young white and blue tabby though forced himself to lift his head and puff out his chest with some sort of vain pride, “I am Blue Raspberry Freeze Pop! It is nice to meet you all! Or you can just call me Blue- thats what everyone does

Then the orange and white cat, Orangestar, asked him if he intended to stay a kittypet as well and he wasnt entirely sure what kittypet meant. From what the black and orange cat had said it sounded like a bad thing- but he did know he didn’t want to leave behind his parents. So with not full understanding of the word, he oh so confidently nodded, “I’d like to stay with my parents too as well- if thats okay of course” His blue eyes sparkled with awe.
