pafp i want roses set on fire — gathering moss

The young warrior returns to camp, with a mouthful of moss in his maw. Foxtail knew Hazecloud must be worried sick about Lichentail... it must be difficult to see your mate so badly injured. Of course, the entire clan is worried for Lichentail, but it wouldn't even come close to how Hazecloud must be feeling. He remembers how deep Lichentail's wounds appeared to be upon her return to camp; Ravensong and Moonpaw must be quite busy healing her up. Foxtail was horrified at the sight of her wounds, and how she was covered in her own blood. Hopefully their deputy will make a smooth recovery, but Foxtail wanted to check-in on a different she-cat. Someone who probably hasn't stopped thinking about Lichentail since that fateful night.

"Hazecloud?" The young warrior mews with a muffled voice, popping his head into the nursery. The nursey is nothing like the den he's used to, tucked into a sedge wall; made up of willow branches and reeds. It almost looks cramped inside with the kits playing within the den, but at least the den is secure— even though it's so close to the river. "I got some fresh moss for your nest," Foxtail says as he takes a step in, placing the moss down for her to grab. He thought it would be best if she arranged the moss how she likes it, he wouldn't want to mess anything up! His tail swishes behind him, hoping she didn't mind him stopping by. She must be so busy with her kits, especially since they now can't be apprenticed until they're six moons, perhaps this can be a good distraction?

  • please wait for @hazecloud to post!
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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Keeping the kittens away from the medicine den while they played was becoming a tad easier after the initial shock. She could consider it lucky as well as unfortunate that they grew to quickly understand the importance of Ravensong's den and to not poke their sticky muzzles into it. She would let them say their hello's from the entry but did not let it continue much further than that, even keeping her own visits with Lichentail only after they were settled for bedtime.

Ears twitch at the sound of her name and she glanced up to meet a matching spring bloom stare, curious to what brought him into the nursery. He was made a warrior recent enough that she assumed he wouldn't want to return to his tasks as an apprentice in fetching moss. But there he stood, a bundle held between his jaws and her maw curled into a gentle smile once she realized.

"Thank you, Foxtail. Here, @HORIZONKIT was just showing me one of his favorite sticks from the willow tree. He's very impressed with it." It was a brittle little twig, and soon her kits would see the true strength the willow tree had once newleaf returned. Shedding feather-veined leaves in a draping canopy over their nests.

She passed Foxtail Horizonkit's toy in exchange for the moss and began to slowly replace her nesting with it. "I can do this part for you, I'm no elder yet. You have any stories to share with us today? Any fun patrols?" Maybe something simple to keep their minds off the rogues.
Horizonkit flicks an ear at the sound of his own name. His sisters were playing elsewhere, too absorbed in their own play to noticed that he'd wandered off in search of his own toys, but that suited him just fine. Fading blues watch the toy, a little whip-like thing he had fun with making holes in the nursery walls with, as it exchanges possession from Hazecloud to the strange new cat blocking the entrance of the den. Hmm, well, he's already done a lot with it. There wasn't much to be done with a stick. Maybe the stranger would like it better.

His vision is good enough now that he knows this isn't Lichentail, but something in him hopes it might still be. She hasn't visited in some time, though Hazecloud assures them all she needs to be somewhere else at the moment. He's starting to forget what she looks like. He peers around his mother's leg at the stranger, gaze flicking back towards her for some kind of confirmation.

She's preoccupied though. Horizonkit stretches a little further out to see what might be distracting her, though not far enough to put him in proximity with the stranger. Gray paws, like his but bigger, are methodically...doing something. To their nest! He's never seen this before─well, surely he has, but it just wasn't interesting enough to pay attention to. But this time is interesting, because it has the stranger's scent or because today is just a new day, so he pays attention.

Thoughtfully, he bats a few scraps of moss over and busies himself with patting it into the ground. Horizonkit has decided it needs to be flat, as flat as he can make it. Hazecloud and the stranger start to talk more, but he doesn't want to talk or listen to a stranger, he only wants to make his moss flatter. So that's what he does. Pap, pap, pap.