camp i watch the moon — kittens intro

She works hard not to trip over the trio of dark forms toddling about her paws as she moves forth from her nest, eyes pools of mingled sadness and joy. Her kits are two moons old now, already weaned ... two moons closer to leaving childhood, and old enough to explore camp now. Bobbie's heart swells as she nudges the kittens forwards, the late morning sun blurred by windswept clouds, her three perfect children at her paws. She leans down to them and smiles, mewing, "You're old enough to explore camp now. But-" she emphasizes, "-you mustn't go outside camp until you're apprenticed, alright?"

Bobbie waits for a chorus of tiny agreements and then guides her litter futher into the clearing, watching them carefully; knowing this sudden onset of sights and sounds and smells must be surprising to her kittens. It still feels hard to believe they're real sometimes; her kits, her little ones; Drowsykit, Lupinekit, and Crowkit. As she watches them wobble forwards into the space, towards their Clanmates, her chest feels heavy with love for them, for her children. Bobbie swipes at her watery eyes: now's far from the time to get emotional, she muses, not in front of the whole Clan. She gives her kits a last nudge, mewing encouragingly, "Go on, loves. Go meet your Clanmates."

// @DROWSYKIT @CROWKIT! @eezy sorry for second ping but i wanted to get this out quickly!
no need to wait for the kits to post tho ^^
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To be frank he doesn't really want to explore camp, but he would rather stick with his mother and siblings than be alone. It's not that he never wants to leave the safety of the nursery, but with how much his mother has been pushing it... It feels as if he's obligated to like it and a part of him wants to nip his mothers legs for this transgression. However, his siblings seem excited enough for it and he would follow their lead. At his mothers instructions for what exploring entails, he glances at Drowsykit and Lupinekit. The pair agree and he so he gives a delayed mewl of agreement.

Wobbling forward, stumbling over his paws here and there he is woefully unprepared for what meeting everyone means. Once his ears were practically destroyed by the loud chatter and whoever it is that is practically breathing so hard he swears they're next to his ear purposely breathing in it to anger him, he had decided. Yep, this definitely isn't for me! The black kit begins to turn around, starting to retreat from this loud place. Don't get him started on the smell! There were too many scents, but something foul was in the air and if someone didn't put him out of his misery right now he was going to cover his ears and nose with mud!

Clearly he is the least excited kit about exploring camp at the moment. He is having regrets about this whole thing. The poor thing knows he is not going to be able to hide from camp, so he mewls in frustration and throws himself on the ground. Dramatic others might say when they see paws a little big for his small body covering his ears and as he wiggles around as if he were a worm.

of course drowsykit wants to explore camp, but parts of her is so sleepy. she yawns, rubbing her eyes with a paw before she slowly moved to walk against her mother. her gaze glossed over momentarily before yet another yawn leaves her. she shakes out her pelt, as if trying to get the exhaustion from her, before looking at crowkit. he didnt... seem very happy to be going out. she flexed her claws before nodding.

"hey crowkit, it's okay. I'll make sure everything is safe for you."

she promises but parts of her realizes what that entails. she... wasn't that confident in her skills to do that, but for her brother, she would try. she looks briefly at her other brother, lupinekit, before gently bumping against her mom and tumbling onward, yawning once more.

"what's first? hey, hey. how come we can't go outta camp? I bet there are so many cool spots to take a nap out there."
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"Mmmm. Perhaps not. Mon~sters lurk outside of the boundaries of camp.~" Abruptly the tom centers himself as he walks over, the announcement that Bobbie was introducing her kits causing him to rush over almost instantly. Massive, hulking body sways in the rough winds as hauntingly blue eyes stare gawking towards the three kits. One was reassuring the other; he must have missed something. Though, the smell of blood isn't present- perhaps just a kit having a tantrum, or perhaps just a feud between siblings.

