private I WANT TO LIVE | plaguepaw

Apr 16, 2023

Momowhisker hadn't expected to meet up with any clanmates, so seeing an injured Plaguepaw amidst those who had fled the rogue's terror shouldn't have been any more of a surprise than if he had seen Johnnyflame or Sweetybee, yet somehow, the raggedy tom had managed to elicit a panicked reaction from the point at the very sight of him. Perhaps it was just the thought of Plaguepaw, he was not known to the clan to be a particularly pleasant child, or perhaps it was his injuries, delivered upon him by a group that should've known better than to beat up a near-enough kitten. Regardless of his reasoning, the outcome of their reunion had remained the same, with the Daylight Warrior stalking his home as if it were a piece of prey, his ward close by. They had promised their clanmate food, real food, not the carrion from the rubbish bins their Lead Warrior had suggested, but the cost of it left the Oriental's throat bone dry. He had picked the middle of the day for their outing, when his Twolegs were likely to be away, when his parents were likely to be bathing in the sun instead of bothering to see what their son was up to.

Still, there was a looming threat that left his stomach twisted in knots and his eyes as wide as dinner plates. Plaguepaw was not the type of cat that would recieve a warm welcome in his household. Everything was modeled to fit him, food bowls were sealed until he or his sibling got close enough to them, water dripped from a flower that put the river's taste to shame, and even the catflap would not budge without his say so. To invite a stranger into the metaphorical 'palace' would be like inviting shame itself, but Momowhisker had let those in his second life down enough already. If he had not helped fend off the rogues, then the least he could do was make sure one of the survivors did not starve. They swallowed that growing lump in their throat, hoping it wouldn't be another thing caught in their winded stomach. "We're close," he whispered to Plaguepaw, slipping through a gap in the black gate that marked his 'territory'. Large ears pricked forwards, the caged bird upstairs had not stirred yet then, good.

"If we see anyone, we do not know each other, you just threatened me to get inside, ok? We can't be friends, or they'll be be no food... for either of us," Momowhisker warned, more grave than guilty, despite both emotions fighting in his head.


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Several scratches bordering on various degrees of severity littered the boy's pelt, leaving his skin to feel as if it'd caught fire. They burned and some itched. Though he did well enough not to pick at the slow forming scabs in fear of reopening his wounds. His mind was ragged, failing to comprehend the harsh attack tossed upon him by brutal rogues. A lean riverclanner managed to save him before he could breathe his last at the paws of his assailant. But in his panic Plaguepaw escaped in the wrong direction, rushing towards twoleg place rather than shadowclan like the others. Regardless, the friendly face of Momowhisker was more than he could have hoped for. And the promise of a meal after so little was distributed in the last few days was heaven sent for sure.

Bowing his head he squeezed under the blackened fence that marked the prestigious estate. Although pain was still clearly written across his visage, the boy's eyes grew wide at the sight of such a lovely home. A pang of longing hit him then, as he remembered his own home and twolegs. Lost to a fiery inferno that engulfed it all. Everything but him. Tossed to the side, fate saw fit for him to survive whilst bearing flame licked marks. He often wondered what life would be like for him now if that fire never started. Perhaps curled up on his human's lap where a gentle hand could stroke his face. Maybe he would be found bouncing in front of their tv, boxing at zombies in a futile effort to help them win their games. It was a fantasy he wished were real.

"We're close," The sound of Momowhisker's voice pulled the chausie mix from his thoughts and his belly rumbled in response. Food, soon delicious food would be his. But then a stipulation fell into place and a fabricated story quickly followed suit. His features contort to reveal his confusion maw parting to ask why, yet the tom shuts him down. There would be no food if he gave any kind of rebuttal. "Okay fine, lead the way." He rasped, voice raw and horse from his collar being twisted and wretched tight around his neck from the former rogue. Several more steps bring him closer. "How do you get in?"
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
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Momowhisker stared for a difficult few moments before giving an assured nod. Plaguepaw might not have understood why the lynx point needed things to work the way they did, but he was compliant, that was enough to calm his thoughts around getting caught helping 'wildcats'. The collar that dangled around Plaguepaw's collar wouldn't matter, only the scent of the pine forest would matter to his family, and he was sure that the bald patches of the apprentice would be the only thing his Twolegs would see either. There could be no charity, only admonishment for the life they lived. It almost sounded like someone else he knew, someone who'd claimed his existence was a very threat to the clan. Tailtip twitching in thought, Momowhisker turned from the Chausie mix and towards the catflap, slaloming past the well-maintained hedges and flower bushes, retreating into the shadows whenever he swore he saw movement; luckily, it was only the wasps buzzing about, the insects too occupied by nectar to be bothered by the presence of two cats sneaking about.

