I want to break free // decorating nest

His mind was made up, he was going to remain based outside of the camp within the exposed roots of a tree. It granted him enough shelter from the elements, and with a greater amount of free time on his paws he had managed to form a decent looking nest from what he could scavenge around the area. Sunnyday was somewhat thankful that it was drawing up to the warmer moons otherwise he knew he wouldn't be capable of shacking up alone in the way that he had. Time and space, that was the goal, at least until he could figure out what to do with himself in terms of moving forward. Things were never going to be the same, but perhaps it wasn't always going to be so dire. Somehow he would make up for his sins, but not quite yet. The tom was still processing it all in his head and that took time.

The sun was out that day and the forest was serene and picturesque as it was bathed in the warming rays. Sunnyday found himself in a moment of clarity and it was enough to lure him from his nest and out into the forest. It had been a while since he had last gone flower picking so when he came across a patch of elegant bluebells he simply couldn't stop himself from indulging. The tom collected as many as he could carry in his jaws before he made the return to his little corner that he called home. From there he proceeded to adorn the roots and the edge of his nest with the pretty flowers, weaving them carefully with a skill that he had mastered on his own.

A small smile warmed his features as he took the opportunity to step back in order to admire his efforts. From a sad little makeshift thing that could be barely called a nest he had managed to turn it into a merry little home of his own. It was still lonely but it held a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. "One day I'll be decorating the camp with flowers again."
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry hadn't been in camp when everything had descended upon Sunnyday. When he had arrived with news of his own downfall, effectively sealing himself as an unofficial exile. Even though she wasn't there to witness it herself, word spread faster than a wildfire. Sandpaw being in Berryheart's den was proof alone of what he had done, poor girl.

She was curious what had rendered the warrior to turn out the way he had. What was his breaking point? Why had he gone down the path he was on now? What once was a warrior so well respected, so revered for his contributions to ThunderClan, now devolved into an excommunicated hermit.

When she had passed through and overheard his mutterings she might have been staring longer than necessary. Connecting the dots of seeing
the patchwork of materials and him looking proudly beside it. She wondered if this would be a permanent fix for Sunnyday. Which brought her to question, how long would it take for the Clan, at least the majority, to forgive him? To move on and accept he had repented enough? That wasn't exactly her call of course but... she wouldn't treat him like a plague. At least not unless he proved he didn't truly regret his actions.

"The sycamore has my favorite moss. The roots carry the longest strips, so you can collect more in one trip." She moved to get a better look at what he created, noticing the collection of flowers with a small smile. "Is that just for a prettier look, or do the flowers help something?" Curious. She only ever applied feathers at most to her own bedding.— tags
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Repentance? Forgiveness? No, not yet. Not even close. Lightpaw wouldn't forgive the ostracized warrior. If Sandpaw was still being punished for something that wasn't even her fault, he could be punished for something that was. It was only fair, after all.

Lightpaw paused when he spotted the orange warrior admiring something within the roots of a tree, Killdeercry chattering words he hadn't quite bothered to hear. Upon closer inspection (from a distance), he noticed it was a nest now decorated with flowers. Of course. He wasn't exactly welcome in camp. His expression soured, dropping the moss that was in his jaws to speak.

"So this is where you've been hiding?" he said with a glower. "Just gonna hide here, plucking flowers and hope everything blows over like a coward?" His plumed tail swished in aggravation. "How about Sandpaw? Lichenpaw? Do you even know how they're doing?" Looking away, the apprentice scoffed. Of course not. If he had cared, he wouldn't have hurt them to begin with.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
If he were to be honest, sleekpaw really doesn't understand what the situation is - be it his young age, his naivety, or simply hi skewed morals from his own upbringing, what sunnyday had done seems to the boy to just be training gone wrong, nothing more. But adults are adults - they must know better, she supposes. Either way, they have no opinion to give, instead just watching the tom as he brings back pretty blue flowers that in turn draw the child over like a moth to a flame. He almost ass to have one, but the killdeercry's words and the sudden hostility from lightpaw the apprentice pauses, reconsidering. Well - she's made it this far anyways, might as well - "Are you going to share?" she asks softly, voice gentle and hushed.


Generally his little home was quiet and without visitors, but it seemed that today it had become a highway of activity. Sunnyday honestly wasn't sure how to feel about it in truth, but instinctively he bowed his head lower in a submissive display. His blue eyed gaze was on Killdeercry to begin with and he heeded her suggestion regarding the moss found by the sycamore tree. "Thank you for the advice, I sense it will come in useful." The less trips he had to make the better. "I've always liked flowers, they help to brighten up the place." The tom went on to explain as his gaze drifted back to that of his den. The flowers brought the place a new sense of life to what could be a drab existence, and not to mention that the scent they provided mellowed his mood somewhat.

Whatever level of calm he had been feeling however was washed away with Lightpaw's arrival and the apprentice's words stuck hard, as they should. The warrior made a point of not looking in his direction as he simply allowed it to sink in first. He wanted to respond, but how could he when nothing would make things right or better? It was a frustrating position to be in, but it wasn't like he had anyone to blame except for himself.

After Lightpaw's harsh words it almost comes as a shock when a softer voice reached his ears. Sunnyday turned himself around in order to take Sleetpaw into view, admittedly with a look of confusion at first. Share what exactly? It took a further moment but his mind soon figured it out and his mouth made a brief 'o' of realisation. "Oh! Are you wanting some of the flowers? Of course there's a few spare, please, take them." He took the chance to nudge a few of the sprigs of blue bells towards the youth before backing away. Though as he looked at the leftover flowers an idea came to mind and he found himself standing up straight. "I should take some of these flowers to Sandpaw."