His own memories of the nursery are faint, but he remembers the good times- when his siblings would join him in camp, wandering about helplessly as if newborn adventurers. Fireflypaw lets his body drop to the ground, a ball of ivory fluff on the ground. Mother's touch graces his very paws as the grass wavers, and Fireflypaw hears the Mother's approval.

"I'm Fireflypaw. It's.. Very nice to meet you. I can help you if you don't feel well, or if you get hurt- it's sorta a skill of mine, yeah?" He leans down, tail thumping against the ground. "My den's right over there if you ever need me, okay? My mentor is Dawnglare; he's pretty odd at first, but he's a good tom. Sometimes."

The flare of jealousy he had once felt upon any sight of a happy family had long died with his parents. It had been a violent closure, that one... and barely a resolution, but... in adulthood he no longer dwelled on what his mother and father did and did not do for him. What washed over him now was a distinguishable feeling of pleasantness, the acknowledgement that it really was lovely to see a group of kittens new to the Clan, brought to them and loved, given not the same fate as he. And they were just... adorable, weren't they? Despite his dithering demeanour, the manner in which his paws ever-trembled, the soft smile set on his face was entirely genuine.

His approach was gentle as he found rank beside Fireflypaw, a warrior dwarfed by an apprentice. "Oh, I've- I've heard so much about you guys," he chirped, weary gaze curved with his expression. "It's great to- to finally meet you!" It was important to give them a good first impression, wasn't it? Stars knew how damaging it would be if the first warrior they ran into swatted them away for the sake of peace and quiet.
penned by pin ✧

Despite SkyClan having so many that lived inside their camp already, Brightpaw was always excited when there were new kittens, so when she heard slight noise coming from the direction of the nursery, it piqued her interest. Coming closer she realized the noise was in fact words, and she quietly came forward more so that she could actually make them out properly. A smile formed on the apprentice's face as she moved closer, hearing the final words from Drowsykit and the answer Fireflypaw gave her.

"I don't think I'd ever want to take a nap outside of camp either," She chimed in, shaking her head, There's too many smells and noises, wouldn't get very good sleep." The camp was the safest spot for anyone, really, especially if naps were going to be taken.

Loud! Loud! BAD! The kitten is now mewling to his mother and siblings to show them his distaste. Despite his obscured view, he can make out his sisters voice. It is a bit disturbing when he realizes that her voice is small against everything else. He has to strain himself to hear her and for once, he wished all the times he wanted to punt her out of their nest for making so much noise that it was the other way around. Oh, what he wouldn't give to have everyone else be practically a whisper. It would've made things more bearable. When Drowsykit assures him that it's okay and that she'll make sure everything is safe, he ceases his wiggling and mewling. He lets out a sniff, paws still covering his face, "Really?"

The promise, while not confirmed is enough to calm him down. The noises are still far too loud for his liking and something smells horrible, but if Drowsykit says she'll make sure nothing will happen to him he will believe in it. As usual his sister yawns and it is another added comfort. Slowly he lowers one of his paws, a hazel eye watching the sky. And then he covers his exposed eye. He takes a moment to collect himself as Drowsykit asks what they can do. In all honesty he would still rather not be here, but his sister says she'll protect him. Little Crowkit finally removes his paws from his face and awkwardly starts squirming to stand on his own four paws.

A new voice reaches his ears. The poor tom is startled, running to hide behind his sister and mother. Little fluffy ears are pinned back when he finally has a name and face to the voice. Big. Scary. That's his first thought when he meets Fireflypaw. Crowkit winces, still not used to everyone's chatter. However, his hazel eyes would stare at the scars on the ivory toms face. He doesn't mean to be rude, but he's never really seen scars before. To be honest he doesn't understand half of what Fireflypaw is saying. A monster? What's that? If anything he isn't even sure Fireflypaw is speaking the same language. At the mention of helping him when he's hurt, he frowns. "But you're not mommy."