A question caused a ripple to roll down his spine and the Daylight Warrior quickly spun around. They prepared to hush the apprentice, instead, they were faced with a reasonable question. It was rare for windows to open for fear of the colour bird's escape, he doubted any other entrance would be conveniently open while his Twolegs were away either. "So... there's this weird floppy thing on my Twolegs' door, it really only opens for me. I just get near it and it makes a funny noise and I can get in. But, I'm thinking, if I stand near it, it'll let you through too." Doubt briefly flashed in Momo's eyes, it wasn't something he'd tried before. They gave a smile to hide it. Moving forward until the aforementioned weird 'floppy thing' (a large white square catflap) on a chestnut door) was in sight, the Oriental cat suddenly darted towards it as if chasing a mouse in the woods. With a lash of his tail, he ordered the black cat to keep up, uncertain of how much time they would have once they got inside. Standing before it, the Lynx Point waited and waited, making biscuits on the stone slabs for comfort. The right thing to do was never the easy one, was it? When he closed his eyes, he couldn't imagine a world without what waited inside, a palace that accommodated him in all but emotion.


Momowhisker stuck his head through the catflap, breathing in the heavy scent of rich spices and oranges. To the left, his microchipped feeder and water fountain. To the right, a large staircase that led to his Twoleg's nest, the forbidden room where he was forced to listen to the neverending squawks of Nimbus the parrot. Home... for the most part. He tried to look back towards Plaguepaw, a large ear getting stuck on the plastic. Momo would only be able to go forward, but he needn't go alone. "Ok, squeeze past me, quickly!" He mewed to them, praying to the Stars that he would not be decapitated if he stayed in the catflap for too long.


Long spindly limbs carry the tom forward, his gait sputtering to a stop every time Momowhisker flinched or halted for some reason. Bat-esque ears flatten against his helm as his eyes flitter about. Had the daylight warrior spotted someone? Was this entire operation a bust before he even had a chance to step into the house? For a fleeting moment, dread fills his belly rather than the empty void of hunger. But the longer he searched, Plaguepaw realized there is nothing to be found but the buzzing of insects above their heads. A sudden slump of his shoulders portrays his irritation. Momowhisker was being too cautious for his liking. Every little jumpscare was beginning to frazzle his nerves. A weighty sigh exits partially parted lips as he resumes a casual stance rather than the covert stealth he once carried. He would move once the tom was done fidgeting.

Though it did not seem as if he would need to wait long. The older male answers his question, leaving him to peer past to locate a strange ivory square smashed against a doorway. As Momowhisker explains his logic, Plaguepaw allowed a crooked grin to spread across his own features. "Nothing beats a try but a fail, amigo." And at this point he was willing to try anything. The flick of a well groomed tail beckons him forward, begging the apprentice to keep up. To which he follows suit dutifully. Glancing over his shoulder the boy surveys the garden, temporarily taking up the role of sentry until he hears a blissful click.

Snapping his attention forward he spotted the daylight warrior already halfway inside, urging him to squeeze past. A soft cackle trembles within his collared throat and with reckless abandon he shoves his way forward. Both boney shoulders end up caught within the flap, leaving him wedged between the lining of the catflap and Momowhisker himself. "What the...?" Gritting his teeth Plaguepaw planted his paws and scrambled with his back legs, pushing with all his might to get through. Being overly large certainly had its setbacks. But finally, with enough sheer force and determination he pops out, tumbling forward and landing in a heap of sprawled limbs. "Aughhh..." He grumbled softly, placing a paw upon his head as he righted himself slowly.

The interior of the twoleg nest was massive, he was sure all of skyclan could live here if the daylight's humans permitted. "Increíble!" His head turns to and fro in awestruck wonder before landing upon the fancy water fountain and some kind of contraption that smelt strongly of food. He spared no parting glance toward his temporary caregiver and instead trotted quickly toward the neat little station where he plunged his face into the fountain for a much needed drink.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