i wanna raise your spirits | rattle

Jul 8, 2023

Sharing tongues. It was a peaceful activity. Although Lilacstem tended to avoid some when it came to sharing tongues - and some cats in turn avoided her - she found it to be a peaceful moment between her and her clanmates. It was Rattleheart she found herself accompanied by today. She didn't often see the tunneler, such was the case when one spent their time above ground and the other below ground, but he was pleasant enough company. Unlike many of the cats in WindClan, he did not seem as judgemental about Lilacstem's family. If he was, he was at least polite enough to keep those feelings hidden and speak to her with a bit of civility though. As she groomed him, her tongue found a particularly dusty patch near his shoulder blades, and she made a small grunt as it hit her tongue. "How is it you're still dusty when you haven't been tunneling for days?" Lilacstem remarks with a good-natured chuckle.


There were very few faces in Windclan that Rattleheart didn't enjoy sharing tongues with, often reserving his judgment of others until he got to know them well. That wasn't to say he never gossiped, but he also never put a huge amount of stock in rumors actually being true. Lilacstem just so happened to be the subject of quite a bit of gossip around camp, all surrounding her family and their "traitorous" nature. It felt so unfair, considering he'd never seen her show any signs of betraying Windclan, or doing anything but working alongside the rest of them.

Needless to say, her name wasn't on the very short list of those he didn't enjoy sharing tongues with - a list that mainly included the more unnerving faces around the clan. So, he was comfortable and relaxed as they groomed each other, a soft chuckle slipping from his muzzle at her question. "I think when you've been a tunneler for long enough you just end up with a thin layer of dust on you constantly. Usually I like the job, but I have to admit that being a moor runner seems more and more appealing after a long day when my fur is a mess..." Not that he particularly had the build for it. He was small and built with light, constantly tensed muscles. There was a good chance he'd blow away if he was standing out on the moors for too long.

At his comment about having a thin layer of dust on him, Lilacstem grinned. "I can believe that," She said, a hint of playful teasing in her tone. With the grit and dirt she could taste on her tongue, it certainly seemed plausible. "Being a moor runner has its benefits," Lilacstem mused. "The open space, the feeling of the wind on your back as you run, the thrill of the hunt. It's lovely. I will say the heat and rain can be a bit bothersome at times but the positives more than make up for it." The lilac calico lets out a contented sigh. She finishes a patch of fur she had been grooming, and then angles her head so that Rattleheart can continue grooming her. "Do you think you could have been a moor runner?" She asks, genuinely curious. Most cats with smaller builds in the clan wound up as tunnelers. Luckily, Lilacstem had never been assigned one. She probably wouldn't have minded but after losing her father many, many moons ago she had ceased liking being in the tunnels for extended periods of time.