Perhaps this is the most random thing Fireflypaw has been told in response to saying that he is a medicine cat to a child. However, Crowkit doesn't understand or even know what a medicine cat is. As far as he knows his mom takes care of him when he's hurt or when he needs help. Never has Fireflypaw helped him before or even nursed him, so what the apprentice is saying makes no sense. Curosity gets the better of him when he mewls, "Your face is funny." Someone bring him back home, he's going to be making enemies today. Please make him stop.

Twitchbolt swoops in to save the day with his entrance. Crowkit tilts his head in confusion. Tiny. Twitchbolt by no means is a small cat, but his frame of reference at the moment is Fireflypaw. Considering that Twitchbolt is dwarfed by Fireflypaw, he comes to this conclusion. Kittens be big? It's amusing that Twitchbolt is concerned about making a good first impression, yet Crowkit is wondering if he'll ever grow to be that big in a few days. Safe to say that the goal was achieved? Well, if you consider being mistaken for an abnormally big kit as a win. Nevertheless, Crowkit gives the warrior a slight nod of his head.

Brightpaw moving closer makes him uneasy, the kitten starting to grip his mothers legs with his paws. He is not afraid of Brightpaw. The issue is that there's too many cats surrounding him, that it feels like they're interrogating him. "Go away," he quietly mewls. He is unsure if Brightpaw hears him and is not concerned about that in the least. Too many is correct. Too many smells, too many noises, and too many cats! Ah, he was going to have a rough start at this point. His poor mother may be regretting this decision.

"you guys are making him upset."

she insists with a flick of her tail. she doesn't want crowkit upset at all. he doesn't wanna play in camp, and that makes a lot of sense. it wasn't as if they really truly knew what was out here. with a blink, she looks at fireflypaw and gestures outside.

"monsters? wassa monster? do they have places they sleep too? oh, i bet they have really big nests, huh?"

there is a tangent bit of curiosity in her voice that goes away when she realizes what she was doing. rambling. a frown momentarily finds its way to her before she just shakes her head, yawning with a loud and lilelly obnoxious whine. her eyes drooped and suddenly any sense of energy is gone.

"im sleepy, mama."

drowsykit always is. she moved to try and climb up onto her mother's back. had she been successful, she would snuggle into her fur, humming.

"do you get to sleep a lot as a warrior?" she asks no one in particular. who knows if she would even be awake for the answer.

Soft, somewhat tired (raising kittens was hard!) green eyes watch with no small measure of anxiety as her kittens make their first shaky foray into camp; it's irrational, given that in two more moons they'll be off to apprenticeship. The very thought nearly brings a tear to Bobbie's eye: her kits are growing up so fast! She couldn't escape it more than anyone else could; time would not stop for her and her children, no, soon they'd be begging to leave the camp, much less the nursery. And yet the sadness mingles with a muted sort of excitement: once her kits were independent and assigned to mentors, she herself could perhaps attempt to take up the mantle of warriorhood. She was hoping sometime soon she'd be able to leave the kits with Orangeblossom or one of the other queens and perhaps shadow a routine patrol, just to see what it's like.

Unsurprisingly, her second son takes an immediate dislike to the many sensations of camp; even in the controlled cell of their family, her shy Crowkit was easily irritated by the sound of his siblings playing or another kit's whistling nose as they slept. He tosses himself down and begins to writhe about in annoyance, and as Bobbie weighs whether to step in and comfort him or let him handle this on his own, Drowsykit makes that decision for her. True to her name, her daughter yawns and stumbles into camp, blinking sleepy eyes and soothing her brother; the lilac queen's eyes soften at the sight of the black kit comforting her near-identical brother, always protecting the others. A few cats approach them, vaguely familiar faces, and she waits expectantly to see how her kits will take this; now they've begun to develop their personalities proper, far from the warm bundles nuzzling at her belly what feels like only a few sunrises ago.

