ripple colony i want to buy you something // turtle shell

Jun 25, 2023

————————She/her | 35 moons | Ripple Colony————————
Despite best efforts, it feels as though there's never really enough to eat, what with the river drying up and leaving cats and prey alike with no life source, and so once again Rye's taken it into her own paws to find something to fill up some more bellies. It's probably partially to blame on the colony themselves, arriving so suddenly and snatching up so much prey, and not for the first time she considers trying her paw again at fishing; even with the river running so sluggish, it would at least give the land prey a break, maybe entice what was remaining to come back out again tomorrow. Stalwart against the heat, her course today is the edge of the river, not even all that far from their makeshift camp, really, though her stride is broken by a stumble as she wades through a patch of reeds, half-tripping over...well, something, partially buried in the marshy ground. After regaining her composure, Rye swings her head back around, nudging some of the pesky plants aside to get a closer look at whatever strange object had impeded her plans for the day. So covered in mud, it's hard to place the thing right away, and while she has a guess based off of the strange shape and faintly-visible markings, the lack of an identifiable scent as well as a lack of movement has her more confused than anything.

Large paws begin to methodically scoop away some of the mud, trying to free the object, and the more she uncovers, the more confused she becomes. Surely this can't be anything other than a turtle, but why is it not protesting her jostling, or trying to get away? When it's free enough to pry from the muck, she takes another moment to regard the find, wondering if she's been somehow mistaken. A sudden thought occurs to her, and Rye begins to drag the thing along the path she had originally intended to take, drawing ever closer to the river. Though it's always concerning moving through the mud beds left from where the river had receded, that's a problem she's unable to solve; instead, she'll dunk the object into the waters, making sure to keep one paw on it so as not to lose it to the small but present current. Scraping some of the mud off with her own claws, once it feels sufficiently clean she'll hoist it back onto the bank, curiosity brimming in her gaze. "Well, wouldja look at that?" she hums aloud, prodding once more at what's now clearly revealed to be a turtle shell - just, apparently minus the turtle. The inside is totally hollowed out, no creature to be found, leaving Rye stumped. Is it because of the river drying up? Back home, she'd never just found a leftover shell before, though it could have been discarded after some cat made a meal of the turtle inside. A mystery best left for the ages, she supposes, since it's clearly been here for quite some time; perhaps after she's finished with her fishing attempts, she can cart it back to their temporary camp for the youngsters to check out.
[penned by hijinks].