pafp i was swimming in the Caribbean


i've found catharsis in every wave
Oct 17, 2022
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Without a second glance, she had hurried off. The river was not far, and nearly a straight shot ahead to where she was at. It was a pleasant day, as the cooler air was beginning to grow on her. It was a break from the rain and heat. Any amount of humidity was better than the frigid cold, though. There weren't too many kits around, but she hoped they would make it safely through the winter. For now, there was still some green on the plants among the waves of amber. Fallen leaves cracked beneath her pallid paws as she charged through them. Everything was still vibrant in color; in a few weeks, everything would be barren. Monochrome and lifeless. Unnerving serenity.

Upon reaching the riverbank, she sought out a shady spot to fish.. free from the sun and her own shadow. She was sure they would find her, and if not then she would have the afternoon to herself.

/ ♡♡please wait for @GARPAW & @Smokethroat
One of the last things she wanted to do was to spend the day fishing with someone as incapable as Bounceheart. What kind of cat didn't know how to fish?! Upon catching sight of the woman on the riverbank, she would inwardly groan, hoping that she wouldn't actually be expected to talk to her. After all, talking did scare the fish off. If she doesn't scare them off first. Settling in a fair distance away, she would gaze into the water, waiting for her opportunity to strike.

// ic opinions! <3

While he shared similar sentiments with Garpaw, to some degree, it was better to work on someone's failings than simply pass them off and let them flounder. RiverClan would benefit from the patience to teach, an unfortunate side effect of living in a clan was realizing that socializing was not just a recommendation but a requirement. Being able to see what others needed improvement on was easier the closer you were to them and the same went for you. StarClan knew he did not see himself the way others did or he would have noticed his edges sooner, would have seen how he cut those who grew closer to him even accidentally. Smokethroat wanted to be a better cat, not just for the clan but himself and perhaps...even a little selfishly, for the attention. He was not going to deny there was a satisfaction to hearing his name rung with praise, especially from Cicadastar himself, it sent a flood of endorphins through him like a stream; a sharp thrill that kept him pushing ever forward in search of the same hit each time. It was embarrassing to admit, so he probably never would, but if he could benefit from such a thing then surely others felt the same.
"At least it's a nice day." He commented, moving alongside Garpaw to the side of the water where Bounceheart was already perched and watching carefully.
"Garpaw, has your mentor taught you about the way water slices things yet?"

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

As incapable as she was at hunting, it was a feat that she could hold some patience for it. Repeatedly enduring something you you inadequate in required discipline. Discipline others lacked, notably. Plenty of time had been dedicated to fishing since her last public humiliation. Being an incompetent fisher in a clan dedicated to the bounties of the river was just short of estrangement. For moons, she had survived in the marsh group off of what she could catch on quick paws: rabbits, birds, and sometimes squirrels though she found them unsavory. Not enough meat on the bone to justify, unless they were fat prior to leaf-bare. Fish had been only a bartered commodity to her - something she ate when she was bored of her dinner.

Now it had grown to be her primary source of food. The tales of fat fisher-cats were true; the hardest work of catching the fish was waiting for the opportunity. For her own sake, she compared it to hunting birds. Once they noticed you, you lost your catch. With everything in mind (shadow, patience, timing) she was intent on success. Not only to prove a point, but she was famished.

As her company settled in and Smokethroat attempted to prod some conversation out of the grouchy youth, she sat idly. His words and the response she was sure to give passed through her, gaining no response. Something had caught her interest in the waters, evident only in her flicking tail. It seemed her stalling had costed her the catch, until she dove in after it as she had seen cats do before.

Speed was in her favor. The tabby kicked herself back to the surface, clenching her teeth around a river chub. She was careful not to drop it as she heaved herself back atop the riverbank, only placing it down gingerly at her paws. "It really is a nice day!" Satisfaction dripped from her tone, almost sickly sweet. Plenty of self-restraint had kept her from leaping up and down in excitement. She had to downplay for her own dignity. ​

− ♱ ABOUT : from a bushel of reed comes the river phantom, on his way back from a sole round near the river - lined borders. bounceheart is the first he spots, leaning over the corroded coast. garpaw settles off to the side, and to her left — his heart beats just harder, the click of his throat as he swallows concealed only by distance. a gust of breath leaves him, a controlled rhythm against a chest now aching almost nervously. he shakes himself, trotting forward, “ hard at work, i see? “ he purrs as he steps aside smokethroat, adding a fourth set of eyes to peer into the clear water below. he hopes the quickness of his paws are missed on the small patrol, veiling his pulling need to sidle himself alongside the voidlike tom.

he speaks to garpaw and — an ear twitches, curious to hear the answer. its then that bounceheart darts forward, slicing into the water and snatching a fish from its billowing depths, “ nice catch, bounceheart! “ the man crows, the corner of his maw quirking upward to reveal glinting teeth. there is a glimmer of pride, a shared satisfaction in watching his warriors succeed. he nearly beams with it, “ you're improving!

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.