Ah, the joys of raising children—in the span of a few short moments, Crowkit stops wriggling but immediately begins mewling for her assistance and shooting off tiny remarks, and in another breath is clinging to her legs. Shortly after that, Drowsykit mews a small childish ramble and then is clambering onto her back, a steady weight between her shoulders, and snuggling into the thick white-streaked mane there; she's not entirely sure her daughter hasn't entirely gone to sleep in the space of a heartbeat. Bobbie sighs, prays that wherever Lupinekit is that he's not causing trouble, and sets about doing damage control.

She shifts her shoulders to stop Drowsykit's tiny chin from prodding her directly between two vertebra, gently nudges Crowkit with the paw he's not currently hanging on, and looks up at the cats who've gathered. Bobbie glances down at Crowkit again, mewing a very gentle rebuke, understanding how overwhelming this could be but wanting to impart manners, "Crowkit, you know that's not nice to say. Fireflypaw is our me-medicine apprentice, he helps treat cats who are sick, and Brightpaw is just being nice." The queen glances somewhat apologetically up at the gathered cats, hoping they'll understand the lack of a filter kits and their intense, fast-burning emotions tend to have, and adds in a lower tone, "Thank you for coming to see them, it means, uh, it means a lot. Sorry about all this," She waves the paw Crowkit's not clinging onto like white on a dove.
( tags ) Lupinekit had been looking forward to this day quite a bit, actually. The nursery was great and all, he loved their cozy little bubble where they were all free to snooze and play amongst themselves in their warm nest, but the rare glances he caught of the outside had him itching to get a proper look at the trees and sunshine himself. Plus, there was an entire clan of cats out there to meet! Lupinekit had met a pawful of cats, and only briefly. The warriors that brought Mommy prey every day seemed so cool and professional, he hadn't worked up the courage to say a word to any of them yet, hopefully that would change today.

Lupinekit had spent a considerable amount of that morning grooming himself thoroughly for their grand exit, and he toddled timidly out of the nursery with his black pelt fluffy and considerably lacking any cowlicks. He was nudged to go meet his clanmate, but stuck close to Bobbie's side for a minute, attention immediately grabbed by the sky-scraping treetops and branches swaying in the wind. His moment of wonder was soon interrupted, though, by the sound of his brother throwing himself onto the ground and mewling in agitation, and then the sudden realization that they were surrounded by strangers (clanmates) gave him a spike of anxiety that had him lowering his ears. Drowsykit made some efforts at comforting Crowkit and then looked towards him for support, to which he offered a hesitant smile. Yeah, they would keep Crowkit safe, they'd try to, at least! Turning his attention to all the big cats, he tried to respond to their kind words and questions but couldn't figure out an graceful way to enter the conversation like he so wanted to, instead stumbling through a pile of 'uhm's and 'ah's.

"Uhm.. uh! I uhm..." He glanced behind for support, but it looked like Crowkit had already decided he was done with meeting people and Mommy chiding him for being rude while Drowsykit seemed to already be dozing on her shoulders. It looked like he was supposed to be family representative, then, a responsibility he took on with a nervous sigh. He turned again to face the Skyclanners that had gathered and gave a meek smile. "I'm Lupinekit, and that's Crowkit, and that's Drowsykit, an-and that's Mommy," Lupinekit introduced dutifully, pointing to the respective family members with his black paw, "It's nice to uhm, meet you, everyone." There, he'd done it! He was feeling quite pleased with his work before a small disaster struck.

SMACK! The wind picked up suddenly, blowing a leaf (big, dry, very crunchy) across camp and straight into the side of Lupinekit's face. He stumbled with a scared squeak and lost his footing completely against the gusts. He rolled comically with the wind right onto someone's paws and scrambled to his feet with an embarrassed "Sorry..!" and scampered straight back to Bobbie with tears prickling his eyes.

"Mommy we need to go back inside now, I-I think the wind's mad at me." he mewls and reaches up a paw to prod at her free foot, green eyes wide and watery with not-yet-shed tears threatening to burst. He could feel the little bits of broken leaf and dirt clinging to his fur and is washed with embarrassment all over again. Today was ruined, he was convinced. They could try this again tomorrow or something.