I was made this way | Rosepaw



Name: Rosepaw
Relations: Rapidclaw x Condorwing (NPCS)
Age: 8 moons exactly
Gender: Female
Roe's appearance is a bit surprising, as her coloration and features are quite unique. With a glossy coat of long chocolate brown tabby fur and a very slim figure, Roe easily resembles a pure-bred kitty-pet. Long legs and small paws give her an elegant air, and her tail is rather long as well. Wide set eyes, a velvety chocolate nose, and white whiskers fill out her feminine face, and allow her to be quite expressive of her emotions, even without speaking. Her eyes themselves are a pale creamy-yellow, and her round pupils are often wide in excitement or happiness. Her build is definitely feminine and graceful, and while she's alright at swimming and fishing, she has a good build for running and would do just as well chasing rabbits and other swift creatures. Her long fur hides a majority of her muscles, and her quick speed and reflexes make her a force to be reckoned with on the battle field; though she can't take a hit very well.
Her pelt is a light chocolate with a light sprinkle of darker chocolate around her shoulders and down her back to the tip of her tail. Her chest is a warm off-white, as are the tips of her paws and her lower muzzle. Her ears are rounded with the darker chocolate and has a design reminiscent of Siamese cats around her face. She has a diamond of off white in between her eyes.
Roe is a very outspoken girl. She is as headstrong as she is caring, and believes that blood sparkles because it has stars in it. Despite this, she is, above all, the mother friend who goes out of her way to help others and include them. She is an enabler and finds it hard to say no to anyone. Don't let this make you think she is easily angered, she's not. She's extremely patient with others. Every rose has it's thorns, and hers is her loyality. She is more of a puppet to her parents and their message then her own person. Anything they say, she does. This leads her to acting strangley around others and overly enthusastic about voilence, as she believes it's the way to worship those around her.
—— significant traits: Caring, intensely protective of her siblings, willing to help anyone, patient, open, kind hearted, tit for tat, never forgets a grudge, never forgets a mistake, insecure, stubbron
Rose was born as the only surviving kitten in a large litter too, two very outspoken Sootstar loyalists. She was raised believing in Star clan religiously, even so far to think that her entire existence was because Star Clan had a higher purpose for her. She was raised in a way that made her believe that fighting for Star Clan (both physically in fights, and verbally by talking about them all the time) was the best form of honor she could give them.