pafp i want something more than // concerned parent



bunnypounce & 26 moons & female & she/her & windclan tunneler

Bunny is shaking - tripod limbs quivering like a leaf even now that they are in the sandy hollow, far from the rogues reach, pinkish blue gaze still wide. She's escaped the worst of it thanks to the others - fogbound and violetheart in particular having shielded her from the violence before she'd fled, only a smattering of bruises and scrapes left along snow-pale pelt. Its only now that the adrenaline dies down however that she remembers with sudden clarity - "Bunnys kits - is anyone be seeing them?" no, they aren't kits anymore, but apprentices... and yet still, the discomforting feeling of concern ingers. Neck cranes as she stands upright on hind legs to peer over the crowd, high pitched voice calling out across those gathered. "Graypaw? Webpaw? Coldpaw? Is okay, yes? Not dead, not dead," worry tinges her words for once, and hind leg begins to thump out an anxious rhythm. They're fine - right?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for both @Graypaw and @WEBPAW to post first; additional optional ping for @coldpaw but no need to wait because idk if they're active atm
    tw/cw: —
  • short and squat albino she-cat with pink-tinged blue eyes and a missing front paw. she seems perpetually smudged with dirt from her time spent beneath the earth, and rarely makes an appearance above ground. bunny speaks in the third person, her voice strangely high-pitched and child-like, and doesn't seem to be the brightest of the bunch.

    physically medium && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=hotpink]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Sore paws had slammed hard against the terrain, her heartbeat a thundering echo in her eras.Her mind whirled and raced as she ducked into the crowd of gathering WindClanners, ashamed and frightened. She had not fought with valor, nor dug her teeth into the flesh of an enemy to save another; she had not lashed out with her claws or kicked the earth into the eyes of her enemy. No, Graypaw had hid in the brush, away from the fighting. All that she had done was listen and time her escape. In her eyes, she saw nothing but weakness when she visualized herself. A fool full of cowardice and pathetic mention.

Her ears perked when she heard her name wash across the crowd and enter her mind. The list of her siblings names and the familiar voice jolted an excitement within her. Bunnypounce was okay! The apprentice yowled back in response to the call of her mother, a noise singular to the family. She jumped onto her hind legs to peer over the crowd as her mother had done, but she was smaller, shorter and could not see past the wall of warriors. Graypaw pushed her way through the gathered felines, squirming and wiggling as the scent of Bunnypounce grew stronger, closer.

"Mom!" gasped the apprentice when her eyes fell on the slightly battered body of her friend. "You're safe!" she purred, running up to the warrior so that she could touch noses with the tunneler. "I'm so glad you're okay!"